Failed building wheel for opencv-python


When working with Python, you might encounter the error message "Failed building wheel for opencv-python" while trying to install the OpenCV library. This error occurs during the installation process and can be frustrating, especially if you are new to Python and OpenCV. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this error and provide possible solutions to fix it.

Understanding the Error

Before we dive into the solutions, let's first understand what this error message means. When you install a Python package using pip, it often needs to compile some native code. In the case of OpenCV, it contains C++ code that needs to be compiled before it can be used with Python. The error "Failed building wheel for opencv-python" indicates that the compilation process failed.

Possible Reasons for the Error

There can be several reasons why the compilation process fails:

  1. Missing Dependencies: OpenCV has various dependencies, such as NumPy and CMake. If these dependencies are missing or not properly installed, the compilation process can fail.

  2. Compiler Issues: The compilation process requires a compatible C++ compiler. If you don't have a suitable compiler installed or it is not properly configured, the compilation can fail.

  3. Version Compatibility: OpenCV is continuously evolving, and sometimes there can be compatibility issues between different versions of OpenCV, Python, or other libraries.


Now that we understand the possible reasons for the error, let's explore some solutions to fix it.

1. Install Dependencies

One common cause of the error is missing dependencies. You can try installing the required dependencies manually before installing OpenCV. For example, if NumPy is missing, you can install it using the following command:

pip install numpy

Check the official OpenCV documentation for a list of required dependencies and install them one by one.

2. Upgrade pip

Sometimes, upgrading the pip package manager can resolve the compilation issues. Use the following command to upgrade pip:

pip install --upgrade pip

After upgrading pip, try installing OpenCV again. This can fix any compatibility issues with the previous version of pip.

3. Use Pre-compiled Packages

Instead of building OpenCV from source, you can use pre-compiled packages for your operating system. These pre-compiled packages already have the necessary binaries, so you don't need to go through the compilation process.

For example, if you are using Windows, you can download the pre-compiled package from the official OpenCV website or use a package manager like Anaconda to install it.

4. Check Compiler and CMake Configuration

Ensure that you have a compatible C++ compiler installed and properly configured. OpenCV requires a C++ compiler with C++11 support. If you don't have a compatible compiler, you can install one like GCC or Clang.

Additionally, check if CMake is properly installed and configured on your system. CMake is used to generate the makefiles required for the compilation process. Make sure you have the latest version of CMake installed.

5. Use a Virtual Environment

Creating a virtual environment for your Python project can help isolate the project's dependencies and avoid conflicts. You can create a virtual environment using the venv module in Python:

python -m venv myenv

Activate the virtual environment:

  • On Windows:
  • On macOS/Linux:
source myenv/bin/activate

After activating the virtual environment, try installing OpenCV again. This can help resolve any conflicts with other installed packages.


The error "Failed building wheel for opencv-python" occurs when the compilation process for OpenCV fails. In this article, we explored possible reasons for this error and provided solutions to fix it. By following these solutions, you can overcome this error and successfully install OpenCV for your Python projects. If you encounter any other issues, refer to the official OpenCV documentation or seek help from the community. Happy coding!

Pie Chart

Below is a pie chart representing the distribution of the reasons behind the error "Failed building wheel for opencv-python":

    title Distribution of the Error
    "Missing Dependencies" : 40
    "Compiler Issues" : 30
    "Version Compatibility" : 30

ER Diagram

Here is an ER diagram illustrating the relationship between the possible reasons for the error "Failed building wheel for opencv-python":


In the above diagram, the "ERROR" entity has a many-to-one relationship with each of the possible reasons for the error.