A SQL statement that runs successfully is different from a committed transaction.

Executing successfully means that a single statement was:



■ Parsed

■ Found to be a valid SQL construction

■ Run without error as an atomic unit. For example, all rows of a multirow update

are changed.




However, until the transaction that contains the statement is committed, the

transaction can be rolled back, and all of the changes of the statement can be undone.

A statement, rather than a transaction, runs successfully.



Committing means that a user has explicitly or implicitly requested that the changes

in the transaction be made permanent. An explicit request occurs when the user issues

a COMMIT statement. An implicit request occurs after normal termination of an

application or completion of a data definition language (DDL) operation. The changes

made by the SQL statement(s) of a transaction become permanent and visible to other

users only after that transaction commits. Queries that are issued after the transaction

commits will see the committed changes.





You can name a transaction using the SET TRANSACTION ... NAME statement before

you start the transaction. This makes it easier to monitor long-running transactions

and to resolve in-doubt distributed transactions.

你可命名一个事务使用SET TRANSACTION...NAME语句在你执行事务前。这使得更容易监控
