【多选题】数据挖掘的替换词包括( )。

【判断题】高强度高模量纤维是强度大于 2.5 GPa ,模量高于 55GPa 的纤维。



【单选题】1. 护士为昏迷患者进行口腔护理, 操作不正确的是

【单选题】射影几何产生于文艺复兴时期的 ( )

【单选题】学校按照国家和地方课程计划要求,结合学校自身实际,对学校课程进行的全面规划与整体安排是( )

【单选题】The First Folio was published after the death of W. Shakespeare.




【单选题】“一笔书”指的是( )。

【单选题】According to what has been mentioned just now, as an entrepreneur, you should realize the ( ) of poor communication.



【单选题】16.( )是由零个或者多个字符组成的有限序列。



【判断题】我国企业常用的换股收购方式是增资换股,一般有两种形式来实现。( )


【单选题】Klein 瓶上( ) Mobius 带。


【判断题】酸水解法可以用来测定食品中的粗脂肪。( )





【单选题】CCl 4 的几何构型为


【多选题】影响熔点测定的因素主要有( ) 。

【多选题】视频公开课中主要以( )方式来展示学校视频公开课结果:


【判断题】根据马斯洛需求理论的启示,了解员工的需求,对于企业制定有效的管理办法和激励制度、调动员工积极性是一个重要的前提。( )

【单选题】以下关于护士行为规范的说法错误的是( )。

【单选题】孔子的核心思想是( )和( )



【判断题】The primary participants in the communication process are senders and receivers.

【单选题】图示外伸梁受到均布载荷作用,下列结论错误的是( )。

【单选题】根据以上尺寸建模后,蓝色色区域的面积是( ) mm 2 ?

【单选题】以下变量中,属于离散型变量的是( )

【单选题】后备母猪断奶阶段的选择内容包括( )


【阅读理解(选择)/完型填空】Eighty-five years after its founding, the United States was breaking up. The conflicting sectional views of the American dream could no longer be reconciled. For years southern states had been threatening to withdraw from the Union unless the federal government agreed to protect slavery and other sectional interest, such as a low tariff. Southern threats regarding secession were answered by northern claims that their views on liberty and government were supported by tranditional American principles. Before the election South Carolina had stated that it would withdraw from the Union if Lincoln were elected. On December 20, 1860, it carried out its threat. By unanimous vote, the South Carolina legislature declared that “the Union... between this State and the other States of North America is dissolved.” Within a few weeks, six more states—Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas—followed South Carolina’s path. In February 1861, delegates from these states met in Montgomery, Alabama, agreed to establish the Confederate States of America, and adopted a constitution for the new nation. In his inaugural address, Lincoln was both conciliatory and firm. He stated that the federal government had no right to interfere with slavery in the states. He said that he would even support a constitutional amendment reaffirming the right of states to have slavery. But he also stated that he meant to carry out the laws of the United States and to keep control over federal property in the seceded southern states.

【判断题】甲与乙协议变更合同 , 但对合同变更的内容约定不明确 , 视为未变更 。




【单选题】Это произошло в _____ году.