Android Studio Download Source Could not Resolve All Files for Configuration


When working with Android Studio, you may encounter an issue where the download source for a library or dependency could not be resolved. This error occurs when the build system is unable to locate the necessary files required to download and include a library in your project. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error and provide step-by-step solutions to resolve it.

Possible Causes

There are a few common causes for the "Download Source Could not Resolve All Files for Configuration" error:

  1. Incorrect Repository Configuration: The repository you are using may not be correctly configured, leading to download failures.
  2. Network Connectivity Issues: The build system is unable to establish a connection to download the required files due to network problems.
  3. Gradle Cache Issues: The local Gradle cache may be corrupted or outdated, preventing the build system from resolving the necessary files.

Step-by-Step Solutions

To resolve the "Download Source Could not Resolve All Files for Configuration" error, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Verify Repository Configuration

  1. Open your project in Android Studio.
  2. Locate the build.gradle file for the module that is encountering the error.
  3. Ensure that the repository declarations are correct in the build.gradle file. Common repositories include jcenter(), mavenCentral(), and google().

Markdown table to illustrate the repository configuration:

File Repositories
build.gradle repositories {<br>    jcenter()<br>    mavenCentral()<br>    google()<br> }

Step 2: Check Network Connectivity

  1. Verify that you have a stable internet connection.
  2. Disable any VPN or proxy settings that may interfere with the build system's network connections.
  3. Retry the build and check if the error persists.

Step 3: Clean Gradle Cache

  1. Close Android Studio.
  2. Locate the Gradle User Home directory. The default location is C:\Users\<username>\.gradle on Windows or ~/.gradle on macOS/Linux.
  3. Delete the caches folder within the Gradle User Home directory.
  4. Restart Android Studio and rebuild your project.

Step 4: Sync Gradle Files and Rebuild

  1. Click on the "Sync Project with Gradle Files" button in the toolbar of Android Studio.
  2. Wait for the synchronization process to complete.
  3. Once the sync is finished, try rebuilding your project to check if the error has been resolved.


Here is a flowchart illustrating the steps to resolve the "Download Source Could not Resolve All Files for Configuration" error:

flowchart TD
    Start[Start] --> Verify[Verify Repository Configuration]
    Verify -- Yes --> Check[Check Network Connectivity]
    Verify -- No --> End[End]
    Check -- Yes --> Clean[Clean Gradle Cache]
    Check -- No --> Rebuild[Sync Gradle Files and Rebuild]
    Clean --> Rebuild
    Rebuild --> End


The "Download Source Could not Resolve All Files for Configuration" error can be frustrating, but by following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue. Remember to verify your repository configuration, check your network connectivity, clean the Gradle cache, and sync/rebuild your project. By doing so, you will ensure that the necessary files for your project are successfully downloaded and included in your build.