one test at a time

考虑当一个对象完整"落入"某单元里。对其碰撞测试不仅要包含同一单元内的其他对象还有该单元邻居单元内的对象。哪些邻居单元需要测试取决于对象是如何“占据”邻居单元的,以及采用对象的何种特征定义对象“占据”(在..内)某个单元。可选的对象特征:对象包围球球心(object bounding sphere center)以及轴对齐包围盒的最小顶点值(minimum corner of axis-aligned bounding box)


//objects placed in single cell based on their bounding sphere center
//checking object's cell and all 8 neighboring grid cells
		check object's cell
		check northwest neighor cell
		check north neighor cell
		check northeast neighor cell
		check west neighor cell
		check east neighor cell
		check southwest neighor cell
		check south neighor cell
		check southeast neighor cel


//objects placed in single cell based on AABB minimum corner vertex
//checking object's "minimum corner" cell and up to all 8 neighboring grid cells
	check object's "minimum corner" cell
	check north neighor cell
	check northwest neighor cell
	check west neighor cell
	if(object overlaps east cell border) {
		  check northeast neighbor cell
		  check east neighbor cell
	if(object overlaps south cell border) {
		  check southwest neighbor cell
		  check south neighbor cell
		  if(object overlaps east cell border)
				check southeast neighbor cell

上述最坏情况下也需要测试九个单元,但最好的情况下仅需测试4个单元。这使得“AABB”策略优于OBS。另外,对象是完全处于其所“落入”的所有单元中,one test at a time方法每次只需要测试AABB确实“占据”的单元,因为所有碰撞只会在这些单元里发生.

//objects placed in all cells overlapped by their AABB
//checking objects's "minimum corner" cell and up to 3 neighboring grid cells	
	check object's "minimum corner" cell
	if(object overlaps east cell border)
	  	check east neighbor cell
	if(object overlaps south cell border) {
	  	check south neighbor cell
	if(object overlaps east cell border)
	  	check southeast neighbor cell

此时最坏的情况需要测4个单元,最好的情况只需要测试1个单元。当然对于运动对象,该测试需要使用较复杂的代码以及更多内存。另外,此时两个对象间的碰撞可能被记录多次,所以还需要引入“碰撞对”标记。 all tests at a time


换句话说,该检测策略不允许只对网格里的一个运动对象进行测试,所有可能“重叠”都需要同时进行测试。另外,往往还会误认为处于对位单元内的对象不需要测试。但比如分别属于NE单元和SW单元的对象a, b 却可能在第三个单元C里碰撞啊.


//objects placed in single cell based on their bounding shpere center
//all objects are checked for collisions at the same time, so collisions
//in the opposite direction will be handled when checking the objects 
//existing in those cells
	check object's cell
	check east neighbor cell
	check southwest neighbor cell
	check south neighbor cell
	check southeast neighbor cell



//objects placed in single cell based on AABB minimum corner vertex
//all objects are checked for collisions at the same time, so collisions
//in the opposite direction will be handled when checking the objects 
//existing in those cells
	 check object's "minimum corner" cell
	 check southwest neighbor cell
	 if(object overlaps east cell border)
	  check east neighbor cell
	 if(object overlaps south cell border) {
		   check south neighbor cell
		   if(object overlaps east cell border)
				 check southeast neighbor cell