
# Name:
# Author: Kevin Harris
# Last Modified: 02/13/04
# Description: This Python script demonstrates
# how to modify a string by
# converting it to an array
import array
str = 'My name is Kevin'
print( 'str = ' + str )
# We're not allowed to modify strings
# so we'll need to convert it to a
# character array instead...
charArray = array.array( 'B', str )
# assignment
charArray[11:16] = array.array( 'B', 'Jason' )
# replacement
str = charArray.tostring()
# assignment back to the string object
print( 'str = ' + str )
input( 'nnPress Enter to exit...' )


str = My name is Kevin

str = My name is Jason

Press Enter to exit...


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