

huge_list_size = len(huge_list)



如果这些都发生在同一环境中,请确保清除内存del huge_list


def read_file_generator(filename):
with open(filename) as infile:
for i, line in enumerate(infile):
yield [i, line]


huge_array = np.zeros(huge_list_size, dtype='float16')
for i, item in read_file_generator('huge_array.txt'):
huge_array[i] = item

我先前的回答不正确。我建议将以下内容作为一个解决方案,但它并不像hpaulj注释的那样You can do this in a multiple ways, the easiest would be to just dump

the array to a file and then load that file as a numpy array:dumpfile = open('huge_array.txt', 'w')

for item in huge_array:

print>>dumpfile, item

Then load it as a numpy arrayhuge_array = numpy.loadtxt('huge_array.txt')

If you want to perform further computations on this data you can also

use the joblib library for memmapping, which is extremely usefull in

handling large numpy array cmputations. Available at