Docker Load -i and Tagging


In this article, I will guide you through the process of using the docker load -i command and tagging the loaded Docker image. This command is useful when you want to load a Docker image from a tar archive and assign it a specific tag for easier identification.

Process Overview

The following table outlines the steps involved in achieving the desired outcome:

Step Description
1 Load the Docker image from the tar archive using docker load -i command
2 List the loaded images to identify the image ID
3 Tag the loaded image using docker tag command

Now let's go through each step in detail and see what needs to be done.

Step 1: Load Docker Image from Tar Archive

To begin, you need to load the Docker image from the tar archive using the docker load -i command. This command reads the tar archive and imports the image into your local Docker environment.

docker load -i <path_to_tar_file>

Replace <path_to_tar_file> with the actual path to your tar archive file. This command will load the image and provide you with the output indicating the successful import.

Step 2: List Loaded Images

After loading the image, it is essential to identify the image ID to tag it correctly. You can list all the loaded images using the docker images command.

docker images

This command will display a list of all the images available in your local Docker environment. Identify the image ID of the loaded image that you want to tag.

Step 3: Tag the Loaded Image

Once you have the image ID, you can proceed to tag the loaded image using the docker tag command. This will assign a specific tag to the image for easier identification and referencing.

docker tag <image_id> <tag_name>

Replace <image_id> with the actual image ID obtained in the previous step, and <tag_name> with the desired tag name you want to assign to the image. The <tag_name> can be any alphanumeric string or a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.

Congratulations! You have successfully loaded a Docker image from a tar archive and tagged it for better organization.

Remember to replace <path_to_tar_file>, <image_id>, and <tag_name> with the appropriate values specific to your use case.


In this article, we explored the process of loading a Docker image from a tar archive using the docker load -i command and tagging the loaded image with a specific tag using the docker tag command. These steps are vital for managing Docker images effectively and simplifying their identification.