Notepad++ 7.1 enhancements and bug-fixes:

1.  Fix x64 crash on macro recording.
2.  Fix x64 crash on new language dialog of UDL.
3.  Check plugin architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) before loading.
4.  Enhance Smart Highlighting feature: 1. match case 2. whole word only 3. use find dialog settings for both.
5.  Fix poor performance of hex XML entities.
6.  Reshow CallTip text on separator character.
7.  Skip Auto-Complete self-closing HTML tags (<br>, <base>, <track>... etc).
8.  Fix 2 UI issues for RTL layout.
9.  Fix Folder as Workspace toolbar button inconsist behaviour.
10. Add option to skip word completion on numbers (default: ON).
11. Fix bookmarks toggled off's bug.
12. Sort plugin menu by plugin name.
13. Installer: Add 64-bit/32-bit old install detection, and old installation removal ability.
14. Installer: Ask user for keeping user data during uninstallation.
15. Installer: Fix uninstaller bug to not remove themes files from APPDATA.

Included plugins:

1.  NppExport v0.2.8 (32-bit x86 only)
2.  Plugin Manager 1.3.5 (32-bit x86 only)
3.  Converter 4.2
4.  Mime Tool 2.1

Updater (Installer only):

* WinGup v4.1

Notepad++ v7 new features and bug-fixes:

x64 build available.
Fix the DLL Hijacking Vulnerability of previous versions (by updating NSIS to v3.0).
Auto-updater improvement: periodical check can be disable via auto-update prompt dialog.
Installer enhancement: Check if Notepad++ is running and ask the user to close it before continue.
Enhancement: add conflict detection to Shortcut Mapper.
Fix auto-completion on XML comment <!-- comment --> and <?xml> tag bug.
Fix file saving crash which can be reproduced through a specific way to save file.
Fix a crash issue while UDL's user keyword list is too long.
Fix HDPI issues for some components (task list, margins and shortcut mapper).
Add a new feature(optional) : Close the last document will quit Notepad++.
Add more Change Case variants (Title Case, Sentence case, iVERT cASE, rANdOm caSe).
Add Open file & open containing folder commands on selected file/folder name in text content.
Add Search on Internet command on selected word(s) in text content.
Add Scroll Tab Bar with mouse wheel capacity.
Add commands for moving the current file tab Forward/Backward.
Fix bug of monitoring not working for files under root.
Ruby is supported by Function List.
Added new option: Enable scrolling beyond last line.
Add an option to restore old behaviour (open files in folder) while folder being dropped.

//z 2015-11-08 21:42:20 L.53 '8260  T2271915659.K[T1,L101,R2,V21]
Notepad++ v6.8.6 bug-fixes and enhancements:

1.  Fix function list not working for Javascript regression.
2.  Fix maintain indent not working in javascript regression.
3.  Improve the language detection at the beginning of file content.
4.  Fix possible file corruption during macro playback.
5.  Fix wrong EOL mode for opening/reloading big files.
6.  Fix loading 3 bytes file error due to bad encoding detection (UTF16 w/o BOM).
7.  Fix DocMap not updating issue when switching to user defined language or external lexer.
8.  Fix reload file issue: document marked as unsaved after reloading.
9.  Enhance the detection of EOL: if a document has no EOL for detecting, use EOL of new document settings.

Included plugins:

1.  NppExport v0.2.8
2.  Plugin Manager 1.3.5
3.  Converter 3.0
4.  Mime Tool 1.9

//z 2015-03-27 10:07:53 L.279'49927 BG57IV3@XCL T3088428018.K.F2725221698[T7,L218,R7,V173]
Notepad++ v6.7.5 new features and bug-fixes:

1.  Add ghost typing feature: launch Notepad++ with the auto-typing text from command line (via command line with argument -qn, -qt or -qf).
2.  Fix auto-insert bad behaviour : under some condition typing " or ' makes erase the further " or '.
3.  Fix the crash issue while user Ctrl + double click on an empty document.
4.  Fix crash bug on loading dropbox settings.
5.  Show progress window instead of a static window during FindInFiles and ReplaceInFiles.
6.  Filename rendered incorrectly on tab bar while it contains '&' character.
7.  Make highlighting (if enabled) follow typing for Incremental search, and add several Incremental search enhancements.
9.  Make keystroke ENTER trigger the shortcut editor dialog in Shortcut Mapper.
10. Allow drop files onto doc switcher and other side panels.
11. Installer remembers user's choices of last installation.
12. Fix Auto-indent in new code block not respecting current EOL bug.
13. Restore focus to editor when a panel is closed.

What is Notepad++ ?

Notepad++ is a free (free as in both "free speech" and "free beer") source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several programming languages and natural languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL License.

To build Notepad++ package from source code:

There should be several ways to generate Notepad++ binaries, here we show you only the way with which Notepad++ official releases are generated.
* notepad++.exe: Visual Studio 2013
* SciLexer.dll: Visual Studio 2013 (with nmake)

Double click on Notepad++\trunk\PowerEditor\\notepadPlus.vcproj to launch Notepad++ project in Visual Studio, then build it with the mode you want, that's it.

From version 6.0, SciLexer.dll comes with release contains boost's PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) feature.
Therefore Boost ( is needed to compile Scintilla in order to have PCRE support.
Here are the instructions to build SciLexer.dll for Notepad++:
1. Download source code of Boost from Boost site ( v1.55 should be used with VS 2013. Then unzip it. In my case, "boost_1_55_0" is copied in "C:\sources\"
2. go to Notepad++\trunk\scintilla\boostregex\ then run BuildBoost.bat with your boost path. In my case:
   BuildBoost.bat C:\sources\boost_1_55_0
3. go in Notepad++\trunk\scintilla\win32\ then run "nmake -f scintilla.mak"

You can build SciLexer.dll without Boost, ie. with its default POSIX regular expression support instead boost's PCRE one. It will work with notepad++.exe, however some functionalities in Notepad++ may be broken.
To build SciLexer.dll without PCRE support:
1. Go in Notepad++\trunk\scintilla\win32
2. Run nmake with an option:
   nmake NOBOOST=1 -f scintilla.mak

Notepad++ Unicode release binary (notepad++.exe) and Scintilla release binary (SciLexer.dll) will be built in the directories "notepad++\trunk\PowerEditor\bin" and "notepad++\trunk\scintilla\bin" respectively.
You have to copy SciLexer.dll in "notepad++\PowerEditor\bin" in order to launch notepad++.exe

Go to Notepad++ official site for more information :

Notepad++ team