

  • 一、模拟效果—物理过程展示
  • 二、物理模型——Lammps构建体系
  • 三、模拟细节-Lammps In文件—模型构建
  • 四、模拟细节-Lammps In文件—物理过程模拟
  • 1、势函数参数
  • 2、模拟过程实现
  • 五、全部In文件下载
  • 六、纳米压痕—后处理分析(补充内容)


LAMMPS log文件出错 Group ID in variable formula does not exist lammps in文件实例_编程能力

LAMMPS log文件出错 Group ID in variable formula does not exist lammps in文件实例_纳米压痕_02


建模时需要将基体材料分为牛顿层、恒温层、固定层 。

LAMMPS log文件出错 Group ID in variable formula does not exist lammps in文件实例_编程技巧_03

三、模拟细节-Lammps In文件—模型构建

###         输入文件intial.in                                ###
###         建模时需要将基体材料分为牛顿层、恒温层、固定层       ###
dimension	    3
units		    metal 
boundary	    p p f
atom_style	    atomic
variable        a equal 3.615   #晶格常数值
variable        lx equal 220    #盒子           
variable        ly equal 220    #三个方向 
variable        lz equal 400    #大小

lattice	        fcc $a orient x 1 0 0 orient y 0 1 0 orient z 0 0 1
region		    box block 0.0 ${lx} 0 ${lx} 0.0 ${lz} units box
create_box	    4 box
region		    boundary_layer_down block INF INF INF INF INF 20 units box
region		    thermostat_layer block INF INF INF INF 20 40.0 units box
region		    newtonian_layer block INF INF INF INF 40 220 units box
region		    substracte union 3 boundary_layer_down thermostat_layer newtonian_layer	units box
create_atoms	1 region substracte units box
lattice	        diamond 3.57 	
region		    indent sphere 110 110 280 50 units box
create_atoms	4 region indent units box
mass		    1 63.55         #Cu
mass		    2 63.55         #Cu
mass		    3 63.55         #Cu
mass		    4 12.01         #C
group		    boundary_layer_down region boundary_layer_down
group		    thermostat_layer region thermostat_layer
group		    newtonian_layer region newtonian_layer
group		    tool region indent

set		        group boundary_layer_down type 1
set		        group thermostat_layer type 2
set		        group newtonian_layer type 3
set		        group tool type 4

write_data      intial.data

四、模拟细节-Lammps In文件—物理过程模拟


###     势函数设置文件potential.in                                                      ####
###     这里忽略了压头原子之间的作用力是因为金刚石比铜硬的多,这样处理可以节约计算资源       ####

#Cu-Cu		eam
#Cu-C		Morse 9.025 0.087 5.14 2.05

pair_style	    hybrid eam morse 9.025

pair_coeff	    1*3 1*3 eam Cu_u3.eam 
pair_coeff	    3 4 morse 0.087 5.14 2.05 
pair_coeff	    1*2 4 none
pair_coeff	    4 4 none


#This is an input script to simulate nanoindentation of pure Cu, created by Wang Li

###   in文件拆分成三个部分,分别是:                                   ###
###   1. 模型设置文件     initial.in                                 ###
###   2. 势函数设置文件   potential.in                               ###
###   3. 运行文件        run.in                                     ###
###   可根据需要修改基体材料大小以及势函数,在模型设置文件中修改即可    ###
shell           mkdir output output/relax output/indentation
#read_restart     relax.restart
include         initial.in
include         potential.in

variable        tstp equal 0.001
variable        T equal 293
variable        thermo_step equal 1000
variable        relax_step  equal 500000
neighbor	    3.0 bin
neigh_modify	delay 5
compute	        newTemp thermostat_layer temp
fix		        1 all nve
fix		        2 boundary_layer_down setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0

velocity	    newtonian_layer set NULL NULL NULL 
velocity	    thermostat_layer create $T 5812775 temp newTemp 
fix		        3 thermostat_layer temp/rescale 10 $T $T 10 1
fix_modify	    3 temp newTemp

timestep	    ${tstp}
thermo		    ${thermo_step}
thermo_modify	temp newTemp
thermo_style	custom step c_newTemp press pe ke etotal
run		        ${relax_step}

write_data      ./output/relax/relax.data
write_restart   ./output/relax/relax.restart
reset_timestep  0
variable        depth equal 30    #压入深度为30埃
variable        distance equal 10 #压头与表面的初始距离为10埃
variable        loadv equal 0.1  #加载速度为0.1埃/ps
variable        load_step equal (v_depth+v_distance)/v_loadv/(${tstp})
variable        hold_step equal 20000 
variable	    dis equal xcm(tool,z)
variable        initial_dis equal ${dis}    
variable        disp equal -(v_dis-(${initial_dis}))
variable	    m1 equal fcm(tool,z)           #用压头质心的受力计算载荷
variable        unit equal 1.602*1.0e-3        #单位换算成μN
variable        load1 equal v_m1*(${unit})
compute 	    forcez tool property/atom fz     
compute		    m2 tool reduce sum c_forcez   #也可以用压头z方向受到的合力计算载荷
variable        load2 equal c_m2*(${unit})
dump		    1 all custom 10000 ./output/indentation/Indentation.lammpstrj id type x y z 
fix		        5 tool move linear 0.0 0.0 -${loadv} units box 
fix		        6 all print 100 "${disp} ${load1} ${load2}" file ./output/indentation/load_disp.txt
run		        ${load_step}

fix		        7 tool move linear 0 0 0 units box
run		        ${hold_step}

fix		        7 tool move linear 0.0 0.0 ${loadv} units box 
run		        ${load_step}


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