Hive Impersonation: Understanding and Implementation

In Hive, impersonation refers to the ability of a user to execute queries as if they were another user. This feature is useful in scenarios where a user wants to run a query on behalf of someone else, without actually logging in as that user. In this article, we will discuss Hive impersonation in detail, explain how it works, and provide a code example to demonstrate its implementation.

What is Hive Impersonation?

Hive impersonation allows one user to run queries on behalf of another user, with the permissions and restrictions of that user. This is particularly useful in multi-tenant environments where different users have different access levels to the data stored in Hive.

Impersonation is achieved through the use of proxy users, which are users who have the privilege to act on behalf of another user. When a proxy user executes a query, the query is run with the permissions of the target user, ensuring that the access controls defined for that user are enforced.

How Does Hive Impersonation Work?

Hive impersonation works by setting the hive.server2.enable.doAs property to true in the Hive configuration. This property enables the HiveServer2 to perform the impersonation of users when executing queries.

When a user submits a query to HiveServer2, the server checks if the user has the privilege to impersonate another user. If the user has the necessary permissions, the server executes the query on behalf of the target user, using the user's credentials.

Implementing Hive Impersonation

To implement Hive impersonation, you need to configure the HiveServer2 with the necessary settings. Here is an example of how to enable impersonation in Hive:


By adding this property to the hive-site.xml configuration file, you enable impersonation in HiveServer2. Make sure to restart the Hive service for the changes to take effect.

Once impersonation is enabled, you can run queries on behalf of another user by setting the hive.server2.proxy.user property in your query. Here is an example of how to run a query as a proxy user:

SET hive.server2.proxy.user=target_user;
SELECT * FROM table_name;

In this example, replace target_user with the name of the user you want to impersonate. When you run the query, it will be executed with the permissions and restrictions of the target user.

Flowchart: Hive Impersonation Process

flowchart TD
    Start[Submit Query] --> Check[Check Proxy User Permissions]
    Check -- Yes --> Impersonate[Impersonate Target User]
    Impersonate --> Execute[Execute Query]
    Execute --> Finish[Query Execution Completed]
    Check -- No --> Reject[Reject Query]

Journey: Using Hive Impersonation

    title Using Hive Impersonation
    section Submit Query
        Submit Query --> Check Permissions
    section Check Permissions
        Check Permissions --> Impersonate User
        Impersonate User --> Execute Query
    section Execute Query
        Execute Query --> Query Execution Completed


Hive impersonation is a powerful feature that allows users to run queries on behalf of other users with the permissions of the target user. By enabling impersonation in HiveServer2 and setting the proxy user property in your queries, you can easily implement impersonation in your Hive environment.

In this article, we have discussed what Hive impersonation is, how it works, and provided a code example to demonstrate its implementation. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can enable and use impersonation in your Hive environment to run queries on behalf of other users.