操作系统:AIX      数据库:IBM DB2



describe table sygjj_test_index
Column                         Type      Type
name                           schema    name               Length   Scale Nulls
ID                             SYSIBM    VARCHAR           4       0  No    
USERNAME                   SYSIBM    VARCHAR          20      0   Yes   
SEX                           SYSIBM    VARCHAR           50      0   Yes   
AGE                           SYSIBM    VARCHAR           4       0   Yes   
CLASS                         SYSIBM    VARCHAR           50      0   Yes
describe indexes for table sygjj_test_index show detail
Index              Index              Unique         Number of          Column
schema             name              rule           columns             names
AFA           SY_TEST_KEY        P                          1+ID                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
AFA            SY_TEST_IDX1        D                2 +USERNAME+CLASS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
AFA            SY_TEST_IDX2        D                           1 +AGE 
   select * from sygjj_test_index
ID         USERNAME         SEX           AGE         CLASS                                             
1             aa                m              20           computer                                          
2             aa                m              20           computer
3             bb                m              20           computer
4             aca                f              23           computer
5             asa                m              26           english
6             aaa                m              20           computer
7             dd                m              22           computer



1.       当查询条件中包含这两个字段时,且select 后面紧跟的字段也只有username和class或它们之中的一个,这时索引都会起作用。
例如:select username,class from sygjj_test_index where username='aa' and class='computer'
2.       当查询条件中包含这两个字段,但select后面紧跟的字段不只是username或class时,这时索引不起作用。
select * from sygjj_test_index where username='aa' and class='computer'
3.       当查询条件中只包含username时,且select 后面紧跟的字段也只有username和class或它们之中的一个,这时索引都会起作用。
select class from sygjj_test_index where username='aa'
4.       当查询条件中只包含username时,但select后面紧跟的字段不只是username或class时,这时索引不起作用。
select username,class,age from sygjj_test_index where username='aa'
5.       当查询条伯中只包含class时,这时索引是不起作用的
select username,class from sygjj_test_index where class='computer'

6.       假如在这个表建一个由username+class+age三个列组成的索引。索引中的行是按username/class/age 的次序存放的,因此,索引中的行也会自动按username/class 的顺序和username 的顺序存放。这表示,即使在查询中只指定username的 值或只指定username 和class 的值,也可以利用此索引。因此,此索引可用来搜索下列的列组合:


不能使用不涉及左前缀的搜索。例如,如果class和age 进行搜索,则不能使用该索引。如果要搜索某个用户名以及某个年龄(索引中的列1和列3),则此索引不能用于相应值的组合。但是,可利用索引来寻找与该用户名相符的行,以减少搜索范围。

7.       如果username+class这个索引是被定义为主键的话,这此时将不会出现上面那种情况。


例如:db2expln -d afa -o testsql1.txt -q "select * from sygjj_test_index where username=’aa’"




可利用这句代码进行测试,并观看测试结果db2expln -d afa -o testsql1.txt -q "select * from sygjj_test_index where id='1' and age='20'"



db2expln -d afa -o testsql1.txt -q "select * from sygjj_test_index where id='1' and age='20'"
DB2 Universal Database Version 8.1, 5622-044 (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1991, 2002
Licensed Material - Program Property of IBM
IBM DB2 Universal Database SQL Explain Tool
******************** DYNAMIC ***************************************
==================== STATEMENT ==========================================
        Isolation Level          = Cursor Stability
        Blocking                 = Block Unambiguous Cursors
        Query Optimization Class = 5
        Partition Parallel       = No
        Intra-Partition Parallel = No
        SQL Path                 = "SYSIBM", "SYSFUN", "SYSPROC", "AFA"
SQL Statement:
 select * 
 from sygjj_test_index 
 where id='1'and age='20'
Section Code Page = 1386
Estimated Cost = 0.556049
Estimated Cardinality = 0.040000
Index ANDing
| Optimizer Estimate of Set Size: 1
| Index ANDing Bitmap Build Using Row IDs
| | Optimizer Estimate of Set Size: 1
| | Access Table Name = AFA.SYGJJ_TEST_INDEX ID = 2,31
| | | Index Scan: Name = AFA.SY_TEST_KEY ID = 1
| | | | Regular Index (Not Clustered)
| | | | Index Columns:
| | | | | 1: ID (Ascending)
| | | #Columns = 0
| | | Single Record
| | | Fully Qualified Unique Key
| | | #Key Columns = 1
| | | | Start Key: Inclusive Value
| | | | | | 1: '1'
| | | | Stop Key: Inclusive Value
| | | | | | 1: '1'
| | | Index-Only Access
| | | Index Prefetch: None
| | | Isolation Level: Uncommitted Read
| | | Lock Intents
| | | | Table: Intent None
| | | | Row : None
| Index ANDing Bitmap Probe Using Row IDs
| | Optimizer Estimate of Set Size: 1
| | Access Table Name = AFA.SYGJJ_TEST_INDEX ID = 2,31
| | | Index Scan: Name = AFA.SY_TEST_IDX2 ID = 3
| | | | Regular Index (Not Clustered)
| | | | Index Columns:
| | | | | 1: AGE (Ascending)
| | | #Columns = 0
| | | #Key Columns = 1
| | | | Start Key: Inclusive Value
| | | | | | 1: '20'
| | | | Stop Key: Inclusive Value
| | | | | | 1: '20'
| | | Index-Only Access
| | | Index Prefetch: None
| | | Isolation Level: Uncommitted Read
| | | Lock Intents
| | | | Table: Intent None
| | | | Row : None
Insert Into Sorted Temp Table ID = t1
| #Columns = 1
| #Sort Key Columns = 1
| | Key 1: (Ascending)
| Sortheap Allocation Parameters:
| | #Rows     = 1
| | Row Width = 12
| Piped
| Duplicate Elimination
List Prefetch Preparation
| Access Table Name = AFA.SYGJJ_TEST_INDEX ID = 2,31
| | #Columns = 5
| | Single Record
| | Fetch Using Prefetched List
| | | Prefetch: 1 Pages
| | Lock Intents
| | | Table: Intent Share
| | | Row : Next Key Share
| | Sargable Predicate(s)
| | | #Predicates = 2
| | | Return Data to Application
| | | | #Columns = 5
Return Data Completion