Redis Set/List with Expiration Time

In Redis, a popular in-memory data structure store, we can store both sets and lists of data, as well as set an expiration time for the stored data. This allows us to automatically remove the data from Redis after a certain period of time has passed. In this article, we will explore how to use sets and lists with expiration time in Redis, along with some code examples.

Set in Redis

A set in Redis is an unordered collection of unique elements. We can store sets in Redis using the SET command. To set an expiration time for a set in Redis, we can use the EXPIRE command. Here is an example of how to create a set with an expiration time of 60 seconds:

SET myset "value1"
EXPIRE myset 60

In this example, we first create a set named `myset` with the value `value1`, and then we set an expiration time of 60 seconds for `myset`.

## List in Redis

A list in Redis is a collection of ordered elements. We can store lists in Redis using the `LPUSH` command. To set an expiration time for a list in Redis, we can also use the `EXPIRE` command. Here is an example of how to create a list with an expiration time of 60 seconds:

LPUSH mylist "value1"
EXPIRE mylist 60

In this example, we first create a list named `mylist` with the value `value1`, and then we set an expiration time of 60 seconds for `mylist`.

## Combining Set and List with Expiration Time

We can also combine sets and lists with expiration time in Redis. For example, we can create a set of unique elements and a list of ordered elements, both with an expiration time. Here is an example of how to do this:

SADD myset "value1"
LPUSH mylist "value1"
EXPIRE myset 60
EXPIRE mylist 60

In this example, we first add the element `value1` to the set `myset` using `SADD`, and then we add the same element to the list `mylist` using `LPUSH`. Finally, we set an expiration time of 60 seconds for both `myset` and `mylist`.

## Flowchart

The following flowchart illustrates the process of storing sets and lists with expiration time in Redis:

flowchart TD
    Start --> Create_Set
    Create_Set --> Set_Value
    Set_Value --> Set_Expiration
    Create_Set --> Create_List
    Create_List --> Add_Value
    Add_Value --> Add_Expiration


In this article, we have learned how to store sets and lists with expiration time in Redis. By setting an expiration time for our data, we can ensure that it is automatically removed from Redis after a certain period of time has passed. This can be useful for managing temporary data or caching data that is only valid for a limited time. Redis provides powerful features for managing data structures and expiration time, making it a versatile tool for various use cases.