android键盘发送 手机键盘发送_python

移动端键盘 发送

Typing email addresses into your mobile phone’s tiny little keyboard isn’t always the easiest task, but with a simple trick, you can make your most frequently used contacts a lot easier to deal with.


Note: When you rename a contact, that name goes out in the email. You probably shouldn’t use this trick for emails to clients.

注意:重命名联系人时,该名称会在电子邮件中消失。 您可能不应该将此技巧用于发送给客户的电子邮件。

(Using Keyboard-Friendly Contacts)

The general principle is to edit your contact names to include a short string of text that is unique to that contact, and unlikely to be found within the name of another contact.


For instance, since I sometimes like to forward an email into Evernote, I’ve edited that contact name to include (EVV) at the end—now all I have to do is quickly hit evv on my keyboard and that contact will easily show up first. I’ve done the same thing with my Remember the Milk email—all I have to do is type rtm into the contact box whenever I want to send myself an item onto my todo list.

例如,由于有时我想将电子邮件转发到Evernote,因此我已经编辑了该联系人的姓名以在末尾添加(EVV)-现在,我要做的就是快速按键盘上的evv ,该联系人将很容易显示第一。 我在“记住牛奶”电子邮件中也做过同样的事情-每当我想向自己的待办事项列表发送项目时,我要做的就是在联系人框中输入rtm

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What’s really great about this is that you can use the same contact shortcuts anywhere, including in the Gmail interface.


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(Create a Quick Self-Note Email Contact)

Another really useful way to use this trick is to create a contact that you can use to easily email yourself quick notes or reminders. Using Gmail’s “plus addressing” system, you can create an email address like which will show up in your regular account.

使用此技巧的另一种非常有用的方法是创建一个联系人,您可以使用它轻松地通过电子邮件将自己的快速注释或提醒发送给自己。 使用Gmail的“加地址”系统,您可以创建一个电子邮件地址,例如,该电子邮件地址会显示在您的常规geek@mydomain.com帐户中。

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For instance, I’ve added (nnn) to the end of the contact name, so all I have to do is type nnn into the mobile keyboard to quickly access that contact. I also created this as a completely separate contact to make sure that it wouldn’t get mixed up with my regular contact.

例如,我在联系人名称的末尾添加了(nnn),因此我要做的就是在移动键盘中键入nnn以快速访问该联系人。 我还创建了一个完全独立的联系人,以确保不会与常规联系人混淆。

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If you’re using an Android phone, you can also drop that shortcut on the desktop, where all you have to do is hit the icon and press the Gmail icon to open up a new email to yourself.


If you would rather have those notes go into a separate label, you can simply create a filter with this new email address in the To box.


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And then set it to Skip the Inbox and apply a label—I chose to use “My Notes” as the label here, so all the notes I email myself will end up in that folder.


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There’s loads of ways that you can use this technique to help save yourself time while emailing.



移动端键盘 发送