1. 禁用centos的swap

We recommend that you use a swappiness of 0 when your data always fits into the RAM and 1 when you are not sure.




2. 当redis启用backup时,redis的maxmemory不要超过总内存的50%;



 3. 禁用一些涉及安全的命令

rename-command FLUSHDB e0cc96ad2eab73c2c347011806a76b73
rename-command FLUSHALL a31907b21c437f46808ea49322c91d23a
rename-command CONFIG ""
rename-command KEYS ""
rename-command DEBUG ""
rename-command SAVE ""


include /path/to/chapter7/rename-commands.conf



• FLUSHDB/FLUSHALL: These commands are very critical. Since they delete all of your data in Redis, you should disable/rename them.
• CONFIG: Ideally, you would disable/rename the command CONFIG in production, because it gives access to all the options set in your redis.conf file to the client.
• KEYS: This command will block Redis while it is executing, and since this command runs in linear time over all existing keys, it is recommended that you disable/rename it.
• DEBUG: This command can force a crash in the redis-server (DEBUG SEGFAULT), and you should disable/rename it.
• SAVE: This command should be disabled in production since it will block all other clients during the process of saving the data in a file. Also, we recommend that you use BGSAVE instead.


4. redis persistence的两种方式:

Redis Database (RDB) and Append-only File (AOF).



1. If your application does not need persistence, disable RDB and AOF
2. If your application has tolerance to data loss, use RDB
3. If your application requires fully durable persistence, use both RDB and AOF


Append-only file,将“操作 + 数据”以格式化指令的方式追加到操作日志文件的尾部,在append操作返回后(已经写入到文件或者即将写入),才进行实际的数据变更,“日志文件”保存了历史所有的操作过程;当server需要数据恢复时,可以直接replay此日志文件,即可还原所有的操作过程。AOF相对可靠,它和mysql中bin.log、apache.log、zookeeper中txn-log简直异曲同工。AOF文件内容是字符串,非常容易阅读和解析。 


执行RDB的命令:BGSAVE(background save,不会阻塞redis;不要使用save,因为会阻塞redis);默认会生成一个dump.rdb的文件 


save 900 1
save 300 10
save 60 10000


1. Save a .rdb file on disk every 900 seconds (15 minutes) if at least one write operation happens.
2. Save a .rdb file on disk every 300 seconds (5 minutes) if at least 10 write operations happen.
3. Save a .rdb file on disk every 60 seconds (1 minute) if at least 10,000 write operations happen.


1. stop-writes-on-bgsave-error: The possible values for this are yes or no. This option makes Redis stop accepting writes if the last background save has failed. Redis starts accepting writes again after a background
save succeeds. The default value is yes
2. rdbcompression: The possible values for this are yes or no. When this option is set to yes, Redis uses LZF compression for the .rdb files. The default value is yes
3. rdbchecksum: The possible values for this are yes or no. When it is set to yes, Redis saves a checksum at the end of the .rdb file and performs a checksum before loading the .rdb file. Redis does not start if the RDB checksum does
not match with the one in the file. The default value is yes
4. dbfilename: This option sets the .rdb filename. The default value is dump.rdb
5. save: This option configures the snapshot frequency, based on the number of seconds and changes. It can be specified multiple times. The default values are save 3600 1, save 300 100, and save 60 10000
6. dir: This specifies the directory location of the AOF and RDB files



1. appendonly: This will enable or disable AOF. The options available are yes and no. By default, AOF is disabled
2. appendfilename: This specifies the AOF filename. This field is for a filename only, not a file path. It is empty by default

3. appendfsync: Redis uses a background thread to perform fsync() in the main process (fsync() is a system call that tells the OS to flush data to disk). Redis allows you to configure the fsync policy in three possible ways:
no: Do not execute fsync(); let the OS decide when to flush the data. This is the fastest option
always: Execute fsync() after every write. This is the slowest option, but also the safest
everysec: Execute fsync() once every second. This still provides good write performance. This is the default value

4. no-appendfsync-on-rewrite: The possible values are yes and no. If the appendfsync policy is set to everysec or always and a background save or AOF log rewrite is taking place, Redis may block due to a lot of disk I/O (the fsync() syscall will be long). You should only enable this option if you have latency problems. The default value is no
5. auto-aof-rewrite-percentage: The valid values range from 0 to 100. Redis is able to automatically rewrite the log file by implicitly executing the command BGREWRITEAOF when the AOF size grows by the specified percentage. The default value is 100
6. auto-aof-rewrite-min-size: This is the minimum size for AOF to be rewritten. This prevents AOF rewrites until the specified minimum size is reached, even if the specified auto-aof-rewrite-percentage value is exceeded. The default value is 67,108,864 bytes
7. aof-load-truncated: The possible values are yes and no. In the event of a crash, the AOF may get truncated, and this option specifies whether Redis should load the truncated AOF on startup or exit with an error. When the value is yes, Redis will load the truncated file and emit an error message. When it is no, Redis will exit with an error and not load the truncated file
8. dir: This specifies the directory location of the AOF and RDB files


5. redis replication



$ redis-cli -p 5555 DEBUG SEGFAULT

$ redis-cli -p 6666 SLAVEOF NO ONE

$ redis-cli -p 7777 SLAVEOF 6666