PIL: Python Image Library, python平台的图像处理库,要使用Image首先要从PIL库导入Image:
from PIL import Image
PIL:Python Imaging Library(仅支持到python2.7)
Pillow:支持最新的Python 3.*
Python3.*的版本直接安装Pillow:pip install Pillow
from PIL import Image
# 读取图片
im = Image.open(r''D:\kolor.jpg'')
im.format, im.size, im.mode
# 显示图片
# 保存图片, 参数:保存的地址和名称,图片格式
im.save(r'D:\kolor.jpg', 'JPEG')
im=Image.new(mode, size) # color的默认值是黑色
im=Image.new(mode, size, color)
如: im=Image.new('RGB', (450, 600), (255,255,255)) # 'RGB'是红(RED)绿(GREEN)蓝(BLUE)模式
Image.blend(im1, im2, alpha) # alpha是im1和im2的比例参数
im.point(function) # function接收一个参数,并对图片的每个点执行这个函数
如:im.point(lambad i: i*1.5) #对每个点进行50%的加强
box=(100,100,500,500) # 设置要裁剪的区域
im.paste(im1, box) #把im1的box区域黏贴到im中去
r,g,b=im.split() #分割成三个通道,此时r,g,b分别是三个图像对象
im=Image.merge('RGB', (b,g,r)) #将b, r两个通道进行反转
im.thumbnail((w//2, h//2)) # 缩小50%
im.rotate(45) #逆时针旋转45度
im.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) #左右兑换
im.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) #上下对换
im.convert('RGBA') #图像的mode转换成RGBA类型
im.putpixel((4,4), (255,0,0))
save(f,format=None) | 保存 | 如果f是一个file对象,必须指定format(format codes) |
convert(mode) | 转换mode | |
copy() | | |
crop(bbox) | 剪切 | 原图中bbox区域 |
filter(name) | 滤镜 | the name of predefined image enhancement filters 滤镜名字需要import ImageFilter |
getbands() | 通道的字符串序列 | 如RGB图返回('R', 'G', 'B') |
getbbox() | 包含非零区域的最小bbox | |
getextrema() | 最大最小像素点值 | min&max pixel value 单通道图:返回元组(min,max) 多通道图:返回各个通道的元组组成的元组 |
getpixel(xy) | 取像素点值 | 坐标xy处的pixel value or a sequence of pixel values |
histogram(mask=None) | 统计直方图 | 单通道图:返回列表[c0, c1, ...],ci是值为i的像素数 多通道图:a single sequence that is the concatenation of the sequences for all bands mask参数:a same-sized mask image of mode "1" or "L"(include only those pixels correspond to nonzero pixels in the mask argument) |
offset(dx,dy=None) | 平移 | Returns a new image the same size as the original, but with all pixels rotated dx in the +x direction,and dy in the +y direction. If dy is omitted, it defaults to the same value as dx. |
paste(i2,where,mask=None) | 粘贴图片 | where参数可以是 1 (x,y)坐标对:i2的像素点(0,0)对齐原图中的(x,y)粘贴,i2超过原图边界的部分被抛弃 2 bbox:i2必须和该bounding box大小一致 3 None:i2必须和原图大小一致 如果i2的mode和原图不一致,粘贴前会被转换。 mask参数:a same-sized mask image of mode "1","L" or “RGBA ”(control which pixels get replaced) |
paste(color,box=None,mask=None) | 填充颜色 | 如果box省略,整个图被填充为color色;mask参数同上 |
point(function) | 改变像素点(函数) | Returns a new image with each pixel modified. |
point(table) | 改变像素点(查表) | To translate pixels using a table(a sequence of 256n values, where n is the number of bands in the image) lookup |
putalpha(band) | 改变alpha通道 | The pixels of the band image(same-sized,"L" or "1") replace the alpha band(A) of the original image(RGBA) in place. |
putpixel(xy, color) | 改变单个像素点颜色 | Note that this method is relatively slow. For more extensive changes, use paste or theImageDraw module instead. |
resize(size,filter=None) | 调整大小 | |
rotate(theta) | 旋转(围绕图片中心) |
Any pixels that are not covered by rotation of the original image are set to black. |
show() | 显示图片 | On Unix systems, this method runs the xv image viewer to display the image. |
split() | 分离通道 | 返回各个通道的灰度图组成的元组 |
thumbnail(size,filter=None) | 缩略图 | Modifies in-place,Preserves aspect ratio |
transform(xs, ys, Image.EXTENT, (x0,y0,x1,y1)) | | Returns a transformed copy of the image. In the transformed image, the point originally at (x0,y0) will appear at (0,0), and point (x1,y1) will appear at (xs, ys). |
transform(xs, ys, Image.AFFINE, (a,b,c,d,e,f)) | affine变换 | The values a through f are the first two rows of an affine transform matrix. |
transpose(method) | 翻转旋转 | ROTATE_90/180/270(clockwise), FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM(horizontal), FLIP_RIGHT_LEFT(vertical) |