unity给我们提供了多种角色移动的思路 先简单整理下前三种

Unity 动画脚不着地 unity角色移动动画_Unity 动画脚不着地





public float speed;

    void Update()

    void Move()
        float MoveX = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
        float MoveZ = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
        Vector3 dir = new Vector3(MoveX, 0, MoveZ).normalized;

        transform.Translate(dir * Time.deltaTime * speed);

        //transform.position += dir * Time.deltaTime * speed;

        //transform.TransformPoint(dir * Time.deltaTime * speed);











物体的质量(任意单位)。建议一个物体的质量不要与其他物体 相差100倍



当受力移动时物体受到的空气阻力。0表示没有空气阻力,极 大时使物体立即停止运动

Angular Drag


当受扭力旋转时物体受到的空气阻力。0表示没有空气阻力, 极大时使物体立即停止旋转

Use Gravity



Is Kinematic





物体运动插值模式。当发现刚体运动时抖动,可以尝试下面的 选项:None(无),不应用插值;Interpolate(内插值),基于上一帧变换来平滑本帧变换;Extrapolate(外插值),基于下一帧变换来 平滑本帧变换

Collision Detection


碰撞检测模式。用于避免高速物体穿过其他物体却未触发碰 撞。碰撞模式包括Discrete (不连续)、Continuous (连续)、 Continuous Dynamic (动态连续〉3种。其中,Discrete模式用来 检测与场景中其他碰撞器或其他物体的碰撞;Continuous模式 用来检测与动态碰撞器(刚体)的碰撞;Continuous Dynamic模 式用来检测与连续模式和连续动态模式的物体的碰撞,适用于 高速物体



对刚体运动的约束。其中,Freeze Position(冻结位置)表示刚体 在世界中沿所选轴的移动将无效,Freeze Rotation(冻结旋转)表示刚体在世界中沿所选的X、Y、Z轴的旋转将无效


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class RigibodyMove : MonoBehaviour
    Rigidbody rb;
    public float speed;

    void Start()
        rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

    void Move()
        float MoveX = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
        float MoveZ = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
        Vector3 dir = new Vector3(MoveX, 0, MoveZ).normalized;

        //rb.AddForce(dir * speed * Time.deltaTime);
        //rb.velocity += dir * speed * Time.deltaTime;
        rb.MovePosition(transform.position + dir * speed * Time.deltaTime);



unity提供了一个Character Controller组件,可以自动帮助我们构建碰撞和重力效果

但其中重力 只有调用SimpleMove方法移动会自动使用重力,使用Move方法移动则没有重力,需要自己添加

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
    public float speed;
    public float gravity;

    CharacterController cc;

    bool isGrounded = false;
    float fallSpeed = 0; //掉落速度 会随着滞空时间不断增加

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        cc = GetComponent<CharacterController>();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

    void Movement()
        isGrounded = cc.isGrounded;

        if (!isGrounded)
            fallSpeed -= gravity;
            if (fallSpeed < 0)
                fallSpeed = 0;

        float MoveX = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
        float MoveZ = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
        //Vector3 dir = new Vector3(MoveX, 0, MoveZ).normalized;

        Vector3 v = (transform.forward * MoveZ + transform.right * MoveX).normalized * speed + transform.up * fallSpeed;

        //1、simpleMove 带重力的移动
        //cc.SimpleMove(dir * speed * Time.deltaTime);
        //2、Move 不带重力 需要自己设置重力
        cc.Move(v * Time.deltaTime);




事实上,一个完整的角色控制器需要考虑的问题有很多。像重力、跳跃、阻力、空中移动、 处理斜坡、处理台阶、冲刺、蹲伏等等




  • 处理斜坡
  • 处理台阶
  • 不会卡墙


  • 自带重力
  • 提供阻力
  • 可以和物理对象交互




using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerController_Brackeys : MonoBehaviour
    CharacterController cc;
    public float speed = 12f;
    public float gravity = -9.81f;
    public float jumpHeight = 3f; //跳跃高度

    public Transform groundCheck;
    public float groundDistance = 0.4f;
    public LayerMask groundMask;

    Vector3 velocity;
    bool isGrounded; //检测是否在地面

    void Start()
        cc = GetComponent<CharacterController>();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

    void MoveMent()
        isGrounded = Physics.CheckSphere(groundCheck.position, groundDistance, groundMask);//检测是否在地面

        if(isGrounded && velocity.y < 0)
            //防止在真正掉落到地面前 停止掉落
            velocity.y = -2;

        float MoveX = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
        float MoveZ = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");

        Vector3 dir = (transform.right * MoveX + transform.forward * MoveZ).normalized;

        cc.Move(dir * speed * Time.deltaTime);

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && isGrounded)
            //物理公式 v=sqrt(v*-2*g)
            velocity.y = Mathf.Sqrt(jumpHeight * -2f * gravity);

        velocity.y += gravity * Time.deltaTime;
        //再乘一个Time.deltaTime是由物理决定的 1/2gt^2
        cc.Move(velocity * Time.deltaTime);


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class MouseLook : MonoBehaviour
    public float mouseSensitivity = 100f;

    public Transform playerBody;

    float xRotation = 0f;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

    void FreeLook()
        float mouseX = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * mouseSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
        float mouseY = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * mouseSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;

        xRotation -= mouseY;
        xRotation = Mathf.Clamp(xRotation, -90f, 90f);

        transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(xRotation, 0f, 0f);

        playerBody.Rotate(Vector3.up * mouseX);


Unity 动画脚不着地 unity角色移动动画_ide_02

Unity 动画脚不着地 unity角色移动动画_Time_03

Unity 动画脚不着地 unity角色移动动画_Unity 动画脚不着地_04




// From: https://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/FPSWalkerEnhanced
// Modified:
// 1. Namespace to prevent conflicts.
// 2. Only checks Horizontal and Vertical inputs.

namespace PixelCrushers.SceneStreamer.Example
    using UnityEngine;

    public class FPSWalkerEnhanced : MonoBehaviour
        [Tooltip("How fast the player moves when walking (default move speed).")]
        private float m_WalkSpeed = 6.0f;

        [Tooltip("How fast the player moves when running.")]
        private float m_RunSpeed = 11.0f;

        [Tooltip("If true, diagonal speed (when strafing + moving forward or back) can't exceed normal move speed; otherwise it's about 1.4 times faster.")]
        public bool m_LimitDiagonalSpeed = true;

        [Tooltip("If checked, the run key toggles between running and walking. Otherwise player runs if the key is held down.")]
        private bool m_ToggleRun = false;

        //[Tooltip("How high the player jumps when hitting the jump button.")]
        //private float m_JumpSpeed = 8.0f;

        [Tooltip("How fast the player falls when not standing on anything.")]
        private float m_Gravity = 20.0f;

        [Tooltip("Units that player can fall before a falling function is run. To disable, type \"infinity\" in the inspector.")]
        private float m_FallingThreshold = 10.0f;

        [Tooltip("If the player ends up on a slope which is at least the Slope Limit as set on the character controller, then he will slide down.")]
        private bool m_SlideWhenOverSlopeLimit = false;

        [Tooltip("If checked and the player is on an object tagged \"Slide\", he will slide down it regardless of the slope limit.")]
        private bool m_SlideOnTaggedObjects = false;

        [Tooltip("How fast the player slides when on slopes as defined above.")]
        private float m_SlideSpeed = 12.0f;

        [Tooltip("If checked, then the player can change direction while in the air.")]
        private bool m_AirControl = false;

        [Tooltip("Small amounts of this results in bumping when walking down slopes, but large amounts results in falling too fast.")]
        private float m_AntiBumpFactor = .75f;

        //[Tooltip("Player must be grounded for at least this many physics frames before being able to jump again; set to 0 to allow bunny hopping.")]
        //private int m_AntiBunnyHopFactor = 1;

        private Vector3 m_MoveDirection = Vector3.zero;
        private bool m_Grounded = false;
        private CharacterController m_Controller;
        private Transform m_Transform;
        private float m_Speed;
        private RaycastHit m_Hit;
        private float m_FallStartLevel;
        private bool m_Falling;
        private float m_SlideLimit;
        private float m_RayDistance;
        private Vector3 m_ContactPoint;
        private bool m_PlayerControl = false;
        //private int m_JumpTimer;

        private void Start()
            // Saving component references to improve performance.
            m_Transform = GetComponent<Transform>();
            m_Controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();

            // Setting initial values.
            m_Speed = m_WalkSpeed;
            m_RayDistance = m_Controller.height * .5f + m_Controller.radius;
            m_SlideLimit = m_Controller.slopeLimit - .1f;
            //m_JumpTimer = m_AntiBunnyHopFactor;

        //private void Update()
        //    // If the run button is set to toggle, then switch between walk/run speed. (We use Update for this...
        //    // FixedUpdate is a poor place to use GetButtonDown, since it doesn't necessarily run every frame and can miss the event)
        //    if (m_ToggleRun && m_Grounded && Input.GetButtonDown("Run"))
        //    {
        //        m_Speed = (m_Speed == m_WalkSpeed ? m_RunSpeed : m_WalkSpeed);
        //    }

        private void FixedUpdate()
            float inputX = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
            float inputY = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

            // If both horizontal and vertical are used simultaneously, limit speed (if allowed), so the total doesn't exceed normal move speed
            float inputModifyFactor = (inputX != 0.0f && inputY != 0.0f && m_LimitDiagonalSpeed) ? .7071f : 1.0f;

            if (m_Grounded)
                bool sliding = false;
                // See if surface immediately below should be slid down. We use this normally rather than a ControllerColliderHit point,
                // because that interferes with step climbing amongst other annoyances
                if (Physics.Raycast(m_Transform.position, -Vector3.up, out m_Hit, m_RayDistance))
                    if (Vector3.Angle(m_Hit.normal, Vector3.up) > m_SlideLimit)
                        sliding = true;
                // However, just raycasting straight down from the center can fail when on steep slopes
                // So if the above raycast didn't catch anything, raycast down from the stored ControllerColliderHit point instead
                    Physics.Raycast(m_ContactPoint + Vector3.up, -Vector3.up, out m_Hit);
                    if (Vector3.Angle(m_Hit.normal, Vector3.up) > m_SlideLimit)
                        sliding = true;

                // If we were falling, and we fell a vertical distance greater than the threshold, run a falling damage routine
                if (m_Falling)
                    m_Falling = false;
                    if (m_Transform.position.y < m_FallStartLevel - m_FallingThreshold)
                        OnFell(m_FallStartLevel - m_Transform.position.y);

                // If running isn't on a toggle, then use the appropriate speed depending on whether the run button is down
                if (!m_ToggleRun)
                    m_Speed = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) ? m_RunSpeed : m_WalkSpeed;

                // If sliding (and it's allowed), or if we're on an object tagged "Slide", get a vector pointing down the slope we're on
                if ((sliding && m_SlideWhenOverSlopeLimit) || (m_SlideOnTaggedObjects && m_Hit.collider.tag == "Slide"))
                    Vector3 hitNormal = m_Hit.normal;
                    m_MoveDirection = new Vector3(hitNormal.x, -hitNormal.y, hitNormal.z);
                    Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref hitNormal, ref m_MoveDirection);
                    m_MoveDirection *= m_SlideSpeed;
                    m_PlayerControl = false;
                // Otherwise recalculate moveDirection directly from axes, adding a bit of -y to avoid bumping down inclines
                    m_MoveDirection = new Vector3(inputX * inputModifyFactor, -m_AntiBumpFactor, inputY * inputModifyFactor);
                    m_MoveDirection = m_Transform.TransformDirection(m_MoveDirection) * m_Speed;
                    m_PlayerControl = true;

                // Jump! But only if the jump button has been released and player has been grounded for a given number of frames
                //if (!Input.GetButton("Jump"))
                //    m_JumpTimer++;
                //else if (m_JumpTimer >= m_AntiBunnyHopFactor)
                //    m_MoveDirection.y = m_JumpSpeed;
                //    m_JumpTimer = 0;
                // If we stepped over a cliff or something, set the height at which we started falling
                if (!m_Falling)
                    m_Falling = true;
                    m_FallStartLevel = m_Transform.position.y;

                // If air control is allowed, check movement but don't touch the y component
                if (m_AirControl && m_PlayerControl)
                    m_MoveDirection.x = inputX * m_Speed * inputModifyFactor;
                    m_MoveDirection.z = inputY * m_Speed * inputModifyFactor;
                    m_MoveDirection = m_Transform.TransformDirection(m_MoveDirection);

            // Apply gravity
            m_MoveDirection.y -= m_Gravity * Time.deltaTime;

            // Move the controller, and set grounded true or false depending on whether we're standing on something
            m_Grounded = (m_Controller.Move(m_MoveDirection * Time.deltaTime) & CollisionFlags.Below) != 0;

        // Store point that we're in contact with for use in FixedUpdate if needed
        private void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit hit)
            m_ContactPoint = hit.point;

        // This is the place to apply things like fall damage. You can give the player hitpoints and remove some
        // of them based on the distance fallen, play sound effects, etc.
        private void OnFell(float fallDistance)
            print("Ouch! Fell " + fallDistance + " units!");

