1、insert into stu values (内容,内容,内容);
2、insert into stu(字段名,字段名,字段名) values(内容,内容,内容);
3、insert into stu(字段名,字段名,字段名) values(内容,内容,内容),
select*from stu;
update 表名 set 字段计算1,字段计算2... where 条件;#删除表单内数据
delete from stu where 唯一ID=内容;
(select count(1) from sheet t2 where t1.remark=t2.remark and t2.score
from sheet t1;
(((select count(1) from a a2 where a1.ipc=a2.ipc and a2.cishu
(select count(1) from a a2 where a1.ipc=a2.ipc and a2.cishu=a1.cishu)/2)/(select count(cishu) from a a2 where a1.ipc=a2.ipc)) count
from a a1;
select * from table_name limit 0,10 
create table bbb1
select inventor,ipc,jishu,left(ipc,3) as ipc1 from bbb
create table mygoods1
select cat_id,group_concat(distinct price separator ';') from mygoods group by cat_id;
update bbb set ipc=replace(ipc,' ','')
create table `高校IPC大组统计`
select applicants,ipc_MainGroup,count(ipc_MainGroup) from `统计结果2` group by applicants,ipc_MainGroup order by applicants
delete from tb where `SCORE` is NULL
delete from tb where `SCORE` = 90
#方法一、去重 对name和type相同的数值去重,并筛选出id最小的一列
select id,name,type from sheet1
where id in(select min(id) from sheet1 group by name);
create table sheet3
select *,case type when '大型企业' then '4' when '中型企业' then '3'
when '中小型企业' then '2' when '小微型企业' then '1' else '0' end as type1 from sheet1;
create table sheet6
select name,type,source,max(type1) from sheet3 group by name;
#用max选择最大的,建一个虚拟表sheet4,然后再left outer join关联其他字段,并将查询的结果存放到sheet5中
create table sheet5
select sheet4.*,sheet3.type from 
(select name,max(type1) as type2 from sheet3 group by name) as sheet4 left outer join 
sheet3 on sheet4.name=sheet3.name and sheet4.type2=sheet3.type1;
SELECT mygoods1.* FROM mygoods mygoods1 WHERE 
(SELECT count(*) FROM mygoods WHERE cat_id=mygoods1.cat_id AND price> mygoods1.price)< 3 
ORDER BY mygoods1.cat_id,mygoods1.price DESC;
select cat_id,group_concat(distinct price separator ';') from mygoods group by cat_id;
select cat_id,group_concat(price order by price desc) from mygoods group by cat_id;
update id17 set inventor = concat(id,inventor)
update id17 set inventor = replace(inventor,',',CONCAT(',',id)) 
select * from mygoods where goods_id not in (select goods_id from mygoods2);
select * from companyname where usedname is not null;
select * from table where usedname <> "";
select * from table where usedname != "";
select * from table where id ="";
select * from table where isNull(id);
SELECT * FROM `企业指标_标准化名称_20190703` WHERE tech_name is not null  limit 10
update 表 set 列名 =replace(列名,' ','')
update 表名 set name=left(name,char_length(name)-1) where right(name,1)=','
select IFNULL(列名,0) from 表名
select IF(数据2,数据2,0) from test
select a.* from 表名 a where code = (select code from 表名 where count = a.count limit 1) order by a.count
select a.* from tb a where val = (select max(val) from tb where name = a.name) order by a.name
select a.* from tb a where val = (select min(val) from tb where name = a.name) order by a.name
select a.* from tb a where val = (select val from tb where name = a.name limit 1) order by a.name