Overview of Oracle Processes
This section describes the two types of processes that run the Oracle database server
code (server processes and background processes). It also describes the trace files and

alert logs, which record database events for the Oracle processes.




Server Processes

Oracle creates server processes to handle the requests of user processes connected to

the instance. In some situations when the application and Oracle operate on the same

computer, it is possible to combine the user process and corresponding server process

into a single process to reduce system overhead. However, when the application and

Oracle operate on different computers, a user process always communicates with
Oracle through a separate server process.





Server processes (or the server portion of combined user/server processes) created on
behalf of each user’s application can perform one or more of the following:

■ Parse and run SQL statements issued through the application
■ Read necessary data blocks from datafiles on disk into the shared database buffers
of the SGA, if the blocks are not already present in the SGA
■ Return results in such a way that the application can process the information
Background Processes
To maximize performance and accommodate many users, a multiprocess Oracle
system uses some additional Oracle processes called background processes.
An Oracle instance can have many background processes; not all are always present.
There are numerous background processes. See the V$BGPROCESS view for more
information on the background processes. The background processes in an Oracle
instance can include the following:






■ Database Writer Process (DBWn)   --数据库写入进程
■ Log Writer Process (LGWR)  --日志写入进程
■ Checkpoint Process (CKPT)  --检查点进程
■ System Monitor Process (SMON)  --系统监控进程
■ Process Monitor Process (PMON)  --进程监控进程
■ Recoverer Process (RECO)   --恢复进程
■ Job Queue Processes  --任务对列进程
■ Archiver Processes (ARCn)  --归档进程 
■ Queue Monitor Processes (QMNn)  对象监控进程
■ Other Background Processes  --其它后台进程
On many operating systems, background processes are created automatically when an
instance is started.
