Are you looking for the best landing page templates for WordPress?


Landing pages help you get more leads and increase conversions. They are designed to guide users towards taking the required actions on your website.

登陆页面可帮助您获得更多潜在客户并增加转化次数。 它们旨在引导用户在您的网站上采取所需的操作。

In this article, we will share the best landing page templates for WordPress to help you get more sales and conversions.


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Bonus: some of these templates offer 100% drag & drop functionality, so you can easily customize it to match your needs within few minutes.


(Best Landing Page Templates for WordPress)

Landing page templates are focused on achieving an objective or goal like getting more subscribers, boost your sales, etc.


There are many landing page plugins that you can use to create a landing page on your WordPress website. You will also find dozens of landing page templates that are designed specifically for certain industries and goals.

您可以使用许多目标网页插件在WordPress网站上创建目标网页 。 您还将找到数十个专门为某些行业和目标设计的登录页面模板。

The best way to build landing pages in WordPress is to use a drag and drop page builder, so you can easily customize the landing page without writing any code.

在WordPress中构建登录页面的最佳方法是使用拖放页面构建器 ,因此您无需编写任何代码即可轻松自定义登录页面。

Below are the top landing page design providers that we recommend:


典雅主题Divi (Elegant Themes Divi)

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Elegant Themes Divi is a popular WordPress page builder that you can use to design your landing page templates. It has multiple built-in elements and content modules to add on your page. Divi Builder allows you to click and type the text anywhere on the layout. It comes with responsive editing and looks great on all devices.

典雅主题 Divi是一种流行的WordPress页面构建器,可用于设计着陆页模板。 它具有多个内置元素和内容模块,可添加到您的页面上。 Divi Builder允许您在布局上的任何位置单击并键入文本。 它带有响应式编辑功能,在所有设备上都很棒。

You can fully customize each element with the drag and drop builder. It gives you complete control over the fonts, colors, background, and spacing. Divi offers over 100 pre-built landing page templates with demos that are ready to use.

您可以使用拖放生成器完全自定义每个元素。 它使您可以完全控制字体,颜色,背景和间距。 Divi提供了100多种带有演示的现成登陆页面模板,这些模板可以随时使用。

海狸生成器 (Beaver Builder)

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Beaver Builder is a powerful WordPress page builder plugin. It comes with multiple landing page templates for fashion, photography, web agency, education, mobile apps, etc. With Beaver Builder, you can drag and drop the content on your landing pages quickly. It allows you to organize your text and images in the columns to create beautiful custom page templates.

Beaver Builder是一个功能强大的WordPress页面构建器插件。 它带有用于时尚,摄影,Web代理,教育,移动应用程序等的多个着陆页模板。使用Beaver Builder,您可以快速将内容拖放到着陆页上。 它使您可以在列中组织文本和图像,以创建漂亮的自定义页面模板。

The best part with Beaver Builder plugin is that it works with all simple WordPress themes. It offers live, front-end editing for easy customization. It fully supports WooCommerce, multisite network, and WPML for translations.

Beaver Builder插件最好的部分是它可以与所有简单的WordPress主题一起使用 。 它提供实时的前端编辑,可轻松自定义。 它完全支持WooCommerce,多站点网络和WPML进行翻译。

Themify Ultra (Themify Ultra)

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Themify Ultra is an all-purpose WordPress theme with a full-width background image. It ships with Themify drag and drop builder that works similarly as Divi Builder or Beaver Builder. You can use this page builder to design your custom page templates. It also offers pre-built landing page templates that reduce the efforts and save time.

Themify Ultra是具有全角背景图片的通用WordPress主题。 它附带Themify拖放生成器,其作用与Divi Builder或Beaver Builder类似。 您可以使用此页面构建器来设计定制页面模板。 它还提供了预先构建的登录页面模板,这些模板可以减少工作量并节省时间。

It has smart layout options for header, sidebar, footer, and other parts of your website. Themify Ultra has parallax scrolling for both vertical and horizontal layouts.

它具有用于页眉,侧栏,页脚和网站其他部分的智能布局选项。 Themify Ultra具有垂直和水平布局的视差滚动功能。

阿斯特拉 (Astra)

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Unlike the solutions above, Astra is not a page builder. It is a fast and lightweight WordPress theme that’s designed to work with drag & drop page builders like BeaverBuilder.

与上述解决方案不同,Astra不是页面构建器。 这是一个快速,轻量级的WordPress主题,旨在与BeaverBuilder之类的拖放页面构建器一起使用

The best part about Astra is that it comes with dozens of ready-made websites and page templates. You can install the Astra theme and use these templates to create landing pages for fitness, manufacturing, transport services, barber shop, musical bands, etc. The theme fully supports WooCommerce.

关于Astra最好的部分是它带有许多现成的网站和页面模板。 您可以安装Astra主题并使用这些模板创建健身,制造,运输服务,理发店,乐队等的登陆页面。该主题完全支持WooCommerce。

(Best Landing Page Template Examples)

The above theme and plugin companies have a variety of landing page templates. We have also added several other top theme companies offering templates that can be used to create landing pages.

上面的主题和插件公司具有各种登陆页面模板。 我们还添加了其他几家热门主题公司,提供可用于创建目标网页的模板。

Let’s take a look at our expert pick of the best landing page templates for WordPress.


1. Divi Cafe (1. Divi Cafe)

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Divi Cafe is a WordPress landing page template for cafes, restaurants, and food-related businesses. It has a simple design with a full-width layout featuring images and content beautifully. You can also use this landing page template to showcase your featured content and case studies.

Divi Cafe是适用于咖啡厅,餐馆和食品相关企业的WordPress登陆页面模板。 它的设计简单,全角布局,图像和内容精美。 您也可以使用此登录页面模板来展示您的特色内容和案例研究。

2. Divi内部 (2. Divi Interior)

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Divi Interior is a modern landing page template for interior designers, house decorators, and architects. It has an attractive design and offers the space to display eye-catching images in a full-width layout. You can also add featured content side by side with images.

Divi Interior是面向室内设计师,房屋装饰设计师和建筑师的现代着陆页模板。 它具有吸引人的设计,并提供了以全角布局显示醒目的图像的空间。 您还可以将特色内容与图像并排添加。

3. Divi优雅 (3. Divi Elegant)

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Divi Elegant is a beautiful landing page template for digital and web agency. It has multiple folds or sections to add your featured work, team members, images, testimonials, etc. You can use the Divi Builder to customize each section and change the order of the built-in template.

Divi Elegant是用于数字和Web代理的精美着陆页模板。 它具有多个折叠或部分,以添加您的特色作品,团队成员,图像,推荐书等。您可以使用Divi Builder定制每个部分并更改内置模板的顺序。

4.额外 (4. Extra)

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Extra is a powerful WordPress theme with tons of amazing landing page templates for online magazines, fashion websites, and lifestyle blogs. It uses the Divi Builder to drag and drop elements on the template. The theme is fully customizable and let you create multiple landing pages to boost your readership.

Extra是一个功能强大的WordPress主题,其中包含大量用于在线杂志,时尚网站和生活方式博客的惊人着陆页模板。 它使用Divi Builder将元素拖放到模板上。 该主题是完全可定制的,可让您创建多个登录页面以提高读者数量。

5. Beaver Builder小型企业 (5. Beaver Builder Small Business)

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Beaver Builder’s Small Business landing page template is designed with a focus to help you get more customers online. It offers multiple sections to add content, CTA, featured services, and images. You can fully customize the background, fonts, colors, and buttons using Beaver Builder plugin.

Beaver Builder的“小型企业”着陆页模板的设计重点是帮助您使更多的客户在线。 它提供了多个部分来添加内容,CTA,特色服务和图像。 您可以使用Beaver Builder插件完全自定义背景,字体,颜色和按钮。

6.海狸生成器Crossfit (6. Beaver Builder Crossfit)

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Beaver Builder’s Crossfit landing page template is perfect for the websites of gyms, fitness institutions, and health advisors. It comes with a full-width background image and custom logo. Below you can add fitness schedules, programs, etc.

Beaver Builder的Crossfit着陆页模板非常适合健身房,健身机构和健康顾问的网站。 它带有全角背景图片和自定义徽标。 您可以在下面添加健身计划,程序等。

7.海狸建造者社论 (7. Beaver Builder Editorial)

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Beaver Builder’s Editorial landing page template is for bloggers, writers, and fashion-related websites. It has the space to add attractive fullscreen images. You can use the Beaver Builder drag and drop builder to showcase featured content with the image.

Beaver Builder的社论登陆页面模板适用于博客作者,作家和时尚相关网站。 它具有添加有吸引力的全屏图像的空间。 您可以使用Beaver Builder拖放构建器来显示图像的特色内容。

8.海狸建筑商律师事务所 (8. Beaver Builder Law Firm)

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Beaver Builder’s Law Firm is a landing page template designed specifically for lawyers, legal clinics, and corporate law firms. It has a simple layout to add your text, CTA button, and services professionally. You can add further details about your team and more in the sections below.

Beaver Builder的律师事务所是一个专门为律师,法律诊所和公司律师事务所设计的登陆页面模板。 它具有简单的布局,可以专业地添加文本,CTA按钮和服务。 您可以在下面的部分中添加有关团队的更多详细信息。

9.海狸建设者摄影 (9. Beaver Builder Photography)

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Beaver Builder’s Photography landing page template allows photographers to share their profile and portfolio with style. It has a dark layout with crisp typography using beautiful fonts. You can fully customize the template with the page builder.

Beaver Builder的“摄影”着陆页模板允许摄影师以样式共享其个人资料和作品集。 它具有深色布局,并使用漂亮的字体进行清晰的排版。 您可以使用页面构建器完全自定义模板。

10.海狸建设者音乐家 (10. Beaver Builder Musician)

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Beaver Builder’s Musician landing page template is built for the DJs, music bands, instrumentals, and musicians. It comes with an attractive design and sharp colors to get users’ attention. The template has sections to sell tickets of your shows and share details about your band.

Beaver Builder的“音乐家”着陆页模板是为DJ,乐队,乐器和音乐家制作的。 它具有引人注目的设计和鲜明的色彩以引起用户的注意。 模板中包含出售演出门票和共享乐队详细信息的部分。

11.海狸建设者餐厅 (11. Beaver Builder Restaurant)

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Beaver Builder’s Restaurant landing page template is fully focused on promoting restaurants, food, and eateries. It has a dark layout with elegant typography. The overall design is spacious making page contents more noticeable, and you can use Beaver Builder page builder plugin to customize the background, colors, fonts, etc.

Beaver Builder的“餐厅”着陆页模板完全专注于宣传餐厅,食品和餐馆。 它的布局暗淡,排版典雅。 整体设计宽敞,使页面内容更引人注目,您可以使用Beaver Builder页面构建器插件来自定义背景,颜色,字体等。

12. Beaver Builder全屏 (12. Beaver Builder Fullscreen)

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As the name suggests, Beaver Builder’s Fullscreen landing page template is an elegant layout for all types of websites. It has full-width background images and bold colors that make the content readable. You can add the CTA button to redirect users to the important pages.

顾名思义,Beaver Builder的“全屏”登录页面模板是适用于所有类型网站的优雅布局。 它具有全角背景图像和大胆的颜色,使内容可读。 您可以添加CTA按钮将用户重定向到重要页面。

13. Beaver Builder创意机构 (13. Beaver Builder Creative Agency)

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Beaver Builder’s Creative Agency template for landing pages is perfect for getting more leads online. It has beautiful colors and crisp typography. The template is designed for creative and web agencies to share their portfolio in a professional style.

Beaver Builder的登陆页面的Creative Agency模板非常适合在线获得更多潜在客户。 它具有美丽的色彩和清晰的版式。 该模板专为广告素材和网络代理以专业风格共享其作品集而设计。

14. Beaver Builder电子书 (14. Beaver Builder eBook)

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Beaver Builder’s eBook landing page template is designed for authors, eBooks, libraries, and blogs. It has a stunning book-cover like layout to showcase your featured book and make more sales. You can add all the details of your book and build user interest to take further action on your website.

Beaver Builder的eBook登陆页面模板是为作者,eBook,图书馆和博客设计的。 它具有令人惊叹的书籍封面之类的布局,可以展示您的特色图书并增加销售量。 您可以添加书籍的所有详细信息并建立用户兴趣,以在您的网站上采取进一步的措施。

15.海狸建设者教育 (15. Beaver Builder Educational)

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Beaver Builder’s Education landing page template is perfect for universities, colleges, and educational institutions. It allows you to add a welcome message with a beautiful background image. You can also display courses offered by your university with clear call-to-actions.

Beaver Builder的“教育”着陆页模板非常适合大学,学院和教育机构。 它使您可以添加带有美丽背景图像的欢迎消息。 您还可以显示大学提供的带有清晰号召性用语的课程。

16. Beaver Builder汽车 (16. Beaver Builder Automotive)

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Beaver Builder’s Automotive is an excellent landing page template for cars, automobiles, and showrooms. It has an attractive and adventurous first impression. You can customize the background, colors, fonts, and content with Beaver Builder page builder plugin.

Beaver Builder的Automotive是用于汽车,汽车和展示厅的绝佳着陆页模板。 它具有吸引人和冒险的第一印象。 您可以使用Beaver Builder页面构建器插件自定义背景,颜色,字体和内容。

17. Beaver Builder移动应用程序 (17. Beaver Builder Mobile App)

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Beaver Builder’s Mobile App landing page template is a fully customizable layout for mobile games, apps, and mobile-based solutions. It has a white background with a large image on the front. It offers different sections to add text and call to action buttons.

Beaver Builder的“移动应用程序着陆页”模板是用于移动游戏,应用程序和基于移动解决方案的完全可自定义的布局。 它具有白色背景,正面带有大图像。 它提供了不同的部分来添加文本和号召性用语按钮。

18. Beaver Builder一般业务 (18. Beaver Builder General Business)

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Beaver Builder’s General Business template is designed to create landing pages for all kinds of business websites. It has a beautiful layout with a custom background image. The template allows you to add content and CTA button in the first section. You can use Beaver Builder drag and drop page builder for any customization.

Beaver Builder的“一般业务”模板旨在为各种商业网站创建登录页面。 它具有漂亮的布局以及自定义的背景图片。 该模板允许您在第一部分中添加内容和CTA按钮。 您可以使用Beaver Builder 拖放页面构建器进行任何自定义。

19.海狸建设者建设 (19. Beaver Builder Construction)

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Beaver Builder’s Construction landing page template is for the websites offering construction services. It has a beautiful design with a full-width background image and stylish typography. It includes sections to add your services and call to action button.

Beaver Builder的“施工”着陆页模板适用于提供施工服务的网站。 它具有精美的设计以及全角背景图片和时尚的版式。 它包括添加服务和号召性用语按钮的部分。

20. Beaver Builder即将推出 (20. Beaver Builder Coming Soon)

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If you want to create a coming soon and maintenance mode page, then Beaver Builder’s Coming Soon template is a perfect choice. It has a customizable design with a newsletter subscription form to get more subscribers. You can use the Beaver Builder page builder to change background and colors easily.

如果要创建“即将进入维护模式”页面,那么Beaver Builder的“即将推出”模板是一个理想的选择。 它具有可定制的设计,带有时事通讯订阅表单,可以吸引更多订阅者。 您可以使用Beaver Builder页面构建器轻松更改背景和颜色。

21.阿斯特拉健身教练 (21. Astra Fitness Trainer)

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Astra’s Fitness Trainer is a landing page template for fitness coaches, trainers, health instructors, and gyms. It looks like a full page website, but it focuses on promoting personal coaches with schedules, training rates, testimonials, clients, etc.

Astra的Fitness Trainer是健身教练,教练,健康指导员和体育馆的着陆页模板。 它看起来像是一个整页的网站,但它的重点是通过时间表,培训率,推荐书,客户等来促进个人教练。

22.阿斯特拉精神科医生 (22. Astra Psychiatrist)

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Astra’s Psychiatrist is a WordPress landing page template for medical, doctors, psychiatrists, and hospitals. It has a full-width background image with introduction, text, and CTA. You can add other details below the main banner.

Astra的Psychiatrist是适用于医疗,医生,精神病医生和医院的WordPress登陆页面模板。 它具有全幅背景图片,包括简介,文本和CTA。 您可以在主横幅下方添加其他详细信息。

23.阿斯特拉产品 (23. Astra Product)

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Astra’s Product is a perfect landing page template for products. It appears as a complete website with bright colors, navigation menu, featured images, and text. You can also add blurbs and CTA in the sections below. This template is WooCommerce friendly and can be edited with any top page builders.

Astra的产品是产品的理想着陆页模板。 它显示为一个完整的网站,具有鲜艳的色彩,导航菜单,特色图像和文本。 您还可以在下面的部分中添加简介和CTA。 该模板对WooCommerce友好,可以使用任何首页构建器进行编辑。

24. Astra定制印刷 (24. Astra Custom Printing)

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Astra’s Custom Printing landing page template gives a clear message to customers to get their t-shirts and mugs customized. It has a simple and neat design with a white background. You can customize the colors, fonts, and background for the template to make it more attractive.

Astra的“定制印刷”着陆页模板可向客户明确传达信息,以定制其T恤和杯子。 它具有白色背景的简洁设计。 您可以自定义模板的颜色,字体和背景,以使其更具吸引力。

25.阿斯特拉水疗中心 (25. Astra Spa)

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Astra’s Spa landing page template offers an attractive full-width header background with custom text and phone number to let the users connect with your spa company directly. It has an appointment booking button alongside the navigation menu. You can use the page builders to customize the template as you want.

Astra的Spa登陆页面模板提供了有吸引力的全角标题背景以及自定义文本和电话号码,使用户可以直接与您的spa公司联系。 它在导航菜单旁边有一个约会预约按钮。 您可以使用页面构建器根据需要自定义模板。

26.阿斯特拉牙科诊所 (26. Astra Dental Clinic)

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Astra’s Dental Clinic landing page template is a perfect choice for dentistry and medicals. It allows you to add a number in the header, a CTA button with a text message, and a full-width image. You can add the appointment booking form on the CTA button to boost your sales.

Astra的牙科诊所登陆页面模板是牙科和医疗的理想选择。 它允许您在标题中添加数字,带有文字消息的CTA按钮以及全角图像。 您可以在CTA按钮上添加预约表,以提高销售量。

27.阿斯特拉代理商 (27. Astra Agency)

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Astra’s Agency landing page template for WordPress websites is built for web agencies, designers, and developers. It has multiple layout designs with beautiful colors and typography. You can showcase your portfolio and featured work as images to create a powerful first impression on users.

WordPress网站的Astra代理商登陆页面模板是为网络代理商,设计师和开发人员构建的。 它具有多种布局设计,具有漂亮的色彩和版式。 您可以将自己的作品集和特色作品展示为图片,从而给用户带来强大的第一印象。

28.阿斯特拉珠宝 (28. Astra Jewellery)

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Astra’s Jewellery landing page template is beautifully designed to get your users’ attention. It has a dark-colored layout that helps you showcase the jewelry photos and text prominently. It’s compatible with WooCommerce to add cart options on your landing page.

Astra的珠宝登陆页面模板经过精心设计,可以引起用户的注意。 它具有深色布局,可帮助您突出显示珠宝照片和文字。 与WooCommerce兼容,可以在目标网页上添加购物车选项。

29.阿斯特拉律师 (29. Astra Lawyer)

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Astra’s Lawyer landing page template is for the lawyers and law firms to get new clients online. It displays your address and phone number in a professional way so your customers can contact you easily. It has space for a tagline to impress the visitors.

Astra的律师登陆页面模板供律师和律师事务所在线获取新客户。 它以专业的方式显示您的地址和电话号码,以便您的客户可以轻松地与您联系。 它有一个标语留给观众印象的空间。

30.阿斯特拉酒店 (30. Astra Hotel)

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Astra’s Hotel landing page template is an excellent choice for hotel websites, BnBs, and hotel-related businesses. It has a CTA button to add room booking option to boost your sales. You can add a fullscreen background image of your hotel with an impressive tagline to get users’ attention on the page.

Astra的酒店目标网页模板是酒店网站,BnB和酒店相关业务的绝佳选择。 它有一个CTA按钮,可添加房间预订选项,以提高您的销售额。 您可以添加带有引人注目的标语的酒店全屏背景图片,以在页面上吸引用户的注意力。

31. Astra作者 (31. Astra Author)

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Astra’s Author landing page template is a beautiful and attractive layout for writers, authors, libraries, and booksellers. It allows you to showcase the featured book on the front with an image of the book cover and a short text. You can also add the author’s name and other details.

Astra的“作者”着陆页模板是作家,作者,图书馆和书商的美观布局。 它使您可以在正面展示特色书,并附上书套图片和简短文字。 您还可以添加作者的姓名和其他详细信息。

32.阿斯特拉酒庄 (32. Astra Winery)

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Astra’s Winery landing page template is built for the wine shops, vineyards, and wine sellers. It has a storytelling layout making it easier for you to create user engagement. It allows you to add an image of your best wine with details and CTA button.

Astra的Winery着陆页模板是为葡萄酒商店,葡萄园和葡萄酒销售商构建的。 它具有讲故事的布局,可让您更轻松地建立用户参与度。 它允许您添加带有详细信息和CTA按钮的最佳葡萄酒的图像。

33.阿斯特拉摄影作品集 (33. Astra Photography Portfolio)

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Astra’s Photography Portfolio landing page template is perfect for photographers to showcase their portfolios professionally. You can use the drag and drop page builders to add text with photos easily. It has a white background that adds sharpness to your content.

Astra的摄影作品集登录页面模板非常适合摄影师专业展示其作品集。 您可以使用拖放页面构建器轻松添加带有照片的文本。 它具有白色背景,可为您的内容增添清晰度。

34.阿斯特拉自由职业者 (34. Astra Freelancer)

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Astra’s Freelancer landing page template is designed for individuals who want to get more online jobs. It has a simple and neat layout with beautiful colors to create a professional first impression. The freelancers can use this template for their introduction to visitors.

Astra的Freelancer登陆页面模板是为想要获得更多在线工作的个人设计的。 它的布局简洁明快,色彩优美,给人一种专业的第一印象。 自由职业者可以使用此模板向访客进行介绍。

35.阿斯特拉慈善机构 (35. Astra Charity)

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Astra’s Charity landing page template is built with a motive to add more donors to your cause. It is perfect for non-profit organizations, online charities, and NGOs. It has bold and bright colors with excellent readability. The template allows you to add a donate button so the visitors can easily connect with you.

Astra的慈善目标网页模板的构建目的是为您的事业增加捐助者。 非常适合非营利组织,在线慈善机构和NGO。 它具有大胆明亮的色彩,具有出色的可读性。 该模板允许您添加捐赠按钮,以便访问者可以轻松地与您联系。

36.阿斯特拉房地产 (36. Astra Real Estate)

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Astra’s Real Estate landing page template is a modern and stylish template for real estate agents. It helps in the expansion of your real estate business with its features and options. It displays a quick form template on the front for users to get connected quickly. The template has space to add your phone number and CTA button.

Astra的房地产着陆页模板是面向房地产经纪人的现代时尚模板。 它的功能和选项可帮助您扩展房地产业务。 它在前面显示了一个快速表单模板,供用户快速连接。 该模板具有添加电话号码和CTA按钮的空间。

37.阿斯特拉(Astra)艺术家 (37. Astra Artist)

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Astra’s Artist landing page template promotes the artist, agencies, and painters. It is divided into sections to add your featured paintings and other artwork beautifully. You can add the details of your artwork and add a CTA button to redirect users on the cart page. It supports WooCommerce to sell your work online.

Astra的“艺术家”着陆页模板可促进艺术家,代理商和画家的发展。 它分为几个部分,以精美地添加您的特色绘画和其他艺术品。 您可以添加艺术品的详细信息,并添加CTA按钮以在购物车页面上重定向用户。 它支持WooCommerce在线销售您的作品。

38.阿斯特拉自然 (38. Astra Nature)

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Astra’s Nature landing page template is designed for agencies working on natural habitats. It’s also a perfect choice for nature photographers, nature lovers, and travelers. It comes with an eye-catching background image and CTA button.

Astra的自然登陆页面模板是为从事自然栖息地工作的机构设计的。 对于自然摄影师,自然爱好者和旅行者来说,这也是一个理想的选择。 它带有引人注目的背景图片和CTA按钮。

39.阿斯特拉财务顾问 (39. Astra Financial Advisors)

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Astra’s Financial Advisors landing page template is perfect for large businesses who want to display their financial reports online. It’s a professional template with an elegant and modern design. The template is page builder friendly and compatible with WPML.

Astra的Financial Advisors登陆页面模板非常适合希望在线显示财务报告的大型企业。 这是具有优雅和现代设计的专业模板。 该模板是页面构建器友好的,并且与WPML兼容。

40.阿斯特拉会议活动 (40. Astra Conference Event)

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Astra’s Conference Event landing page template helps in promoting your conferences and events. It allows you to add the details of your event, including date, image, and title. You can also sell tickets online by adding a CTA button on top of the page.

Astra的会议活动登陆页面模板有助于促进您的会议和活动。 它允许您添加事件的详细信息,包括日期,图像和标题。 您还可以通过在页面顶部添加CTA按钮在线销售门票。

41.阿斯特拉营销人员 (41. Astra Marketer)

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Astra’s Marketer landing page template is for the websites of content and growth marketers. It has bold and bright colors in the background with crisp typography. The template is perfect for individual marketers to get leads and give consultancy online.

Astra的“行销人员”目标网页模板适用于内容和成长型行销人员的网站。 它的背景醒目明亮,字体醒目明亮。 该模板非常适合个人营销人员在线获取线索和提供咨询。

42.阿斯特拉工业 (42. Astra Industry)

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Astra’s Industry landing page template is built for industries. It has a custom background image, CTA button, and about section. This page template is fully customizable using the drag and drop page builders and WordPress live customizer.

Astra的行业目标网页模板是针对行业构建的。 它具有自定义背景图片,CTA按钮和关于部分。 该页面模板可使用拖放页面构建器和WordPress实时定制器完全自定义。

43. StudioPress向往 (43. StudioPress Aspire)

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StudioPress Aspire is an elegant WordPress theme with bold and bright colors. This template is built on top of the Genesis theme framework. It has a full-width header background image and a subscription box in the header to increase your subscribers. This theme is perfect to create a landing page for any website.

StudioPress Aspire是一个优雅的WordPress主题,具有大胆和明亮的色彩。 该模板建立在Genesis主题框架之上。 它具有全角标题背景图片和标题中的订阅框,以增加您的订户。 此主题非常适合为任何网站创建登录页面。

44. StudioPress单色 (44. StudioPress Monochrome)

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StudioPress Monochrome is a minimalistic WordPress theme with a simple and neat design. It uses black and white color for the background of the template. The font is inverse to the background and highly readable on all screen sizes. You can use this theme as a landing page template to promote your online business.

StudioPress Monochrome是具有简约简洁设计的简约WordPress主题。 它使用黑白作为模板的背景。 字体与背景相反,并且在所有屏幕尺寸上均可读性强。 您可以将此主题用作登陆页面模板,以促进您的在线业务。

45. StudioPress Infinity Pro (45. StudioPress Infinity Pro)

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StudioPress Infinity Pro is a stylish WordPress theme for digital agencies. It has an elegant design and ready to be used as a landing page template. It allows you to add a CTA button and redirect your users to the products page, which helps to boost your sales. Infinity Pro is fully compatible with WooCommerce to create an online store.

StudioPress Infinity Pro是面向数字代理商的时尚WordPress主题。 它具有优雅的设计,可以用作着陆页模板。 它允许您添加CTA按钮并将用户重定向到“产品”页面,这有助于提高销售量。 Infinity Pro与WooCommerce完全兼容,可以创建一个在线商店

46. StudioPress Parallax Pro (46. StudioPress Parallax Pro)

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StudioPress Parallax Pro is a beautiful WordPress storytelling theme. Like its name, the theme has a parallax design which makes your content readable on all devices. This theme is perfect to create your landing page template with a CTA button and featured content.

StudioPress Parallax Pro是一个漂亮的WordPress讲故事主题。 就像其名称一样,主题具有视差设计,使您的内容在所有设备上均可读取。 此主题非常适合使用CTA按钮和特色内容创建目标网页模板。

47. StudioPress展示柜 (47. StudioPress Showcase)

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StudioPress Showcase is an eye-catching WordPress theme that can be used to create a landing page template. It’s built on top of the Genesis theme framework. The theme is fully customizable with a CTA button to redirect users to relevant pages.

StudioPress Showcase是一个引人注目的WordPress主题,可用于创建目标网页模板。 它基于Genesis主题框架构建。 可以使用CTA按钮完全自定义主题,以将用户重定向到相关页面。

48. StudioPress代理重点 (48. StudioPress Agent Focused)

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StudioPress Agent Focused is a WordPress real estate theme. It has a flexible and page builder friendly layout. It allows you to add a custom header with a full-width background. You can use this page template to promote your real estate and IDX listings.

StudioPress Agent Focused是WordPress房地产主题。 它具有灵活且页面生成器友好的布局。 它允许您添加具有全角背景的自定义标头。 您可以使用此页面模板来宣传您的房地产和IDX列表。

49. StudioPress教育 (49. StudioPress Education)

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StudioPress Education landing page template is focused on delivering more content in lesser space. It’s built specifically for students, universities, and other educational institutions to share knowledge. This template is widgetized and easy to set up.

StudioPress Education登录页面模板专注于在较小的空间中提供更多内容。 它是专门为学生,大学和其他教育机构共享知识而构建的。 此模板已微件化,易于设置。

50. Themify Ultra会计 (50. Themify Ultra Accountant)

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Themify Ultra’s Accountant landing page template is designed to sell tax returns and filing services online. It allows you to add a CTA button for users to book an appointment directly from your website. You can also share your featured services on the template.

Themify Ultra的“会计”登录页面模板旨在在线销售税收申报和备案服务。 它允许您添加CTA按钮,以便用户直接从您的网站预订约会。 您也可以在模板上共享特色服务。

51. Themify Ultra婚礼 (51. Themify Ultra Wedding)

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Themify Ultra’s Wedding landing page template is an elegant template to promote wedding planners, wedding photographers, and individual weddings. It has a fullscreen background image with beautiful typography. The template is customizable using the Themify page builder.

Themify Ultra的婚礼登陆页面模板是一个优雅的模板,用于宣传婚礼策划者,婚礼摄影师和个人婚礼。 它具有带有精美字体的全屏背景图像。 可以使用“主题化”页面构建器来定制模板。

52. Themify Ultra软件 (52. Themify Ultra Software)

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Themify Ultra’s Software landing page template is perfect for getting online jobs for software development. It has a custom built layout with multiple ready-made demos. This template is similar to the Ultra theme template with a focus on selling services online.

Themify Ultra的软件着陆页模板非常适合获得在线职位以进行软件开发。 它具有定制的布局,其中包含多个现成的演示。 该模板类似于Ultra主题模板,其重点是在线销售服务。

53. Themify超咖啡 (53. Themify Ultra Coffee)

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Themify Ultra’s Coffee is a landing page template for the websites of coffee houses, coffee beans industries, and other coffee related products. It has a beautiful background image showcasing coffee beans and spilled coffee extracts. It displays a CTA button to redirect users to important pages.

Themify Ultra的Coffee是一个登陆页面模板,用于咖啡馆,咖啡豆工业和其他与咖啡相关的产品的网站。 它具有展示咖啡豆和洒出的咖啡提取物的美丽背景图像。 它显示一个CTA按钮,可将用户重定向到重要页面。

54. Themify Ultra音乐 (54. Themify Ultra Music)

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Themify Ultra’s Music landing page template focuses on promoting musicians, DJs, music bands, and instruments. It also allows you to display your upcoming events in a professional style. The template is fully customizable using drag and drop page builder.

Themify Ultra的“音乐”着陆页模板侧重于推广音乐家,DJ,乐队和乐器。 它还允许您以专业的方式显示即将发生的事件。 使用拖放页面构建器可以完全自定义模板。

55. Themify Ultra应用 (55. Themify Ultra App)

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Themify Ultra’s App landing page template is built for the apps of mobile and all other devices. You can use this template to promote app development services online. This landing page template helps you boost the downloads of your featured apps with a CTA button.

Themify Ultra的应用程序着陆页模板是为移动设备和所有其他设备的应用程序构建的。 您可以使用此模板在线推广应用开发服务。 该着陆页模板可帮助您通过CTA按钮提高特色应用的下载量。

56.便当 (56. Bento)

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Bento is a free and all-purpose WordPress theme to create landing page templates. It comes with unlimited color options, vector icons, fonts, and custom background. It integrates WooCommerce to promote your product pages. Bento can be edited using WordPress live customizer with preview.

Bento是一个免费的通用WordPress主题,用于创建登录页面模板。 它带有无限的颜色选项,矢量图标,字体和自定义背景。 它集成了WooCommerce来推广您的产品页面。 Bento可以使用WordPress实时定制器和预览进行编辑。

57. OnePress (57. OnePress)

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OnePress is another free WordPress template to create landing pages for creative and web agencies, freelancers, bloggers, and newspapers. It has 2 CTA buttons to redirect users to your services and product page. You can also add featured services in the blurbs below.

OnePress是另一个免费的WordPress模板,用于为广告素材和网络代理商,自由职业者,博客作者和报纸创建登录页面。 它具有2个CTA按钮,可将用户重定向到您的服务和产品页面。 您还可以在下面的简介中添加特色服务。

58. Hestia专业版 (58. Hestia Pro)

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Hestia Pro is a popular single-page WordPress theme with a fullscreen background image. It can be used as a landing page template to promote any business. It’s compatible with drag and drop page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, etc to customize the layout. Hestia supports WooCommerce to promote your products.

Hestia Pro是一种流行的单页WordPress主题,具有全屏背景图像。 可以用作着陆页模板来推广任何业务。 它与Elementor ,Beaver Builder等拖放页面构建器兼容,以自定义布局。 Hestia支持WooCommerce推广您的产品。

59.奥尔费 (59. Orfeo)

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Orfeo is a multipurpose and free WordPress theme. It has a single page layout with multiple sections to create a landing page template. It is easy to customize using drag and drop page builders. This theme is compatible with WooCommerce and WPML.

Orfeo是一个多功能的免费WordPress主题。 它具有包含多个部分的单个页面布局,以创建登录页面模板。 使用拖放页面构建器很容易定制。 该主题与WooCommerce和WPML兼容。

60.泽勒 (60. Zelle)

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Zelle is a premium one-page layout for WordPress websites. It is perfect to create landing page templates easily. It works excellent with page builders like Visual Composer, Beaver Builder, etc. It comes with unlimited colors, custom backgrounds, and optimized for speed.

Zelle是WordPress网站的高级一页布局。 轻松创建登录页面模板非常理想。 它可以与Visual Composer,Beaver Builder等页面构建器一起很好地工作。它具有无限的颜色,自定义背景,并针对速度进行了优化。

(Final Thoughts)

These are just some of the landing page templates that we could share. The key to building landing pages is to use a drag and drop page builder like Beaver Builder or Divi.

这些只是我们可以共享的某些着陆页模板。 构建登录页面的关键是使用拖放页面构建器,例如Beaver BuilderDivi

You can use these two to create infinite possibilities of design combinations within just minutes.


If you’re looking for a non-WordPress landing page solution, then we recommend using either Leadpages or Unbounce.


Both of these providers offer hosted landing page solutions and comes with hundreds of pre-made designs that you can choose from. A lot of marketers focusing on PPC end up using these solutions due to their ease of use.

这两家提供商均提供托管的登陆页面解决方案,并提供数百种预制设计供您选择。 许多专注于PPC的营销商由于易于使用而最终使用了这些解决方案。

Here’s an example of the goal focused templates that Leadpages offer:


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Our first preference is to always to use a WordPress page builder like Beaver Builder or Divi because you’ll save a lot of money in the long run.

我们的首选是始终使用Beaver BuilderDivi之类的WordPress页面构建 ,因为从长远来看,您将节省很多钱。

To put in perspective, the annual cost of a WordPress page builder plugin is 12 times cheaper than the hosted landing page builders.


We hope this article helped you find the best landing page templates for WordPress. You may also want to see our ultimate step by step WordPress SEO guide for beginners.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到WordPress的最佳登录页面模板。 您可能还想看看我们针对初学者的终极一步一步WordPress SEO指南

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.