TypeScript Reflect: Introduction and Usage

TypeScript Reflect is a powerful feature that allows you to inspect and manipulate properties and metadata of objects at runtime. It is built on top of the Reflect object, which provides a set of methods for performing these operations. In this article, we will explore the concept of TypeScript Reflect, its usage, and some code examples to help you understand its capabilities.

What is TypeScript Reflect?

TypeScript Reflect is a built-in API in TypeScript that provides a way to perform meta-programming operations on objects. It allows you to dynamically access and manipulate properties, methods, and metadata of objects at runtime. Reflect provides a set of methods that can be used to perform various tasks, such as accessing property descriptors, invoking methods, and checking object type information.

The TypeScript Reflect API is designed to work with TypeScript decorators, which are used to add metadata to classes, methods, properties, and parameters. By using Reflect, you can access this metadata and perform operations based on it, such as validating input parameters, applying authorization checks, or implementing dependency injection.

Usage of TypeScript Reflect

To start using TypeScript Reflect, you need to import the Reflect object from the 'reflect-metadata' package. This package provides the necessary TypeScript decorators and APIs to work with metadata in TypeScript.

import 'reflect-metadata';

To demonstrate the usage of TypeScript Reflect, let's consider a scenario where we have a class Person with some properties and methods, and we want to add metadata to these members using decorators.

class Person {
  @Reflect.metadata('description', 'This is the name')
  name: string;

  @Reflect.metadata('description', 'This is the age')
  age: number;

  @Reflect.metadata('deprecated', true)
  getFullName(): string {
    return `${this.name} is ${this.age} years old.`;

In the above example, we use the @Reflect.metadata() decorator to add metadata to the name and age properties, as well as the getFullName() method of the Person class. The first argument of the @Reflect.metadata() decorator is the metadata key, and the second argument is the metadata value.

Once the metadata is added, we can use TypeScript Reflect to access and manipulate it at runtime. Let's see some examples of how we can use TypeScript Reflect to achieve this.

Accessing Metadata

To access the metadata of an object member, we can use the Reflect.getMetadata() method. This method takes the metadata key and the target object as arguments and returns the metadata value.

const nameDescription = Reflect.getMetadata('description', person, 'name');
console.log(nameDescription); // Output: 'This is the name'

In the above example, we access the metadata of the name property using the Reflect.getMetadata() method. The first argument is the metadata key, the second argument is the target object (person in this case), and the third argument is the property key ('name' in this case). The method returns the metadata value, which is then logged to the console.

Modifying Metadata

We can also modify the metadata of an object member using the Reflect.defineMetadata() method. This method takes the metadata key, metadata value, and the target object as arguments.

Reflect.defineMetadata('description', 'This is the new name', person, 'name');
const newNameDescription = Reflect.getMetadata('description', person, 'name');
console.log(newNameDescription); // Output: 'This is the new name'

In the above example, we modify the metadata of the name property using the Reflect.defineMetadata() method. The first argument is the metadata key, the second argument is the new metadata value, the third argument is the target object, and the fourth argument is the property key. We then retrieve the modified metadata value using Reflect.getMetadata() and log it to the console.

Checking if Metadata Exists

To check if a particular metadata key exists for an object member, we can use the Reflect.hasMetadata() method. This method takes the metadata key and the target object as arguments and returns a boolean value indicating whether the metadata exists or not.

const hasAgeDescription = Reflect.hasMetadata('description', person, 'age');
console.log(hasAgeDescription); // Output: true

In the above example, we check if the description metadata exists for the age property using the Reflect.hasMetadata() method. The method returns true if the metadata exists, which is then logged to the console.


Here is a flowchart representing the flow of accessing and manipulating metadata using TypeScript Reflect:

flowchart TD
    A[Start] --> B{Has Metadata?}
    B -->|No| C[End]
    B -->|Yes| D{Access Metadata}
    D --> E[Modify Metadata]
    E --> F[End]


TypeScript Reflect is a powerful feature that allows you to perform meta-programming operations on objects at runtime. It provides a set of methods that can be used to access and manipulate properties, methods, and metadata of objects. By using TypeScript Reflect, you can dynamically interact with objects and take advantage of TypeScript decorators to