Flink Hadoop Security with Kerberos: Troubleshooting Guide

Apache Flink is a popular open-source framework for processing and analyzing big data in real-time. It provides excellent integration with Apache Hadoop, enabling users to leverage the powerful capabilities of Hadoop for data processing. However, when security with Kerberos is enabled, users may encounter issues related to login user authentication. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of the error message "flink Hadoop security with Kerberos is enabled but the login user does not h" and provide code examples to help you troubleshoot and resolve this issue.

Background: Security with Kerberos in Hadoop

Kerberos is a widely used authentication protocol that provides secure authentication between clients and services in a distributed system. It is commonly used in Hadoop clusters to ensure secure communication and access control.

When security with Kerberos is enabled in a Hadoop cluster, users need to authenticate themselves using Kerberos tickets before accessing any Hadoop services. This authentication process involves obtaining a ticket from a Key Distribution Center (KDC) and presenting it to the Hadoop services for validation.

Troubleshooting the Error Message

The error message "flink Hadoop security with Kerberos is enabled but the login user does not h" indicates that the login user has failed to authenticate with Kerberos, even though security with Kerberos is enabled in the Flink and Hadoop configurations. Here are some possible causes and solutions to resolve this issue.

1. Ensure Correct Kerberos Configuration

First, verify that the Kerberos configuration is correctly set up in both Flink and Hadoop environments. Make sure the krb5.conf file is properly configured with the correct KDC server and realm information. Additionally, ensure that the Flink configuration file (flink-conf.yaml) contains the correct Kerberos-related properties, such as security.kerberos.login.keytab and security.kerberos.login.principal.

2. Validate Keytab File and Principal

Ensure that the keytab file specified in the Flink configuration exists and contains the correct principal associated with the login user. The principal should be in the format username@REALM, where username is the login user and REALM is the Kerberos realm.

You can use the following code snippet to validate the keytab file and principal in Java:

import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation;

public class KeytabValidator {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String keytabPath = "/path/to/keytab";
        String principal = "username@REALM";

        try {
            UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytab(principal, keytabPath);
            System.out.println("Keytab and principal are valid.");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Keytab or principal is invalid: " + e.getMessage());

Replace /path/to/keytab with the actual path to the keytab file and username@REALM with the correct principal. Running this code will help you determine if the keytab file and principal are valid.

3. Check Hadoop Configuration and Permissions

Ensure that the Hadoop configuration files (core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, etc.) have correct Kerberos-related properties, such as hadoop.security.authentication set to kerberos. Additionally, make sure that the Flink user has the necessary permissions to access the Hadoop cluster and authenticate with Kerberos.

4. Verify Environment Variables

Check if the necessary environment variables related to Hadoop and Kerberos are correctly set. These variables include HADOOP_CONF_DIR, HADOOP_HOME, JAVA_HOME, and KRB5_CONFIG. Make sure they point to the correct directories and files.


Enabling security with Kerberos in a Flink-Hadoop cluster is crucial for ensuring data security and access control. However, when encountering the error message "flink Hadoop security with Kerberos is enabled but the login user does not h," it is essential to troubleshoot the issue to ensure successful authentication.

This article outlined several common causes of this error and provided code examples to validate the Kerberos configuration, keytab file, and principal. By following these troubleshooting steps, you can identify and resolve the authentication issue, allowing you to leverage the enhanced security features of a Kerberos-enabled Flink-Hadoop cluster.

Remember to consult the official Flink and Hadoop documentations for detailed configuration instructions and additional troubleshooting guidance.