移动端与unity交互如何交互 unity 移动应用开发_java



Our simply big idea has always been to make game development accessible to more people with better tools. To help developers fulfil their creative vision and build their businesses.

我们简单的大想法一直是使用更好的工具让更多的人可以使用游戏开发。 帮助开发人员实现创意远景并建立业务。

Simple to say, hard to do!


Unity’s a restless company, and we’re continuously challenging ourselves to make the many complex decisions that it takes to push Unity forwards. We’re lucky to have assembled the most incredible bunch of people I know to do this work together, night and day (almost), and across geographies and time zones.

Unity是一家不息不息的公司,我们不断挑战自己,做出推动Unity前进所需的许多复杂决定。 我们很幸运地聚集了我所认识的最令人难以置信的人,他们(几乎)在白天和黑夜之间以及跨地理和时区一起工作。

Today, we’re taking another step on this long road: as of right now, independent Unity developers will be able to deploy their games to Android and iOS platforms completely free of charge. Update Unity and you will find Android and iOS build options (previously basic add-ons) ready and waiting for you to use.

今天,我们在这条漫长的道路上又迈出了一步:截至目前,独立的Unity开发人员将能够完全免费地将其游戏部署到Android和iOS平台。 更新Unity之后,您会发现Android和iOS构建选项(以前是基本附加组件)已经准备就绪,正在等待您使用。

There are no strings attached, no royalties and no license fees. This is just an extension of Unity Free which we launched in 2009. Individual developers and startup studios can simply download Unity and get going on mobile game development. As before, companies and other “incorporated entities” (you know who you are) with a turnover in excess of $100,000 in their previous fiscal year are required to use our paid version. That way, we can keep the lights on and continue to make Unity better for everyone.

没有附加条件,没有特许权使用费和许可费。 这只是我们于2009年推出的Unity Free的扩展。单个开发人员和创业工作室只需下载Unity即可继续进行手机游戏开发。 与以前一样,上一财政年度营业额超过100,000美元的公司和其他“法人实体”(使用您的公司)必须使用我们的付费版本。 这样,我们就可以保持亮灯状态,并继续使每个人的Unity变得更好。

(You can make as much money from your games as you like – this limitation is about large companies not using our free products, not about sharing your future revenues.)


And we’re not stopping there. In the coming months, we will make Blackberry 10 and Windows Phone 8 deployment available to everyone all over the planet on those exact same terms. Completely free of charge.

而且我们不止于此。 在接下来的几个月中,我们将以完全相同的条件向全球各地的所有人提供Blackberry 10和Windows Phone 8部署。 完全免费。

I can’t wait to see what you make.


David Helgason


P.S. Within the next two weeks, we’ll be reaching out to those of you who purchased basic add-ons in the 30 days before they went free to offer you discounts on future purchases. Remember that purchasers of basic add-ons qualify for rebates should they choose to buy Unity Pro Android / iOS licenses.

附言:在接下来的两周内,我们将联系那些在30天内购买基本附加组件的人,他们可以免费为您将来的购买提供折扣。 请记住,基本附件的购买者如果选择购买Unity Pro Android / iOS许可证,则有资格获得返利

P.P.S. Windows users can update Unity by opening the editor and selecting Manage License / Check for Updates from the Help menu. Mac users can update Unity by opening the editor and selecting Manage License / Check for Updates from the Unity menu.

PPS Windows用户可以通过打开编辑器并从“帮助”菜单中选择“管理许可证/检查更新”来更新Unity。 Mac用户可以通过打开编辑器并从Unity菜单中选择“管理许可/检查更新”来更新Unity。

移动端与unity交互如何交互 unity 移动应用开发_python_02

