android 画笔 带笔锋 画笔安装_android 画笔 带笔锋


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If you’re bored of the preset brushes that are included with Adobe Photoshop, don’t worry—you can install your own. Adobe allows you to install new brushes containing shapes, patterns, outlines, and more. Here’s how to do it.

如果您对Adobe Photoshop随附的预设画笔感到厌烦,请放心,您可以安装自己的画笔。 Adobe允许您安装包含形状,图案,轮廓等的新画笔。 这是操作方法。

(Downloading New Brushes for Photoshop)

To get started, you’ll need to first download a suitable set of third-party brushes for Photoshop. These come in the ABR file format and can be found for sale, or for free online, from sources such as Brusheezy.

首先,您需要先下载一组适用于Photoshop的第三方画笔。 这些文件采用ABR文件格式,可以从Brusheezy之类的来源处出售或免费在线找到

Note: Make sure that you only download and purchase brushes from trustworthy sources. Bad actors will include malware-infected files in an attempt to hijack your computer.

注意:请确保仅从可靠来源下载和购买画笔。 不良行为者会包含受恶意软件感染的文件,以试图劫持您的计算机。

Once you’ve downloaded the brush file, it’s recommended that you place it in the Preset > Brushes folder in your Photoshop installation directory.


On Windows, this is usually found in the C:\Program Files\Adobe folder.

在Windows上,通常可以在C:\ Program Files \ Adobe文件夹中找到该文件。

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Some brushes may already exist in the “Brushes” folder by default—simply copy or move the new ABR brush file into this folder.


You can leave third-party brushes in an alternative folder and load these manually, but it’s easier to leave these brushes in a suitable managed location for Photoshop to find.


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(Installing Brushes in Photoshop (From Photoshop 2020))

How you install third-party brushes will vary, depending on your version of Photoshop. If you’re using Photoshop from Photoshop 2020 onwards, you’re able to install new brushes using the Brushes menu panel, but you may need to display the panel first.

安装第三方画笔的方式会有所不同,具体取决于您的Photoshop版本。 如果从Photoshop 2020起使用Photoshop,则可以使用“画笔”菜单面板安装新的画笔,但是可能需要先显示该面板。

To do this, open a new or existing image in Photoshop and then press Window > Brushes to display the panel.


Press Window > Brushes to show the Brushes menu panel in Photoshop

The Brushes menu panel should appear at this point, but you may need to move it using your mouse to lock it into place with the other panels on the right.


To add new brushes, select the “Settings” menu icon in the top-right section of the panel. From here, click the “Import Brushes” option.

要添加新画笔,请选择面板右上角的“设置”菜单图标。 在此处,单击“导入笔刷”选项。

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In the “Load” file selection window, select your downloaded third-party brush ABR file.


Once your ABR file is selected, click the “Load” button to install the brush into Photoshop.


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If successful, the loaded brushes will now appear as a grouped folder in the Brushes panel for you to begin using.


(Installing Brushes in Older Photoshop Versions (CC 2019 and Older))

To load brushes in older versions of Photoshop (Photoshop CC 2019 and older), you’ll need to use the Preset Manager, rather than the Brushes panel menu.

要在旧版本的Photoshop中加载画笔(Photoshop CC 2019和更早版本),您需要使用``预设管理器''而不是``画笔''面板菜单。

To do this, launch Adobe Photoshop on your PC, then press Edit > Presets > Preset Manager.

为此,请在PC上启动Adobe Photoshop,然后按编辑>预设>预设管理器。

To load brushes in Photoshop, press Edit > Presets > Preset Manager.

In the “Preset Manager” window, press the “Load” button.


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From here, select your brushes using the “Load” file selection window and then click the “Load” button to insert them into Photoshop.


You may need to select “Brushes (*.ABR)” from the drop-down menu beside the “File Name” box to be able to select them.

您可能需要从“文件名”框旁边的下拉菜单中选择“画笔(* .ABR)”才能选择它们。

(Using an Imported Photoshop Brush)

Once your imported photoshop brushes are in place, you can begin using them. You’ll need the Brushes panel visible to do this, so make sure to select Window > Brushes to make it visible.

导入的Photoshop笔刷到位后,就可以开始使用它们了。 您需要使“刷子”面板可见才能执行此操作,因此请确保选择“窗口”>“刷子”以使其可见。

Your newly imported brushes will appear as a “Brush Group” folder for you to use—click on the group folder to see a list of all available brushes.


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To begin using any of these brushes, select them using your mouse. Selected brushes will appear with a blue border around them in the Brushes panel.

要开始使用这些画笔中的任何一个,请使用鼠标选择它们。 选定的画笔将在“画笔”面板中显示,并带有蓝色边框。

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With your brush selected, you can now begin drawing on your canvas to design and create new images using it.


As with all Photoshop brushes, you can edit the settings for your brush further using the options bar at the top of the Photoshop window.


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This will allow you to change the size of the brush, the opacity, and more, depending on the type of brush you use and its available settings.


Installing third-party Photoshop brushes is just one way to expand the functionality of this photo editing software. You can take things further by installing Photoshop plug-ins and extensions to add new features and settings, too.

安装第三方Photoshop画笔只是扩展此照片编辑软件功能的一种方法。 您还可以通过安装Photoshop插件和扩展程序来进一步增加其他功能和设置。

