
  • 一、目标
  • 二、代码
  • 三、收获
  • 四、总结


  1. 控制人物移动,奔跑,跳跃
  2. 人物视角跟随鼠标
  3. 移动时有背景音乐


using System;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;

namespace FPSControllerLPFP
    // Manages a first person character
    // RequitrComponent的作用是,直接将对象的组件进行绑定,而不需要从incpector去进行设置,避免错误
    public class FpsControllerLPFP : MonoBehaviour
#pragma warning disable 649
        [Tooltip("The transform component that holds the gun camera."), SerializeField]
        private Transform arms;

        [Tooltip("The position of the arms and gun camera relative to the fps controller GameObject."), SerializeField]
        private Vector3 armPosition;

		[Header("Audio Clips")]
        [Tooltip("The audio clip that is played while walking."), SerializeField]
        private AudioClip walkingSound;

        [Tooltip("The audio clip that is played while running."), SerializeField]
        private AudioClip runningSound;

		[Header("Movement Settings")]
        [Tooltip("How fast the player moves while walking and strafing."), SerializeField]
        private float walkingSpeed = 5f;

        [Tooltip("How fast the player moves while running."), SerializeField]
        private float runningSpeed = 9f;

        [Tooltip("Approximately the amount of time it will take for the player to reach maximum running or walking speed."), SerializeField]
        private float movementSmoothness = 0.125f;

        [Tooltip("Amount of force applied to the player when jumping."), SerializeField]
        private float jumpForce = 35f;

		[Header("Look Settings")]
        [Tooltip("Rotation speed of the fps controller."), SerializeField]
        private float mouseSensitivity = 7f;

        [Tooltip("Approximately the amount of time it will take for the fps controller to reach maximum rotation speed."), SerializeField]
        private float rotationSmoothness = 0.05f;

        [Tooltip("Minimum rotation of the arms and camera on the x axis."),
        private float minVerticalAngle = -90f;

        [Tooltip("Maximum rotation of the arms and camera on the axis."),
        private float maxVerticalAngle = 90f;

        [Tooltip("The names of the axes and buttons for Unity's Input Manager."), SerializeField]
        private FpsInput input;//自定义的输入类,作用:
#pragma warning restore 649

        private Rigidbody _rigidbody;
        private CapsuleCollider _collider;
        private AudioSource _audioSource;
        private SmoothRotation _rotationX;//作用:包含了当前X轴方向上的偏转和速度
        private SmoothRotation _rotationY;//作用:包含了当前Y轴方向上的偏转和速度
        private SmoothVelocity _velocityX;
        private SmoothVelocity _velocityZ;
        private bool _isGrounded;//判断是否落地

        private readonly RaycastHit[] _groundCastResults = new RaycastHit[8]; //触地
        private readonly RaycastHit[] _wallCastResults = new RaycastHit[8];//触墙

        /// Initializes the FpsController on start.
        private void Start()
            _rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
            _rigidbody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotation;//全部锁定旋转,使得该刚体不能旋转
            _collider = GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>();
            _audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();

            arms = transform;
            _audioSource.clip = walkingSound;//步行的音乐
            _audioSource.loop = true;//是否循环

            _rotationX = new SmoothRotation(RotationXRaw);
            _rotationY = new SmoothRotation(RotationYRaw);
            _velocityX = new SmoothVelocity();
            _velocityZ = new SmoothVelocity();

            Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
        /// Clamps <see cref="minVerticalAngle"/> and <see cref="maxVerticalAngle"/> to valid values and
        /// ensures that <see cref="minVerticalAngle"/> is less than <see cref="maxVerticalAngle"/>.
        private void ValidateRotationRestriction()
            minVerticalAngle = ClampRotationRestriction(minVerticalAngle, -90, 90);
            maxVerticalAngle = ClampRotationRestriction(maxVerticalAngle, -90, 90);
            if (maxVerticalAngle >= minVerticalAngle) return;
            Debug.LogWarning("maxVerticalAngle should be greater than minVerticalAngle.");
            var min = minVerticalAngle;
            minVerticalAngle = maxVerticalAngle;
            maxVerticalAngle = min;

        private static float ClampRotationRestriction(float rotationRestriction, float min, float max)
            if (rotationRestriction >= min && rotationRestriction <= max) return rotationRestriction;
            var message = string.Format("Rotation restrictions should be between {0} and {1} degrees.", min, max);
            return Mathf.Clamp(rotationRestriction, min, max);
        /// Checks if the character is on the ground.
        private void OnCollisionStay()
            var bounds = _collider.bounds;
            var extents = bounds.extents;
            var radius = extents.x - 0.01f; 
            Physics.SphereCastNonAlloc(bounds.center, radius, Vector3.down,
                _groundCastResults, extents.y - (radius * 0.5f), ~0, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
            if (!_groundCastResults.Any(hit => hit.collider != null && hit.collider != _collider)) return;
            for (var i = 0; i < _groundCastResults.Length; i++)
                _groundCastResults[i] = new RaycastHit();

            _isGrounded = true;
        /// Processes the character movement and the camera rotation every fixed framerate frame.
        private void FixedUpdate()
            // FixedUpdate is used instead of Update because this code is dealing with physics and smoothing.
            //_isGrounded = false;
        /// Moves the camera to the character, processes jumping and plays sounds every frame.
        private void Update()
			arms.position = transform.position + transform.TransformVector(armPosition);

        private void RotateCameraAndCharacter()
            var rotationX = _rotationX.Update(RotationXRaw, rotationSmoothness);//更新方向x
            var rotationY = _rotationY.Update(RotationYRaw, rotationSmoothness);//更新方向y
            var clampedY = RestrictVerticalRotation(rotationY);//Y轴上有限制要进行判断
            _rotationY.Current = clampedY;
			var worldUp = arms.InverseTransformDirection(Vector3.up);//InverseTransformDirection()将vector从世界空间变换成本地空间
			var rotation = arms.rotation *
                           Quaternion.AngleAxis(rotationX, worldUp) * //Quaternion.AngleAxis创建围绕worldUp旋转的角度rotation worldup是指Y轴
                           Quaternion.AngleAxis(clampedY, Vector3.left);//Quaternion.AngleAxis创建围绕left旋转的角度,最后返回Quaternion
            transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0f);//为什么这里只把y轴的欧拉角复制了,其他的轴都设置为0呢?
			arms.rotation = rotation;//将计算好的旋转角度给arms,去进行旋转
        /// Returns the target rotation of the camera around the y axis with no smoothing.
        private float RotationXRaw
            get { return input.RotateX * mouseSensitivity; }
        /// Returns the target rotation of the camera around the x axis with no smoothing.
        private float RotationYRaw
            get { return input.RotateY * mouseSensitivity; }
        /// Clamps the rotation of the camera around the x axis
        /// between the <see cref="minVerticalAngle"/> and <see cref="maxVerticalAngle"/> values.
        private float RestrictVerticalRotation(float mouseY)
			var currentAngle = NormalizeAngle(arms.eulerAngles.x);
            var minY = minVerticalAngle + currentAngle;
            var maxY = maxVerticalAngle + currentAngle;
            return Mathf.Clamp(mouseY, minY + 0.01f, maxY - 0.01f);
        /// Normalize an angle between -180 and 180 degrees.
        /// <param name="angleDegrees">angle to normalize</param>
        /// <returns>normalized angle</returns>
        private static float NormalizeAngle(float angleDegrees)
            while (angleDegrees > 180f)
                angleDegrees -= 360f;

            while (angleDegrees <= -180f)
                angleDegrees += 360f;

            return angleDegrees;

        private void MoveCharacter()
            var direction = new Vector3(input.Move, 0f, input.Strafe).normalized;//XY轴的移动
            var worldDirection = transform.TransformDirection(direction);//本地空间变成世界空间
            var velocity = worldDirection * (input.Run ? runningSpeed : walkingSpeed);//方向乘大小等于速度
            //Checks for collisions so that the character does not stuck when jumping against walls.
            var intersectsWall = CheckCollisionsWithWalls(velocity);
            if (intersectsWall)
                _velocityX.Current = _velocityZ.Current = 0f;//并把水平方向的速度全部置为0

            var smoothX = _velocityX.Update(velocity.x, movementSmoothness);
            var smoothZ = _velocityZ.Update(velocity.z, movementSmoothness);
            var rigidbodyVelocity = _rigidbody.velocity;//当前的速度
            var force = new Vector3(smoothX - rigidbodyVelocity.x, 0f, smoothZ - rigidbodyVelocity.z);//向量相减得到新的速度方向
            _rigidbody.AddForce(force, ForceMode.VelocityChange);//加速度

        private bool CheckCollisionsWithWalls(Vector3 velocity)
            if (_isGrounded) return false;
            var bounds = _collider.bounds;
            var radius = _collider.radius;
            var halfHeight = _collider.height * 0.5f - radius * 1.0f;
            var point1 = bounds.center;
            point1.y += halfHeight;
            var point2 = bounds.center;
            point2.y -= halfHeight;
            Physics.CapsuleCastNonAlloc(point1, point2, radius, velocity.normalized, _wallCastResults,
                radius * 0.04f, ~0, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
            var collides = _wallCastResults.Any(hit => hit.collider != null && hit.collider != _collider);
            if (!collides) return false;
            for (var i = 0; i < _wallCastResults.Length; i++)
                _wallCastResults[i] = new RaycastHit();

            return true;

        private void Jump()
            if (!_isGrounded || !input.Jump) return;
            _isGrounded = false;
            _rigidbody.AddForce(Vector3.up * jumpForce, ForceMode.Impulse);//添加一个向上的力模拟跳起来

        private void PlayFootstepSounds()
            if (_isGrounded && _rigidbody.velocity.sqrMagnitude > 0.1f)
                _audioSource.clip = input.Run ? runningSound : walkingSound;
                if (!_audioSource.isPlaying)
                if (_audioSource.isPlaying)
        /// A helper for assistance with smoothing the camera rotation.
        private class SmoothRotation
            private float _current;
            private float _currentVelocity;

            public SmoothRotation(float startAngle)
                _current = startAngle;
            /// Returns the smoothed rotation.
            public float Update(float target, float smoothTime)
                return _current = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(_current, target, ref _currentVelocity, smoothTime);

            public float Current
                set { _current = value; }
        /// A helper for assistance with smoothing the movement.
        private class SmoothVelocity
            private float _current;
            private float _currentVelocity;

            /// Returns the smoothed velocity.
            public float Update(float target, float smoothTime)
                return _current = Mathf.SmoothDamp(_current, target, ref _currentVelocity, smoothTime);

            public float Current
                set { _current = value; }
        /// Input mappings
        private class FpsInput
            [Tooltip("The name of the virtual axis mapped to rotate the camera around the y axis."),
            private string rotateX = "Mouse X";

            [Tooltip("The name of the virtual axis mapped to rotate the camera around the x axis."),
            private string rotateY = "Mouse Y";

            [Tooltip("The name of the virtual axis mapped to move the character back and forth."),
            private string move = "Horizontal";

            [Tooltip("The name of the virtual axis mapped to move the character left and right."),
            private string strafe = "Vertical";

            [Tooltip("The name of the virtual button mapped to run."),
            private string run = "Fire3";

            [Tooltip("The name of the virtual button mapped to jump."),
            private string jump = "Jump";

            /// Returns the value of the virtual axis mapped to rotate the camera around the y axis.
            public float RotateX
                get { return Input.GetAxisRaw(rotateX); }
            /// Returns the value of the virtual axis mapped to rotate the camera around the x axis.        
            public float RotateY
                get { return Input.GetAxisRaw(rotateY); }
            /// Returns the value of the virtual axis mapped to move the character back and forth.        
            public float Move
                get { return Input.GetAxisRaw(move); }
            /// Returns the value of the virtual axis mapped to move the character left and right.         
            public float Strafe
                get { return Input.GetAxisRaw(strafe); }
            /// Returns true while the virtual button mapped to run is held down.          
            public bool Run
                get { return Input.GetButton(run); }
            /// Returns true during the frame the user pressed down the virtual button mapped to jump.          
            public bool Jump
                get { return Input.GetButtonDown(jump); }


  1. FpsInput封装了与输入相关的操作
  2. 世界坐标系和本地坐标系的应用场景,分别有什么作用。
  3. 旋转时涉及到四元数
  4. 物体移动要素:力,方向,速度


  1. 遇到问题及时记录,解决问题及时总结
  2. 动画系统/物理系统/音效系统及时学习