## Kubernetes vs. Virtual Machines: Will K8S Replace VMs?

### Introduction

In the world of cloud computing and container orchestration, Kubernetes (K8S) has been a game-changer. However, many people still wonder if Kubernetes will replace virtual machines (VMs) altogether. In this article, we will discuss the relationship between Kubernetes and VMs, and whether or not Kubernetes will completely replace them.

### The Process

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to deploy Kubernetes and understand its relationship with virtual machines:

| Step | Description |
| ---- | -------------------------------- |
| 1 | Install a Hypervisor on your machine |
| 2 | Create a Virtual Machine |
| 3 | Install Kubernetes on the VM |
| 4 | Deploy Containers on Kubernetes |
| 5 | Monitor and Scale your Deployment |

### Step 1: Install a Hypervisor
# This code installs VirtualBox as a Hypervisor
sudo apt-get install virtualbox
In this step, we install a hypervisor such as VirtualBox on our local machine. The hypervisor will allow us to create and run virtual machines.

### Step 2: Create a Virtual Machine
# This code creates a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox
VBoxManage createvm --name k8s-vm --ostype "Linux_64" --register
Next, we create a virtual machine using the hypervisor. This VM will act as the host for our Kubernetes deployment.

### Step 3: Install Kubernetes on the VM
# This code installs Kubernetes using kubeadm
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl
curl -s https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
cat <deb https://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl
We install Kubernetes on the virtual machine using `kubeadm`. This will set up the necessary components for K8S to run on the VM.

### Step 4: Deploy Containers on Kubernetes
# This code deploys a sample Nginx container using Kubernetes
kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx
kubectl expose deployment nginx --port=80 --type=NodePort
Now, we deploy a sample Nginx container on Kubernetes. This demonstrates how Kubernetes manages and orchestrates containers within the virtual machine.

### Step 5: Monitor and Scale your Deployment
# This code checks the status of the Nginx deployment
kubectl get pods

# This code scales the deployment to 3 replicas
kubectl scale deployment nginx --replicas=3
Finally, we monitor the status of our Nginx deployment using `kubectl get pods` and scale the deployment to run 3 replicas of the Nginx container.

### Conclusion

In conclusion, Kubernetes and virtual machines serve different purposes in the world of cloud computing. While Kubernetes provides container orchestration and management, virtual machines offer isolation and security at the hardware level. It is unlikely that Kubernetes will completely replace virtual machines, as they both have their own unique advantages and use cases. By understanding how to deploy Kubernetes on a virtual machine, developers can leverage the benefits of both technologies in their projects.