
javadubbo调用接口示例 dubbo接口调用原理_javadubbo调用接口示例





package com.alibaba.dubbo.common.bytecode;

import com.alibaba.dubbo.common.bytecode.ClassGenerator;
import com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService;
import com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.service.EchoService;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

public class proxy0
implements ClassGenerator.DC,
DemoService {
    public static Method[] methods;
    private InvocationHandler handler;

    public String sayHello(String string) {
        Object[] arrobject = new Object[]{string};
        //InvocationHandler 反射调用 arrobject 参数集合
        Object object = this.handler.invoke(this, methods[0], arrobject);
        return (String)object;

    public Object $echo(Object object) {
        Object[] arrobject = new Object[]{object};
        Object object2 = this.handler.invoke(this, methods[1], arrobject);
        return object2;

    public proxy0() {

    public proxy0(InvocationHandler invocationHandler) {
        this.handler = invocationHandler;

使用arthas反编译之后的代码 获取的代理类:com.alibaba.dubbo.common.bytecode.proxy0,当调用sayHello的方法是,实际调用的是this.handler.invoke(this, methods[0], arrobject);方法,invoker实例

javadubbo调用接口示例 dubbo接口调用原理_服务端_02


public class InvokerInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler {

    private final Invoker<?> invoker;

    public InvokerInvocationHandler(Invoker<?> handler) {
        this.invoker = handler;

    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
        String methodName = method.getName();
        Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
        if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) {
            return method.invoke(invoker, args);
        if ("toString".equals(methodName) && parameterTypes.length == 0) {
            return invoker.toString();
        if ("hashCode".equals(methodName) && parameterTypes.length == 0) {
            return invoker.hashCode();
        if ("equals".equals(methodName) && parameterTypes.length == 1) {
            return invoker.equals(args[0]);
        return invoker.invoke(new RpcInvocation(method, args)).recreate();



    public Result invoke(Invocation invocation) throws RpcException {
        //invocation RpcInvocation  methodName,  parameterTypes, arguments
        Result result = null;

        // //dubbo的服务降级策略,失败之后会走mock方法,打到服务降级的策略,https://www.jianshu.com/p/d71c7771b9c9
        String value = directory.getUrl().getMethodParameter(invocation.getMethodName(), Constants.MOCK_KEY, Boolean.FALSE.toString()).trim();
        if (value.length() == 0 || value.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
            //no mock
            result = this.invoker.invoke(invocation);
        } else if (value.startsWith("force")) {
            if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
                logger.info("force-mock: " + invocation.getMethodName() + " force-mock enabled , url : " + directory.getUrl());
            //force:direct mock
            //force开头,强制进行mock //这个force只能通过override触发 接口名+Mock
            result = doMockInvoke(invocation, null);
        } else {
            try {
                result = this.invoker.invoke(invocation);
            } catch (RpcException e) {
                if (e.isBiz()) {
                    throw e;
                } else {
                    if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
                        logger.warn("fail-mock: " + invocation.getMethodName() + " fail-mock enabled , url : " + directory.getUrl(), e);
                    result = doMockInvoke(invocation, e);
        return result;


public Result invoke(final Invocation invocation) throws RpcException {
        LoadBalance loadbalance = null;

        // binding attachments into invocation.
        Map<String, String> contextAttachments = RpcContext.getContext().getAttachments();
        if (contextAttachments != null && contextAttachments.size() != 0) {
            ((RpcInvocation) invocation).addAttachments(contextAttachments);
        List<Invoker<T>> invokers = list(invocation);
        if (invokers != null && !invokers.isEmpty()) {
            loadbalance = ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(LoadBalance.class).getExtension(invokers.get(0).getUrl()
                    .getMethodParameter(RpcUtils.getMethodName(invocation), Constants.LOADBALANCE_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_LOADBALANCE));
        RpcUtils.attachInvocationIdIfAsync(getUrl(), invocation);
        return doInvoke(invocation, invokers, loadbalance);

该方法主要就是为了获取invoker集合以及负载均衡的策略,doInoker主要的代码逻辑在DubboInvoker //TODO负载均衡策略

protected Result doInvoke(final Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
        RpcInvocation inv = (RpcInvocation) invocation;
        final String methodName = RpcUtils.getMethodName(invocation);
        inv.setAttachment(Constants.PATH_KEY, getUrl().getPath());
        inv.setAttachment(Constants.VERSION_KEY, version);

        ExchangeClient currentClient;
        if (clients.length == 1) {
            currentClient = clients[0];
        } else {
            currentClient = clients[index.getAndIncrement() % clients.length];
        try {
            boolean isAsync = RpcUtils.isAsync(getUrl(), invocation);
            boolean isOneway = RpcUtils.isOneway(getUrl(), invocation);
            int timeout = getUrl().getMethodParameter(methodName, Constants.TIMEOUT_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

            if (isOneway) {
                //异步调用 无返回值
                boolean isSent = getUrl().getMethodParameter(methodName, Constants.SENT_KEY, false);
                currentClient.send(inv, isSent);
                return new RpcResult();
            } else if (isAsync) {
                //异步调用 有返回值
                ResponseFuture future = currentClient.request(inv, timeout);
                //FutureAdapter 适配器 将jdk中future与ResponseFuture结合 get实际调用的是ResponseFuture的get方法
                RpcContext.getContext().setFuture(new FutureAdapter<Object>(future));
                return new RpcResult();
            } else {
                //阻塞 直到获取到返回值 DefaultFuture 默认实现类
                return (Result) currentClient.request(inv, timeout).get();
        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
            throw new RpcException(RpcException.TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION, "Invoke remote method timeout. method: " + invocation.getMethodName() + ", provider: " + getUrl() + ", cause: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (RemotingException e) {
            throw new RpcException(RpcException.NETWORK_EXCEPTION, "Failed to invoke remote method: " + invocation.getMethodName() + ", provider: " + getUrl() + ", cause: " + e.getMessage(), e);

doinoker默认是走同步调用(FailoverClusterInvoker 失败策略,后单独开一篇文章讲解),这里有个非常有意思的类是DefaultFuture,感觉像是jdk自带的模样,异步、同步的实现都在这个类中实现,贴出代码一目了然,比较重要的几个方法

//阻塞 直到获取到返回值 DefaultFuture 默认实现类
return (Result) currentClient.request(inv, timeout).get();

类DefaultFuture 堵塞代码

public class DefaultFuture implements ResponseFuture {

    // invoke id.
    private final long id;
    private final Channel channel;
    private final Request request;
    private volatile long sent;
    public DefaultFuture(Channel channel, Request request, int timeout) {
        this.channel = channel;
        this.request = request;
        this.id = request.getId();
        this.timeout = timeout > 0 ? timeout : channel.getUrl().getPositiveParameter(Constants.TIMEOUT_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
        FUTURES.put(id, this);
        CHANNELS.put(id, channel);

    public static void received(Channel channel, Response response) {
        try {
            DefaultFuture future = FUTURES.remove(response.getId());
            if (future != null) {
            } else {
                logger.warn("The timeout response finally returned at "
                        + (new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").format(new Date()))
                        + ", response " + response
                        + (channel == null ? "" : ", channel: " + channel.getLocalAddress()
                        + " -> " + channel.getRemoteAddress()));
        } finally {

    public Object get(int timeout) throws RemotingException {
        if (timeout <= 0) {
            timeout = Constants.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
        if (!isDone()) {
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            try {
                //等待 直到处理完
                while (!isDone()) {
                    //等待有消息返回的时候 signal
                    done.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
                    if (isDone() || System.currentTimeMillis() - start > timeout) {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            } finally {
            if (!isDone()) {
                throw new TimeoutException(sent > 0, channel, getTimeoutMessage(false));
        return returnFromResponse();

    public boolean isDone() {
        return response != null;

    private Object returnFromResponse() throws RemotingException {
        Response res = response;
        if (res == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("response cannot be null");
        if (res.getStatus() == Response.OK) {
            return res.getResult();
        if (res.getStatus() == Response.CLIENT_TIMEOUT || res.getStatus() == Response.SERVER_TIMEOUT) {
            throw new TimeoutException(res.getStatus() == Response.SERVER_TIMEOUT, channel, res.getErrorMessage());
        throw new RemotingException(channel, res.getErrorMessage());



消费端正式调用send方法currentClient.request(inv, timeout),我们可以HeaderExchangeChannel的request方法中看到netty发送request信息,有兴趣的可以看一下dubbo的数据包以及编解码

javadubbo调用接口示例 dubbo接口调用原理_负载均衡_03


  —> InvokerInvocationHandler#invoke(Object, Method, Object[])
    —> MockClusterInvoker#invoke(Invocation)
      —> AbstractClusterInvoker#invoke(Invocation)
        —> FailoverClusterInvoker#doInvoke(Invocation, List<Invoker<T>>, LoadBalance)
          —> Filter#invoke(Invoker, Invocation)  // 包含多个 Filter 调用
            —> ListenerInvokerWrapper#invoke(Invocation) 
              —> AbstractInvoker#invoke(Invocation) 
                —> DubboInvoker#doInvoke(Invocation)
                  —> ReferenceCountExchangeClient#request(Object, int)
                    —> HeaderExchangeClient#request(Object, int)
                      —> HeaderExchangeChannel#request(Object, int)
                        —> AbstractPeer#send(Object)
                          —> AbstractClient#send(Object, boolean)
                            —> NettyChannel#send(Object, boolean)
                              —> NioClientSocketChannel#write(Object)



    /*处理请求和响应消息,这里的 message 变量类型可能是 Request,也可能是 Response*/
    public void received(Channel channel, Object message) throws RemotingException {
        ExecutorService cexecutor = getExecutorService();
        try {
            cexecutor.execute(new ChannelEventRunnable(channel, handler, ChannelState.RECEIVED, message));
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            //TODO A temporary solution to the problem that the exception information can not be sent to the opposite end after the thread pool is full. Need a refactoring
            //fix The thread pool is full, refuses to call, does not return, and causes the consumer to wait for time out
        	if(message instanceof Request && t instanceof RejectedExecutionException){
        		Request request = (Request)message;
        			String msg = "Server side(" + url.getIp() + "," + url.getPort() + ") threadpool is exhausted ,detail msg:" + t.getMessage();
        			Response response = new Response(request.getId(), request.getVersion());
            throw new ExecutionException(message, channel, getClass() + " error when process received event .", t);

javadubbo调用接口示例 dubbo接口调用原理_负载均衡_04