Linux SGX Disabled by BIOS


In this article, we will discuss the issue of Linux SGX (Software Guard Extensions) being disabled by the BIOS. We will explore what SGX is, why it might be disabled, and how to check and enable it if supported. We will also provide relevant code examples and diagrams to illustrate the concepts.

What is SGX?

SGX is a set of security-related instructions that enable applications to isolate specific code and data inside an enclave, which is a protected area in the memory. This ensures the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information, even in the presence of a compromised operating system or hypervisor. SGX provides hardware-based security for trusted execution environments, making it a valuable tool for secure computing.

Reasons for SGX Being Disabled

There are a few reasons why SGX might be disabled by the BIOS:

  1. BIOS Settings: Some BIOS configurations have an option to disable SGX. This could be done for compatibility reasons or to prevent potential security vulnerabilities.

  2. Unsupported Hardware: Not all processors support SGX. If the CPU does not have the necessary SGX capabilities, the BIOS may disable it.

  3. Outdated BIOS: Older BIOS versions may not have support for SGX or may have bugs that cause it to be disabled automatically.

Checking SGX Support and Status

To check if SGX is supported and enabled on your Linux system, you can use the sgxinfo tool. This tool provides information about the SGX capabilities of the CPU and the current SGX status.

Here is an example code snippet to check SGX support and status using the sgxinfo tool:

$ sgxinfo

The output of the sgxinfo command will display information about the SGX capabilities and status. If SGX is disabled, you might see a message indicating that SGX is disabled by the BIOS.

Enabling SGX

If SGX is supported by your CPU and it is disabled by the BIOS, you can try enabling it by accessing the BIOS settings. The exact steps to do this may vary depending on your system's BIOS interface.

  1. Reboot Your System: Restart your computer and enter the BIOS settings by pressing the appropriate key during the boot process. This is usually the "Delete" or "F2" key.

  2. Navigate to BIOS Settings: Look for an option related to SGX in the BIOS settings menu. The location and name of this option may vary depending on your system's BIOS.

  3. Enable SGX: If you find the SGX option, change its value to "Enabled" and save the changes before exiting the BIOS settings.

  4. Check SGX Status: After saving the changes and rebooting your system, use the sgxinfo tool again to verify that SGX is now enabled.

Class Diagram

Below is a class diagram illustrating the main components involved in the SGX architecture:

    class Application
    class Enclave
    class CPU
    class OperatingSystem
    class Hypervisor
    class Memory
    Application -- Enclave
    CPU -- Enclave
    Enclave -- Memory
    Enclave -- OperatingSystem
    Enclave -- Hypervisor


SGX provides hardware-based security for trusted execution environments, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information. However, SGX may be disabled by the BIOS due to various reasons. To check if SGX is supported and enabled, you can use the sgxinfo tool. If SGX is disabled, you can try enabling it through the BIOS settings. Remember to keep your BIOS up to date to ensure compatibility and support for SGX.

By understanding the reasons behind SGX being disabled and how to enable it, you can take advantage of this powerful security feature in your Linux system.


  • Intel SGX Developer Reference: [

  • Linux SGX GitHub Repository: [