
There is a big issue I am running into, right now.


I’m trying various platforms to see if they are a good fit to be the place where I can host my courses in the future.


The platform I use now is based upon a static site that interfaces using custom integrations and no-code tools (like Airtable). Payments and course signups are managed using Node.js services. You can call it JAMstack, serverless, or any fancy term that is hip today.

我现在使用的平台基于一个静态站点,该站点使用自定义集成和无代码工具(如Airtable)进行交互。 付款和课程注册使用Node.js服务进行管理。 你可以把它叫做JAMstack无服务器 ,或任何花哨的用语今天是臀部。

Actually, I have several SAAS platforms, all similar, for each of my courses. I like to keep things simple and as straightforward as they can be. When I first started, I made a website for a course.

实际上,我的每门课程都有几个SAAS平台,所有平台都相似。 我喜欢让事情简单明了。 刚开始时,我是一个课程的网站。

Then when it was time to make another course, I just copied that website, and made another “version” of it.


Now the number of courses jumped to 7, and time has come to revisit the overall infrastructure I use.


My first thought was to use a platform I could use, that could serve as a centralized hub for course material, and provide functionality that I didn’t have to build myself.


So I went out and tried a few of the popular services, including Teachable, Podia, and many others.


But I ran into what I call The Developer’s Dilemma.


At first sight those platforms are amazing. Well designed, their interface is slick, their marketing shines and it really looks great.

乍一看,这些平台很棒。 精心设计,界面精巧,行销光芒四射,看起来确实很棒。

Then I started using them.


And I started climbing up the scale of frustration.


  1. “This looks great”
  2. “I like it overall, but that thing could be different”
  3. “The editor sucks”
  4. “I wish I could use markdown”
  5. “There is a bug, how is it possible I’m the only one that ran into this?”
  6. “Hey support I run into this problem” - “we’ve raised it to the engineering team, we’ll keep you posted”
  7. “OMG I lost a lot of time on this already”

I am a lazy developer. I consider this the best of my technical abilities.

我是一个懒惰的开发人员。 我认为这是我最好的技术能力。

Over-engineering software, when you’re a lazy developer, is not an issue. It never happens. I just write the minimal amount of code necessary to perform a task.

当您是懒惰的开发人员时,过度设计的软件不是问题。 它永远不会发生。 我只编写执行任务所需的最少代码。

I resist complexity.


Why is this great? You can’t anticipate the needs of tomorrow, the problems of tomorrow. And I learned this over time.

为什么这么好? 您无法预见明天的需求,明天的问题。 随着时间的推移,我学会了这一点。

As a contractor, I worked on codebases so complex that I wanted to cry and whenever I can, I prefer over-simplistic on over-complex.


Being a lazy developer also makes me think a lot before writing software.


Because writing software is a responsibility.


You are writing the weight you’re going to take with you in the future.


Suppose, continuing what I wrote above about choosing a courses platform, that I decide to write my own course platform.


This means that I have to code it, first.


I need to make decisions. Decisions that might turn out right, decisions that might be wrong.

我需要做决定。 可能正确的决定,可能错误的决定。

And after I build the software I dream about, I need to maintain the code in the future. I am responsible for it. There is no “ask support” button any more.

在构建了我梦dream以求的软件之后,将来我需要维护代码。 我对此负责。 不再有“询问支持”按钮。

As a developer, we have this incredible ability of creating the tools we need. At the expense, however, of responsibility.

作为开发人员,我们具有创建所需工具的强大能力。 但是以责任为代价。

But it’s also an ownership dilemma. Do I want to rely on this specific platform for the next 5-10 years? What if the decisions they take do not align with mine? What if they raise their prices? Will I be able to move away from it easily?

但这也是所有权难题。 在接下来的5到10年中,我是否希望依靠该特定平台? 如果他们做出的决定与我的决定不符怎么办? 如果他们提高价格怎么办? 我可以轻松摆脱它吗?

In the ideal scenario, I’ll always choose my own platform over a platform managed by other people. But I’ll always choose the easiest route, too.

在理想情况下,我将始终选择自己的平台,而不是由其他人管理的平台。 但我也总是选择最简单的路线。

The biggest and most precious resource to me is time. I could have so much more time by picking an existing solution.

对我来说,最大,最宝贵的资源就是时间。 通过选择现有解决方案,我可以有更多时间。

Should I spend one month writing my own courses platform?


That’s the current instance of The Developer’s Dilemma I am facing.


I tried all the possible pre-made solutions for it.


They all failed to live up to their promise (or to the image I had of them in my mind) in one way or another.


I decided I am going to write my own solution. The simplest solution, of course.

我决定要编写自己的解决方案。 当然,最简单的解决方案。

