Introduction to HiveSQL's STARTWITH Clause

HiveSQL is a query language used for querying and managing structured data stored in Apache Hive. It provides a SQL-like interface and allows users to perform various operations such as querying, filtering, and transforming data. One of the powerful features of HiveSQL is the STARTWITH clause, which allows users to perform hierarchical queries.

In this article, we will explore the STARTWITH clause in HiveSQL and provide code examples to illustrate its usage. We will also include a Gantt chart and a pie chart using the Mermaid syntax to visually represent the concepts discussed.

Understanding the STARTWITH Clause

The STARTWITH clause is used in hierarchical queries to specify the starting point of the hierarchy. It is commonly used with the CONNECT BY clause, which defines the relationship between parent and child rows in the hierarchy. The STARTWITH clause allows users to filter the data and start the hierarchy from a specific point.

The syntax for using the STARTWITH clause in HiveSQL is as follows:

SELECT columns
FROM table_name
START WITH condition
CONNECT BY condition;

Here, the condition in the START WITH clause defines the starting point of the hierarchy. It can be any valid expression that evaluates to a boolean value. The CONNECT BY clause is used to specify the relationship between parent and child rows.

Example Scenario

Let's consider a scenario where we have a table named employees with the following columns: employee_id, employee_name, and manager_id. The manager_id column stores the ID of the employee's manager. We want to retrieve all the employees who report to a specific manager and their subordinates.

To achieve this, we can use the STARTWITH clause in conjunction with the CONNECT BY clause. Let's assume we want to start the hierarchy from the employee with ID 100.

The following code demonstrates how to use the STARTWITH clause in HiveSQL:

SELECT employee_id, employee_name
FROM employees
START WITH employee_id = 100
CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id = manager_id;

In this example, we select the employee_id and employee_name columns from the employees table. We start the hierarchy with the condition employee_id = 100 using the START WITH clause. The CONNECT BY clause specifies the relationship between parent and child rows, in this case, PRIOR employee_id = manager_id.

Visualizing the Hierarchy

To better understand the hierarchical relationship between employees, we can visualize it using a Gantt chart. The Gantt chart shows the timeline of each employee's reporting structure.

    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    title Employee Hierarchy

    section Manager 1
    Employee 1 : 2022-01-01, 10d
    Employee 2 : 2022-01-11, 5d
    Employee 3 : 2022-01-16, 3d

    section Manager 2
    Employee 4 : 2022-01-01, 7d
    Employee 5 : 2022-01-08, 4d

In the above Gantt chart, we have two managers, each with their respective employees. The chart shows the start and end dates for each employee's reporting period.

Analyzing the Hierarchy

We can also analyze the hierarchy to understand the distribution of employees across different levels. A pie chart can be used to visualize this information.

    title Employee Distribution by Level
    "Level 1" : 40
    "Level 2" : 60
    "Level 3" : 30

The pie chart represents the employee distribution across different levels. It shows that 40% of employees are at Level 1, 60% are at Level 2, and 30% are at Level 3.


The STARTWITH clause in HiveSQL is a powerful feature that allows users to perform hierarchical queries. By specifying the starting point of the hierarchy, users can retrieve data recursively and analyze hierarchical relationships. In this article, we explored the usage of the STARTWITH clause and provided code examples to demonstrate its functionality. We also included a Gantt chart and a pie chart using the Mermaid syntax to visually represent the concepts discussed.

By leveraging the STARTWITH clause in HiveSQL, users can efficiently query and analyze hierarchical data, enabling them to gain valuable insights from their datasets.