python windows连接xbox手柄_游戏

xbox one 驱动

python windows连接xbox手柄_大数据_02

Microsoft just rolled out mouse and keyboard support for the Xbox One as to members of the Alpha Ring. This should arrive for everyone in November, 2018, as it’s part of the “1811” system update currently being tested.

微软刚刚对Xbox One的Alpha Ring成员推出了鼠标和键盘支持。 它应该在2018年11月面向所有人推出,因为它是当前正在测试的“ 1811”系统更新的一部分。

Slow down, though: You won’t be using a mouse and keyboard in every Xbox One game come November. Instead, here’s how Microsoft says it will work:

放慢速度,但是:到11月,您将不会在每个Xbox One游戏中都使用鼠标和键盘。 相反,这是微软所说的工作方式:

With this new input support at the platform level, developers can now build mouse and keyboard support in their games if and how they choose. It’s important to note that mouse and keyboard support for games is added on a title-by-title basis, entirely at developers’ discretion. For all other titles, nothing changes. Mouse and keyboard input is not enabled by default for games. Each development team knows their titles best and we support them in creating the right experience for their games as they see fit, to ensure an optimal and fair gaming experience.

通过平台级别的新输入支持,开发人员现在可以根据自己的选择以及选择方式在游戏中构建鼠标和键盘支持。 重要的是要注意,游戏的鼠标和键盘支持是逐个标题地添加的,完全由开发人员决定。 对于所有其他标题,没有任何变化。 默认情况下,游戏未启用鼠标和键盘输入。 每个开发团队都最了解自己的头衔,我们支持他们为他们的游戏创造合适的游戏体验,以确保获得最佳,公平的游戏体验。

Developers could choose to require controllers in multiplayer games, or they could choose to pair mouse-and-keyboard gamers with PC gamers online thanks to the Xbox One’s crossplay support. It’s up to each game’s developer. Warframe is the first game testing mouse-and-keyboard support.

开发人员可以选择在多人游戏中要求控制器,或者由于Xbox One的交叉游戏支持,他们可以选择将鼠标和键盘游戏与PC玩家在线配对。 这取决于每个游戏的开发人员。 Warframe是第一个测试鼠标和键盘支持的游戏。

Microsoft announced the Xbox One will support “most wired or wireless USB keyboards and mice.” Currently, the Xbox One has some limited support for USB keyboards, but only for entering text. This feature was added back in February, 2014.

微软宣布Xbox One将支持“大多数有线或无线USB键盘和鼠标”。 当前,Xbox One对USB键盘的支持有限,但仅用于输入文本 。 此功能于2014年2月添加。

Sony already lets you game on your PlayStation with a mouse and keyboard, but very few games support this input method. We’ll see whether Xbox One game developers are more interested in mouse and keyboard input.

索尼已经允许您使用鼠标和键盘在PlayStation上进行游戏,但是很少有游戏支持此输入法。 我们将了解Xbox One游戏开发人员是否对鼠标和键盘输入更感兴趣。

Microsoft is also teasing Razer mice and keyboards designed exclusively for the Xbox, which will also be announced at Microsoft’s X018 event on November 10. More games supporting keyboard input will also be announced at X018, so stay tuned for more.


Thanks to Thurrott for spotting this news.


xbox one 驱动