Understanding log_archive_dest_2 destination in Oracle

In Oracle, the log_archive_dest_2 parameter is used to specify the destination for archived redo logs. This parameter is part of the log_archive_dest_n parameters, which allow you to configure multiple destinations for archived redo logs.

What are archived redo logs?

Redo logs in Oracle are used to record changes made to the database. These changes are recorded in redo log files, which are essential for database recovery and backup operations. When a redo log file becomes full, it is archived to free up space for new changes. These archived redo logs are stored in a separate location from the online redo logs.

Setting up log_archive_dest_2

To set up the log_archive_dest_2 parameter, you need to specify the destination where you want the archived redo logs to be stored. This destination can be a directory on the local file system, a network drive, or even a remote server.

Here is an example of how you can set up log_archive_dest_2 in Oracle:

ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_dest_2='LOCATION=/archivelogs/';

In this example, we are setting the log_archive_dest_2 parameter to store archived redo logs in the /archivelogs/ directory on the local file system. You can customize the destination according to your specific requirements.

Benefits of log_archive_dest_2

  1. Redundancy: By configuring multiple destinations for archived redo logs, you ensure that your redo log files are safely stored in more than one location. This redundancy is crucial for disaster recovery scenarios.

  2. Performance: Separating archived redo logs from online redo logs can improve performance by reducing disk I/O contention. This can result in better database performance during peak hours.

  3. Compliance: Some regulatory requirements may mandate storing archived redo logs in specific locations or on different storage media. log_archive_dest_2 allows you to meet these compliance requirements easily.

Monitoring log_archive_dest_2

You can monitor the status and activity of log_archive_dest_2 using various Oracle views and commands. For example, you can check the status of archive destinations by querying the V$ARCHIVE_DEST view:

SELECT destination, status FROM V$ARCHIVE_DEST WHERE dest_id = 2;

This query will show the status of log_archive_dest_2 and whether it is currently active or in an error state.

Journey of archived redo logs

    title Archived Redo Logs Journey

    section Initialization
        Oracle Database
        archived redo logs

    section "Archiving"
        Oracle Database --> log_archive_dest_2: Archive redo logs

    section "Storage"
        log_archive_dest_2 --> Storage: Store redo logs

    section "Recovery"
        Storage --> Oracle Database: Restore redo logs


In Oracle, the log_archive_dest_2 parameter plays a crucial role in managing archived redo logs and ensuring data protection and recovery. By setting up log_archive_dest_2 with the appropriate destination, you can improve the resilience and performance of your database system. Monitoring the status of log_archive_dest_2 is essential to ensure that archived redo logs are being stored properly.

In summary, understanding and configuring log_archive_dest_2 is essential for database administrators to maintain the integrity and availability of their Oracle databases. By following best practices and leveraging the capabilities of log_archive_dest_2, you can enhance the reliability and performance of your database infrastructure.