Java 17 and Android - A Comprehensive Guide

Java is a widely used programming language that has been powering various applications and platforms for several decades. In this article, we will explore the latest version of Java, Java 17, and its impact on Android development. We will also provide code examples and discuss the new features and improvements introduced in Java 17.

Introduction to Java 17

Java 17 is the latest long-term support (LTS) release of the Java programming language. It was officially released on September 14, 2021, and brings several new features, improvements, and bug fixes to the language. It is important to note that while Java 17 introduces new language features, its adoption in Android development is dependent on the Android Runtime (ART) and the Android Gradle Plugin.

Java 17 Features and Improvements

Sealed Classes

Sealed classes are a new feature introduced in Java 17 that allows developers to restrict the inheritance of a class hierarchy. By declaring a class as sealed, you can define which classes can extend it. This feature ensures better control over the inheritance hierarchy and improves the maintainability and reliability of the code.

Here is an example of a sealed class in Java 17:

// Markdown-disabled code block
public sealed class Shape permits Circle, Rectangle, Triangle {
    // class implementation

public final class Circle extends Shape {
    // class implementation

public final class Rectangle extends Shape {
    // class implementation

public final class Triangle extends Shape {
    // class implementation

Pattern Matching for Switch

Pattern matching for switch is another new feature introduced in Java 17. It allows developers to use pattern matching in switch statements, making the code more concise and expressive. With this feature, you can eliminate the need for explicit casting and simplify the code.

Here is an example of pattern matching for switch in Java 17:

// Markdown-disabled code block
public String getAnimalSound(Animal animal) {
    String sound = switch (animal) {
        case Dog d -> "Woof";
        case Cat c -> "Meow";
        case Bird b -> "Chirp";
        default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown animal: " + animal);
    return sound;

Foreign Function & Memory API

Java 17 introduces the Foreign Function & Memory API, which provides a standardized way to interoperate with native code and access low-level memory in a safe and efficient manner. This API allows developers to call native functions, manipulate memory, and interact with platform-specific libraries.

Here is an example of using the Foreign Function & Memory API in Java 17:

// Markdown-disabled code block
import java.lang.invoke.*;

public class NativeLibraryExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
        MethodHandle mh = MethodHandles.lookup()
                .findStatic(NativeLibraryExample.class, "nativeMethod", MethodType.methodType(void.class));

    public static native void nativeMethod();

Java 17 and Android

While Java 17 introduces several new features and improvements, its adoption in Android development depends on the Android Runtime (ART) and the Android Gradle Plugin. As of now, Android development primarily uses Java 8 syntax and APIs, with some limited support for Java 9 onwards.

To use Java 17 features in Android development, it is essential to check the compatibility and support provided by the Android platform. Android developers should keep an eye on the official Android documentation and announcements to stay updated on the latest supported Java versions.


In this article, we explored the latest version of Java, Java 17, and its impact on Android development. We discussed new features such as sealed classes, pattern matching for switch, and the Foreign Function & Memory API. However, it is important to note that the adoption of Java 17 in Android development depends on the Android Runtime (ART) and the Android Gradle Plugin. As a developer, it is crucial to stay updated with the latest documentation and announcements from the Android platform to leverage the new features and improvements offered by Java 17.

If you are interested in exploring Java 17 further, you can refer to the official Java documentation and try out the code examples provided. Happy coding!


  • [Java 17 Documentation](
  • [Android Developer Documentation](