计算机软件毕业设计 android跑步应用开发



题 目: Android跑步应用开发


1 绪论1

1.1 研究背景与意义1

1.2 国内外研究现状1

1.3 研究内容与目标2

2 理论技术基础2

2.1 理论基础2

2.1.1. 系统内核2

2.1.2. 后缀简介2

2.1.3. 硬件抽像层3

2.1.4. 中介软件4

2.1.5. 安全权限机制4

2.1.6. 百度地图定位5

2.2 技术基础5

3 系统分析与设计6

3.1 需求分析6

3.1.1. 编写目的6

3.1.2. 术语定义?7

3.2 总体设计7

3.2.1. 系统功能7

3.2.2. 软件结构8

3.2.3. 程序流程图8

3.3 详细设计9

3.3.1. 总体界面设计9

3.3.2. 模块功能设计10

4 系统实现11

4.1 主要界面11

4.2 代码结构13

4.3 开发过程遇到的问题20

5 总结21








Now almost everyone has a mobile device, and with the progress of science and technology, the mobile device is not just a communication tool, has also become a plaything in the hands of the people, even as some of the other tools, and a variety of mobile applications appear on the market, people on the move should use demand also gradually increase. In the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, their demand for some health class application is also more and more big.

In this paper, from the study, research and on the point of view, the future development trend of Android development and the development of Android, and then take this system as the example with module from requirement analysis, application technology, design thought, system realization principle of various techniques are described and its implementation scheme, and then simply explained Android development and related technology Baidu map using API. And then take this system as the example with module from requirement analysis, application technology, design architecture, database design, system realization principle of various techniques are described and its implementati