JavaScript XML-RPC

XML-RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is a protocol that allows software applications to communicate with each other over the internet. It uses XML to encode the data being transferred and HTTP as the transport mechanism. In this article, we will explore how to use XML-RPC in JavaScript.

Introduction to XML-RPC

XML-RPC works by sending an XML payload over HTTP to a remote server, which then processes the request and sends back a response in XML format. The XML payload consists of a method name and a list of parameters.

Here is an example of a basic XML-RPC request:


In this example, the method name is "add" and the parameters are two integers, 2 and 3. The server will process this request and send back a response containing the result of adding the two numbers.

Using XML-RPC in JavaScript

To use XML-RPC in JavaScript, we can make use of the fetch function to send the XML payload to the server and receive the response.

Here is an example of how to make an XML-RPC request using JavaScript:

fetch(' {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'text/xml'
  body: `
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(data => {
    // Process the XML response

In this example, we are making a POST request to the server at with the XML payload as the request body. Thefetch` function returns a Promise that resolves with the response from the server. We can then process the XML response as needed.

Handling XML-RPC Responses

The response from the server will be in XML format. We can use the DOMParser API to parse the XML and extract the required data.

Here is an example of how to parse an XML response in JavaScript:

const parser = new DOMParser();
const xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(data, 'text/xml');

const resultNode = xmlDoc.querySelector('methodResponse params param value int');
const result = parseInt(resultNode.textContent);

console.log(result); // Output: 5

In this example, we are using the querySelector method to select the <int> element inside the XML response, which contains the result of the XML-RPC request. We then use textContent to get the text value of the element and parse it as an integer.


In this article, we have learned about XML-RPC and how to use it in JavaScript. We explored how to make XML-RPC requests using the fetch function and how to handle XML responses using the DOMParser API. XML-RPC is a powerful protocol for inter-application communication and can be used in a wide range of scenarios.

About the author

This article was written by [Your Name]. [Your Name] is a JavaScript developer with experience in web development and server-side programming. They enjoy exploring new technologies and sharing their knowledge with others.


  • [XML-RPC Specification](
  • [Fetch API Documentation](
  • [DOMParser API Documentation](