
Microsoft Teams lets you create, schedule, and host secure meetings with a few of your clients or hundreds of employees. Quickly invite only the relevant people, or gather the entire channel into public or private sessions.

Microsoft团队使您可以与几个客户或数百名员工创建,安排和主持安全会议。 快速仅邀请相关人员,或将整个渠道聚集到公开或私人会议中。

(How to Create a Meeting in Microsoft Teams)

If you have the full version of Teams through a paid subscription, you can instantly create a meeting from the Calendar tab of the Teams desktop client or the Teams web app. Navigate to the Calendar tab on the left side, and press the “Meet Now” button.

如果您通过付费订阅拥有完整版的Teams ,则可以通过Teams桌面客户端或Teams Web应用程序的“日历”标签立即创建会议。 导航到左侧的“日历”选项卡,然后按“立即开会”按钮。


Name your meeting anything you wish. Use the toggles next to the video and audio icons to activate or disable those devices as desired.

根据需要命名会议名称。 使用视频和音频图标旁边的切换按钮,根据需要激活或禁用这些设备。

If you want to change your device settings or make a test call before you start the meeting, select “Custom Setup.” Under “Other Join Options,” you can start the meeting with audio off or use a phone number so guests can dial into your meeting. When you’re ready to go, hit “Join Now.”

如果要在开始会议之前更改设备设置或进行测试通话,请选择“自定义设置”。 在“其他加入选项”下,您可以关闭音频或使用电话号码开始会议, 以便访客可以拨打会议 。 准备出发时,请点击“立即加入”。


Once the meeting starts, you can immediately start inviting people in your organization by typing their name into the “Invite Someone” field in the top right. While you have to have a paid license for Teams to set up a meeting, you can send an invitation to anyone whether or not they have a subscription or are inside your organization.

会议开始后,您可以在右上角的“邀请某人”字段中键入他们的名字,立即开始邀请组织中的人们。 尽管您必须获得团队的付费许可才能召开会议,但是您可以向任何人发送邀请,无论他们是否已订阅或在组织内。

To invite people outside your organization, click the “Links” icon next to the “Invite Someone” field, which resembles two interlocking links, to copy an invite to your clipboard. This link isn’t a user-friendly URL; instead, it’s a badly encoded rich-text hyperlink. This means that you can paste it into a rich-text environment like an email but not a simplified text format, such as SMS text messages.

要邀请组织外部的人员,请单击“邀请某人”字段旁边的“链接”图标(类似于两个互锁的链接),将邀请复制到剪贴板。 此链接不是用户友好的网址; 相反,它是编码错误的富文本超链接。 这意味着您可以将其粘贴到电子邮件之类的富文本环境中,但不能粘贴到诸如SMS短信之类的简化文本格式中。

The floating menu bar at the bottom gives you quick access to various information panels and controls. From left to right, you can view the current duration of the meeting, toggle your camera, toggle your microphone, share your screen or various apps, access more controls like recording and device settings, raise your hand, view the text chat for the meeting, show participants, and end the call.

底部的浮动菜单栏使您可以快速访问各种信息面板和控件。 从左到右,您可以查看会议的当前持续时间,切换相机,切换麦克风,共享屏幕或各种应用程序,访问更多控件(如录制和设备设置),举手,查看会议文本聊天,显示参与者并结束通话。


While you can schedule meetings in the Teams mobile app, this “Meet Now” feature is not currently available on either the Android or Apple versions of the app. Fortunately, you can still use Teams to make audio and video calls with anyone inside your organization. To make a call in Teams, navigate to the Home page of the Teams mobile app and select More > Calls > Make A Call, enter the name of your contact, and select either the “Video” or “Audio Call” option .

尽管您可以在Teams移动应用中安排会议,但此“立即开会”功能当前在该应用的Android或Apple版本上均不可用。 幸运的是,您仍然可以使用团队与组织内的任何人进行音频和视频通话。 要在Teams中拨打电话,请导航至Teams移动应用程序的主页,然后选择更多>通话>拨打电话,输入联系人的姓名,然后选择“视频”或“音频通话”选项 。

(How to Schedule a Meeting in Microsoft Teams on Desktop)

You can schedule meetings from several places in the Teams desktop client or the Teams web app, but only if you have the paid version of Teams. The easiest way to see if your colleagues are available is to use the Calendar feature on the left side of your desktop app. If you’re creating a meeting with folks who have hectic schedules, navigate to the Calendar tab on the left side. This tab will not appear if you’re using the free version. Click the “New Meeting” button, and the New Meeting form will appear.

您可以在Teams桌面客户端或Teams Web应用程序中的多个位置安排会议,但前提是您拥有Teams的付费版本。 查看同事是否有空的最简单方法是使用桌面应用程序左侧的日历功能。 如果要与日程安排繁忙的人创建会议,请导航至左侧的“日历”选项卡。 如果您使用的是免费版本,则不会显示此标签。 单击“新会议”按钮,将出现“新会议”表单。


Alternatively, you can click on any open space in your calendar and open this same New Meeting form. While the form normally sets the proposed meeting time to the next upcoming half hour by default, using this method will automatically set the time and date based on where in the calendar you clicked.

或者,您可以单击日历中的任何空白区域,然后打开相同的“新会议”表单。 默认情况下,表单通常将建议的会议时间设置为下一个下一个半小时,但是使用此方法将根据您单击的日历中的位置自动设置时间和日期。

Lastly, if you want to set up a meeting with one or more people grouped into a chat, open the “Chat” tab on the left side. Click the “Schedule A Meeting” button to bring up a New Meeting form with everyone in this chat automatically added to the invitation.

最后,如果您想与一个或多个分组为聊天的人建立会议,请打开左侧的“聊天”标签。 单击“安排会议”按钮以弹出一个新会议表单,此聊天中的每个人都会自动添加到邀请中。


However you navigated to the New Meeting form, you can now fill out the rest of the details. Give your meeting a title, add the required or optional attendees, set the time and date, choose if and how often you wish the meeting to repeat, specify a Teams channel or physical location, and finally add any additional details regarding the meeting to the text box at the bottom.

无论您导航到“新会议”表单,现在都可以填写其余详细信息。 给您的会议起一个标题,添加必需或可选的与会者,设置时间和日期,选择是否希望重复会议以及重复的频率,指定团队渠道或实际位置,最后将有关会议的任何其他详细信息添加到底部的文本框。

If you’re having a hard time finding an opening for this meeting in everyone’s schedules, select the “Scheduling Assistant” tab at the top and compare the calendars of every required or optional attendee that you’ve added to this meeting. When you’re ready to schedule the meeting, click “Save.”

如果您很难在每个人的日程安排中找到此会议的开始时间,请选择顶部的“日程安排助手”选项卡,并比较您添加到此会议的每个必需或可选与会者的日历。 准备好安排会议时,请单击“保存”。


(How to Schedule a Meeting in Microsoft Teams on Mobile)

If you have a paid subscription to the full version of Microsoft Teams, you can schedule a meeting through the mobile app on Android devices as well as iPads and iPhones. To schedule a meeting, select the “Calendar” tab at the bottom of your screen and tap the “Schedule A Meeting” icon.

如果您已订阅了Microsoft Teams完整版,则可以通过Android设备以及iPad和iPhone上的移动应用程序安排会议。 要安排会议,请选择屏幕底部的“日历”选项卡,然后点击“安排会议”图标。


This will bring up the New Event form. Here, give your meeting a title, add participants, and set a time and date. Optionally, you can share this meeting with a channel, so that anyone in the channel can join. You can also set a physical location for the meeting, turn this meeting into a recurring meeting, and add a description if desired. When you’re done, tap the “Done” checkmark at the top right of this form.

这将显示“新事件”表单。 在这里,给您的会议起一个标题,添加参与者,并设置时间和日期。 (可选)您可以与频道共享此会议,以便频道中的任何人都可以加入。 您还可以设置会议的实际位置,将该会议转变为定期会议,并根据需要添加描述。 完成后,点击此表单右上方的“完成”复选标记。


When your event has been successfully created, you’ll receive a temporary notification telling you this as you are returned to your Teams calendar.



Teams give you the flexibility to create impromptu meetings at a moment’s notice, as well as create complex schedules with dozens of personnel using recurring meetings. Find the balance that works best for you and your colleagues.

团队使您可以灵活地立即创建临时会议,以及使用重复会议与数十名人员创建复杂的日程表。 找到最适合您和您的同事的平衡。
