
  • 第3章 表、栈和队列
  • 表的数组实现:vector(动态数组)
  • Vector.h
  • TestVector.cpp
  • 表的链表实现:list(双向链表)
  • List.h
  • TestList.cpp
  • 3.6 栈
  • 3.6.1 栈模型
  • 3.6.2 栈的实现
  • 栈的链表实现
  • 栈的数组实现
  • 3.6.3 应用
  • 平衡符号
  • 后缀表达式
  • 中缀到后缀的转换
  • 3.7 队列



第3章 表、栈和队列



#ifndef VECTOR_H
#define VECTOR_H

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "dsexceptions.h"

template <typename Object>
class Vector
    explicit Vector( int initSize = 0 )
      : theSize{ initSize }, theCapacity{ initSize + SPARE_CAPACITY }
      { objects = new Object[ theCapacity ]; }
    Vector( const Vector & rhs )
      : theSize{ rhs.theSize }, theCapacity{ rhs.theCapacity }, objects{ nullptr }
        objects = new Object[ theCapacity ];
        for( int k = 0; k < theSize; ++k )
            objects[ k ] = rhs.objects[ k ];
    Vector & operator= ( const Vector & rhs )
        Vector copy = rhs;
        std::swap( *this, copy );
        return *this;
    ~Vector( )
      { delete [ ] objects; }

    Vector( Vector && rhs )
      : theSize{ rhs.theSize }, theCapacity{ rhs.theCapacity }, objects{ rhs.objects }
        rhs.objects = nullptr;
        rhs.theSize = 0;
        rhs.theCapacity = 0;
    Vector & operator= ( Vector && rhs )
        std::swap( theSize, rhs.theSize );
        std::swap( theCapacity, rhs.theCapacity );
        std::swap( objects, rhs.objects );
        return *this;
    bool empty( ) const
      { return size( ) == 0; }
    int size( ) const
      { return theSize; }
    int capacity( ) const
      { return theCapacity; }

    Object & operator[]( int index )
                                                     #ifndef NO_CHECK
        if( index < 0 || index >= size( ) )
            throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException{ };
        return objects[ index ];

    const Object & operator[]( int index ) const
                                                     #ifndef NO_CHECK
        if( index < 0 || index >= size( ) )
            throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException{ };
        return objects[ index ];

    void resize( int newSize )
        if( newSize > theCapacity )
            reserve( newSize * 2 );
        theSize = newSize;

    void reserve( int newCapacity )
        if( newCapacity < theSize )

        Object *newArray = new Object[ newCapacity ];
        for( int k = 0; k < theSize; ++k )
            newArray[ k ] = std::move( objects[ k ] );

        theCapacity = newCapacity;
        std::swap( objects, newArray );
        delete [ ] newArray;

      // Stacky stuff
    void push_back( const Object & x )
        if( theSize == theCapacity )
            reserve( 2 * theCapacity + 1 );
        objects[ theSize++ ] = x;
      // Stacky stuff
    void push_back( Object && x )
        if( theSize == theCapacity )
            reserve( 2 * theCapacity + 1 );
        objects[ theSize++ ] = std::move( x );

    void pop_back( )
        if( empty( ) )
            throw UnderflowException{ };

    const Object & back ( ) const
        if( empty( ) )
            throw UnderflowException{ };
        return objects[ theSize - 1 ];

      // Iterator stuff: not bounds checked
    typedef Object * iterator;
    typedef const Object * const_iterator;

    iterator begin( )
      { return &objects[ 0 ]; }
    const_iterator begin( ) const
      { return &objects[ 0 ]; }
    iterator end( )
      { return &objects[ size( ) ]; }
    const_iterator end( ) const
      { return &objects[ size( ) ]; }

    static const int SPARE_CAPACITY = 2;

    int theSize;
    int theCapacity;
    Object * objects;



#include "Vector.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

void print( const Vector<Vector<int>> arr )
    int N = arr.size( );
    for( int i = 0; i < N; ++i )
        cout << "arr[" << i << "]:";
        for( int j = 0; j < arr[ i ].size( ); ++j )
            cout << " " << arr[ i ][ j ];
        cout << endl;

class CompareVector
    bool operator() ( const Vector<int> & lhs, const Vector<int> & rhs ) const
    { return lhs.size( ) < rhs.size( ); }

int main( )
    const int N = 20;
    Vector<Vector<int>> arr( N );
    Vector<int> v;
    for( int i = N - 1; i > 0; --i )
        v.push_back( i );
        arr[ i ] = v;

    print( arr );
    clock_t start = clock( );
    std::sort( begin( arr ), end( arr ), CompareVector{ } );
    clock_t end = clock( );
    cout << "Sorting time: " << ( end - start ) << endl;
    print( arr );
    return 0;



#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H

#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

template <typename Object>
class List
    // The basic doubly linked list node.
    // Nested inside of List, can be public
    // because the Node is itself private
    struct Node
        Object  data;
        Node   *prev;
        Node   *next;

        Node( const Object & d = Object{ }, Node * p = nullptr, Node * n = nullptr )
          : data{ d }, prev{ p }, next{ n } { }
        Node( Object && d, Node * p = nullptr, Node * n = nullptr )
          : data{ std::move( d ) }, prev{ p }, next{ n } { }

    class const_iterator
        // Public constructor for const_iterator.
        const_iterator( ) : current{ nullptr }
          { }

        // Return the object stored at the current position.
        // For const_iterator, this is an accessor with a
        // const reference return type.
        const Object & operator* ( ) const
          { return retrieve( ); }
        const_iterator & operator++ ( )
            current = current->next;
            return *this;

        const_iterator operator++ ( int )
            const_iterator old = *this;
            ++( *this );
            return old;

        const_iterator & operator-- ( )
            current = current->prev;
            return *this;

        const_iterator operator-- ( int )
            const_iterator old = *this;
            --( *this );
            return old;
        bool operator== ( const const_iterator & rhs ) const
          { return current == rhs.current; }

        bool operator!= ( const const_iterator & rhs ) const
          { return !( *this == rhs ); }

        Node *current;

        // Protected helper in const_iterator that returns the object
        // stored at the current position. Can be called by all
        // three versions of operator* without any type conversions.
        Object & retrieve( ) const
          { return current->data; }

        // Protected constructor for const_iterator.
        // Expects a pointer that represents the current position.
        const_iterator( Node *p ) :  current{ p }
          { }
        friend class List<Object>;

    class iterator : public const_iterator

        // Public constructor for iterator.
        // Calls the base-class constructor.
        // Must be provided because the private constructor
        // is written; otherwise zero-parameter constructor
        // would be disabled.
        iterator( )
          { }

        Object & operator* ( )
          { return const_iterator::retrieve( ); }

        // Return the object stored at the current position.
        // For iterator, there is an accessor with a
        // const reference return type and a mutator with
        // a reference return type. The accessor is shown first.
        const Object & operator* ( ) const
          { return const_iterator::operator*( ); }
        iterator & operator++ ( )
            this->current = this->current->next;
            return *this;

        iterator operator++ ( int )
            iterator old = *this;
            ++( *this );
            return old;

        iterator & operator-- ( )
            this->current = this->current->prev;
            return *this;

        iterator operator-- ( int )
            iterator old = *this;
            --( *this );
            return old;

        // Protected constructor for iterator.
        // Expects the current position.
        iterator( Node *p ) : const_iterator{ p }
          { }

        friend class List<Object>;

    List( )
      { init( ); }

    ~List( )
        clear( );
        delete head;
        delete tail;

    List( const List & rhs )
        init( );
        for( auto & x : rhs )
            push_back( x );

    List & operator= ( const List & rhs )
        List copy = rhs;
        std::swap( *this, copy );
        return *this;

    List( List && rhs )
      : theSize{ rhs.theSize }, head{ rhs.head }, tail{ rhs.tail }
        rhs.theSize = 0;
        rhs.head = nullptr;
        rhs.tail = nullptr;
    List & operator= ( List && rhs )
        std::swap( theSize, rhs.theSize );
        std::swap( head, rhs.head );
        std::swap( tail, rhs.tail );
        return *this;
    // Return iterator representing beginning of list.
    // Mutator version is first, then accessor version.
    iterator begin( )
      { return iterator( head->next ); }

    const_iterator begin( ) const
      { return const_iterator( head->next ); }

    // Return iterator representing endmarker of list.
    // Mutator version is first, then accessor version.
    iterator end( )
      { return iterator( tail ); }

    const_iterator end( ) const
      { return const_iterator( tail ); }

    // Return number of elements currently in the list.
    int size( ) const
      { return theSize; }

    // Return true if the list is empty, false otherwise.
    bool empty( ) const
      { return size( ) == 0; }

    void clear( )
        while( !empty( ) )
            pop_front( );
    // front, back, push_front, push_back, pop_front, and pop_back
    // are the basic double-ended queue operations.
    Object & front( )
      { return *begin( ); }

    const Object & front( ) const
      { return *begin( ); }

    Object & back( )
      { return *--end( ); }

    const Object & back( ) const
      { return *--end( ); }

    void push_front( const Object & x )
      { insert( begin( ), x ); }

    void push_back( const Object & x )
      { insert( end( ), x ); }

    void push_front( Object && x )
      { insert( begin( ), std::move( x ) ); }

    void push_back( Object && x )
      { insert( end( ), std::move( x ) ); }

    void pop_front( )
      { erase( begin( ) ); }

    void pop_back( )
      { erase( --end( ) ); }

    // Insert x before itr.
    iterator insert( iterator itr, const Object & x )
        Node *p = itr.current;
        return iterator( p->prev = p->prev->next = new Node{ x, p->prev, p } );

    // Insert x before itr.
    iterator insert( iterator itr, Object && x )
        Node *p = itr.current;
        return iterator( p->prev = p->prev->next = new Node{ std::move( x ), p->prev, p } );
    // Erase item at itr.
    iterator erase( iterator itr )
        Node *p = itr.current;
        iterator retVal( p->next );
        p->prev->next = p->next;
        p->next->prev = p->prev;
        delete p;

        return retVal;

    iterator erase( iterator from, iterator to )
        for( iterator itr = from; itr != to; )
            itr = erase( itr );

        return to;

    int   theSize;
    Node *head;
    Node *tail;

    void init( )
        theSize = 0;
        head = new Node;
        tail = new Node;
        head->next = tail;
        tail->prev = head;



#include "dsexceptions.h"
#include "List.h"
#include "Vector.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

static const int NUMS_PER_LINE = 14;

template <typename Object>
class Stack 
    bool isEmpty( ) const
      { return theList.empty( ); }
    const Object & top( ) const
      { return theList.front( ); }
    void push( const Object & x )
      { theList.push_front( x ); }
    void pop( Object & x )
      { x = theList.front( ); theList.pop_front( ); }
    List<Object> theList;

template <typename Object>
class Queue
    bool isEmpty( ) const
      { return theList.empty( ); }
    const Object & getFront( ) const
      { return theList.front( ); }
    void enqueue( const Object & x )
      { theList.push_back( x ); }
    void dequeue( Object & x )
      { x = theList.front( ); theList.pop_front( ); }
    List<Object> theList;

template <typename Collection>
void printCollection( const Collection & c )
    cout << "Collection contains: " << c.size( ) << " items" << endl;
    int i = 1;

    if( c.empty( ) )
        cout << "Empty container." << endl;
        for( auto x : c  )
            cout << x << " ";
            if( i++ % NUMS_PER_LINE == 0 )
                cout << endl;
        cout << endl;

        if( c.size( ) > NUMS_PER_LINE )
        cout << "In reverse: " << endl;
        for( auto ritr = end( c ); ritr != begin( c ); )
            cout << *--ritr << " ";
        cout << endl << endl;

int jos( int people, int passes, List<int> & order )
    List<int> theList;
    List<int>::iterator p = begin( theList );
    List<int>::iterator tmp;
    Stack<int> s;
    Queue<int> q;

    order = List<int>{ };

    int i;
    for( i = people; i >= 1; --i )
        p = theList.insert( p, i );

    while( people-- != 1 )
        for( i = 0; i < passes; ++i )
            if( ++p == end( theList ) )
                p = begin( theList );

        order.push_back( *p );
        s.push( *p );
        q.enqueue( *p );
        tmp = p;
        if( ++p == end( theList ) )
            p = begin( theList);
        theList.erase( tmp );

    if( order.size( ) % 2 == 0 )
        s.push( 0 );
        q.enqueue( 0 );

    while( !s.isEmpty( ) && !q.isEmpty( ) )
        int x, y;
        s.pop( x );
        q.dequeue( y );
        if( x == y )
            cout << "Middle removed is " << x << endl;
    cout << "Only unremoved is ";
    return *begin( theList );

void nonsense( int people, int passes )
    List<int> lastFew, theList;

    cout << jos( people, passes, lastFew ) << endl;
    cout << "(Removal order) ";
    printCollection( lastFew );

class CompareList
    bool operator() ( const List<int> & lhs, const List<int> & rhs ) const
    { return lhs.size( ) < rhs.size( ); }

// Call by value, to test copy constructor
void print( const Vector<List<int>> arr )
    int N = arr.size( );
    for( int i = 0; i < N; ++i )
        cout << "arr[" << i << "]:";
        for( auto x : arr[ i ] )
            cout << " " << x;
        cout << endl;

int main( )
    const int N = 20;
    Vector<List<int>> arr( N );
    List<int> lst;
    for( int i = N - 1; i > 0; --i )
        lst.push_front( i );
        arr[ i ] = lst;

    print( arr );
    clock_t start = clock( );
    std::sort( begin( arr ), end( arr ), CompareList{ } );
    clock_t end = clock( );
    cout << "Sorting time: " << ( end - start ) << endl;
    print( arr );
    nonsense( 12, 0 );
    nonsense( 12, 1 );
  //  nonsense( 3737, 37 );
    return 0;

3.6 栈

3.6.1 栈模型

栈 stack
	只在表尾进行插入和删除;这个尾端叫做栈顶 top;栈顶元素是唯一的可见元素。 
	LIFO:(Last In Fist Out List) 先进后出

3.6.2 栈的实现






3.6.3 应用



		如果字符是一个开放字符{[( ,则将其推入栈中





3.7 队列