Python Hook on Windows

Python is a powerful programming language that provides various hooks and mechanisms to interact with the underlying operating system. One such mechanism is the ability to use hooks on the Windows operating system. In this article, we will explore what hooks are, how they work, and how to use them in Python on Windows.

What are Hooks?

Hooks are event handlers that allow applications to intercept and respond to events generated by the operating system or other applications. They provide a way to extend the functionality of an application or modify the behavior of the operating system.

In the context of Windows, hooks can be used to monitor and control various events such as keyboard inputs, mouse actions, and window messages. Python provides a module called pyHook that allows us to create and handle hooks in Windows.

Installing pyHook

Before we proceed, let's install the pyHook module using pip:

pip install pyHook

Creating a Hook

To create a hook in Python using pyHook, we need to import the necessary modules and define our event handler functions. Let's start by creating a simple hook that captures keyboard events:

import pythoncom
import pyHook

def on_keyboard_event(event):
    print('Key:', event.Key)
    return True

hm = pyHook.HookManager()
hm.KeyDown = on_keyboard_event


In the code above, we import pythoncom and pyHook modules, and define an event handler function on_keyboard_event that is called whenever a keyboard event occurs. We then create a HookManager instance, assign our event handler function to the KeyDown event, and finally start the keyboard hook using HookKeyboard().

The pythoncom.PumpMessages() method is used to start the message loop, which keeps the hook active and processes the events.

Class Diagram

Let's visualize the class relationships in our code using a class diagram:

    class pythoncom
    class pyHook
    class HookManager
    class on_keyboard_event

    pythoncom --|> pyHook
    pyHook -- HookManager
    HookManager -- on_keyboard_event

The class diagram above represents the relationships between the pythoncom, pyHook, HookManager, and on_keyboard_event classes. The pythoncom class is related to the pyHook class, which is then associated with the HookManager class. The on_keyboard_event function is a member of the HookManager class.

Using the Hook

Now that we have created our keyboard hook, let's run the code and see it in action. Save the code in a Python file, for example,, and run it from the command line:


Once the code is running, it will start capturing keyboard events and printing the pressed keys to the console.

Relationship Diagram

To better understand how our hook interacts with the Windows operating system, let's create a relationship diagram:


The relationship diagram above represents the relationship between the EVENT, KEYBOARD_EVENT, and WINDOWS entities. The EVENT entity is related to the KEYBOARD_EVENT entity, which in turn is associated with the WINDOWS entity.


In this article, we explored the concept of hooks and how to use them in Python on Windows. We installed the pyHook module, created a simple keyboard hook, and visualized the class relationships using a class diagram. We also discussed the interaction between the hook and the Windows operating system using a relationship diagram.

Hooks provide a powerful way to extend the functionality of an application or modify the behavior of the operating system. With Python and modules like pyHook, developers can create sophisticated applications that interact with the Windows operating system in unique and exciting ways.