Git Archive: Exporting Your Repository

In Git, the git archive command allows you to export a snapshot of your repository at a particular point in time. This can be useful for sharing code with others, creating release packages, or even for deployment purposes. In this article, we will explore how to use the git archive command with some examples.

How to Use git archive

The git archive command creates a tar or zip archive of the contents in your repository at a specific commit or tree. The syntax for the git archive command is as follows:

git archive --format=<format> --output=<file> <commit>
  • <format>: The format of the archive (tar or zip).
  • <file>: The name of the output archive file.
  • <commit>: The commit or tree to create the archive from.


Let's say we want to create a tar archive of our repository at the latest commit and save it as myrepo.tar:

git archive --format=tar --output=myrepo.tar HEAD

This command will create a tar archive named myrepo.tar containing the files at the latest commit in the repository.

State Diagram

    [*] --> Initialized
    Initialized --> Committed
    Committed --> Archived
    Archived --> [*]

The state diagram above illustrates the process of creating an archive from a repository. It starts with an initialized state, progresses to the committed state where the archive is created, and finally reaches the archived state where the archive is saved.

Gantt Chart

    title Creating Git Archive

    section Initialization
    Initialize Git Repository: done, 2022-01-01, 1d
    section Committing Changes
    Commit Code Changes: done, after Initialization, 2d
    section Archiving
    Create Git Archive: done, after Committing Changes, 1d

The Gantt chart outlines the timeline for creating a Git archive. It starts with initializing the Git repository, followed by committing changes, and finally creating the archive.


In conclusion, the git archive command is a handy tool for exporting snapshots of your Git repository. Whether you need to share code with others or create release packages, the git archive command can help you achieve your goals. By following the examples and understanding the syntax, you can easily export your repository at any point in time. Give it a try in your own projects and see how it can simplify your workflow!