delimiter || 

    CREATE procedure next 

    (in in_id            INT, 

     in in_table_code      VARCHAR(255), 

     in in_site_code     VARCHAR(20), 

     in in_goods_code    VARCHAR(40), 

     out out_min_id     INT, 

     out out_price DOUBLE, 

     out out_comment_total INT 



    select  min(id) from price_history 

    where id>in_id and table_code=in_table_code and site_code=in_site_code 

        and goods_code=in_goods_code into out_min_id; 

    select comment_total from price_history where id=out_min_id into out_comment_total; 


    delimiter ; 

    call next(1,'01','360BUY','595936',@out_min_id,@p,@c); 

    select @out_min_id,@p,@c;