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If you’re thinking about getting the Nest Hello to replace your existing doorbell, it’s a great option. However, there are some things to keep in mind about the installation that makes the Hello a bit different than other video doorbells.

如果您正在考虑让Nest Hello替换现有的门铃,这是一个不错的选择。 但是,有关安装的某些注意事项使Hello与其他视频门铃有所不同。

(Your Existing Doorbell Must Be Hardwired)

The most important you should know before considering the Nest Hello is that it must be connected to existing doorbell wiring.

在考虑Nest Hello之前,您应该知道的最重要一点是必须将其连接到现有的门铃布线。

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For most houses, this isn’t a problem, as wired doorbells are pretty common. However, if your doorbell is wireless and runs off battery, the Nest Hello is incompatible unless you hire an electrician to run all-new doorbell wiring to your front door, which can be costly.

对于大多数房屋来说,这不是问题,因为有线门铃很常见。 但是,如果您的门铃是无线的,并且用完电池,则Nest Hello是不兼容的,除非您雇用电工将全新的门铃布线到前门,否则可能会很昂贵。

Other video doorbells are the same way, though, including the SkyBell HD. The Ring Doorbell can be connected to existing doorbell wiring (and it’s recommended if that’s an option), but it also has its own internal battery so that it can operate completely by itself without the need for any wiring whatsoever (although it won’t be able to use your existing chime if you have one).

但是,其他视频门铃也是如此,包括SkyBell HD 。 环形门铃 可以连接到现有的门铃接线(建议使用此选项),但它也具有自己的内置电池,因此可以完全独立运行,而无需任何接线(尽管不会能够使用您现有的铃声(如果有)。

In the end, this shouldn’t be a huge problem for most homeowners, but it’s probably best to check that your current doorbell does have the necessary wiring before putting down cash on the Nest Hello.

最后,对于大多数房主来说,这应该不是一个大问题,但是最好在放下现金给Nest Hello之前,先检查一下您当前的门铃是否具有必要的接线。

(You Have to Install a Chime Connector)

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The Nest Hello is different from other video doorbells because it comes with a chime connector in the box that must be installed on your indoor chime.

Nest Hello与其他视频门铃的不同之处在于,Nest Hello的包装盒内配有一个钟声连接器,必须将其安装在室内钟声上。

It’s sort of an adapter-like device (with a resistor inside, most likely) that gets installed between your doorbell wiring and the chime itself. Interestingly enough, Nest doesn’t really explain exactly why it’s needed, but it seems like it’s required because of the way the Nest Hello draws power.

这是一种类似于适配器的设备(最可能在内部带有电阻),该设备安装在门铃布线和提示音之间。 有趣的是,Nest并没有真正解释为什么需要它,但是由于Nest Hello的使用方式,它似乎是必需的。

The good news is that installing the Nest Hello’s chime connector isn’t difficult at all, and the Nest app does a really great job of guiding you through everything. However, it adds an extra step to the process and makes the overall installation just a bit more timely than other video doorbells.

好消息是,安装Nest Hello的铃声连接器一点也不困难,Nest应用程序在引导您完成所有事情方面做得非常好。 但是,它增加了一个额外的步骤,使整体安装比其他视频门铃更加及时。

(Some Drilling Is Required)

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This really isn’t unique to the Nest Hello per se, but it’s still important to know. Installation does require a bit of DIY know-how in the form of using a power drill. The Nest Hello connects to a mount, and that mount needs to be fixed to an outside wall next to your front door.

实际上,这并不是Nest Hello本身所独有的,但了解这一点仍然很重要。 安装确实需要一些使用电钻形式的DIY专业知识。 Nest Hello连接到支架,该支架需要固定到前门旁边的外墙上。

This means you’ll need to drill pilot holes and drive in a couple of screws. If you have brick or stone on the outside of your house, it’s a bit more difficult, but the Nest Hello comes with a special masonry drill bit for such occasions.

这意味着您需要钻定位Kong并拧入几个螺丝。 如果您的房屋外面有砖块或石头,这会有些困难,但是Nest Hello会为这种情况提供一个特殊的砖石钻头。

In the end, if installing the Nest Hello (or any other video doorbell) doesn’t seem like something you can tackle yourself, there’s no harm in finding a friend who’s knowledgable about that kind of stuff to help you get it installed. The worst case scenario is that you’d need to hire a pro, but Nest makes it easy to find one.

最后,如果您似乎无法安装Nest Hello(或任何其他视频门铃),可以找到自己熟悉的东西来帮助您安装它的朋友也没有什么害处。 最坏的情况是您需要聘请专业人士,但Nest可以轻松找到一名专业人士 。

