.net框架中有很广泛的应用。下面是一个实例(命名为 IntfConstraint)。


1. type  
2.  IGetValue = interface  
3.    ['{60700EC4-2CDA-4CD1-A1A2-07973D9D2444}']  
4.    function GetValue: Integer;  
5.    procedure SetValue (Value: Integer);  
6.    property Value: Integer  
7.      read GetValue write SetValue;  
8.  end;


1. TGetValue = class (TSingletonImplementation, IGetValue)  
2.  private  
3.    fValue: Integer;  
4.  public  
5.    constructor Create (Value: Integer); // = 0);  
6.    function GetValue: Integer;  
7.    procedure SetValue (Value: Integer);  
8.  end;


1. TInftClass  = class  
2. private  
3.  val1, val2: T; // or IGetValue  
4. public  
5.  procedure Set1 (val: T);  
6.  procedure Set2 (val: T);  
7.  function GetMin: Integer;  
8.  function GetAverage: Integer;  
9.  procedure IncreaseByTen;  
10. end;


1. function TInftClass.GetMin: Integer;  
2. begin  
3.  if Assigned (val1) and Assigned (val2) then  
4.    Result := min (val1.GetValue, val2.GetValue)  
5.  else  
6.    Result := 0;  
7. end;  
9. procedure TInftClass.IncreaseByTen;  
10. begin  
11.  if Assigned (val1) and Assigned (val2) then  
12.  begin  
13.    val1.SetValue (val1.GetValue + 10);  
14.    val2.SetValue (val2.GetValue + 10);  
15.  end;  
16. end;


1. procedure TFormIntfConstraint.btnValueClick(Sender: TObject);  
2. var  
3.  iClass: TInftClass;  
4. begin  
5.  iClass := TInftClass.Create;  
6.  try  
7.    iClass.Set1 (TGetValue.Create (5));  
8.    iClass.Set2 (TGetValue.Create (25));  
9.    Log ('Average: ' + IntToStr (iClass.GetAverage));  
10.    iClass.IncreaseByTen;  
11.    Log ('Min: ' + IntToStr (iClass.GetMin));  
12.  finally  
13.    iClass.val1.Free;  
14.    iClass.val2.Free;  
15.    iCLass.Free;  
16.  end;  
17. end;


1. // IGetValue 的第二种实现,对TButton对象 
2. TButtonValue = class (TButton, IGetValue)  
3. public  
4.    function GetValue: Integer;  
5.    procedure SetValue (Value: Integer);  
6.    class function MakeTButtonValue (  
7.        Owner: TComponent; Parent: TWinControl): TButtonValue;  
8. end;



1. // ButtonValue 成员函数,用来生成按钮的坐标位置 
2. class function TButtonValue.MakeTButtonValue(Owner: TComponent;  
3.  Parent: TWinControl): TButtonValue;  
4. begin  
5.  Result := TButtonValue.Create(Owner);  
6.  Result.Parent := Parent;  
7.  Result.SetBounds(  
8.    Random (Parent.Width), Random (Parent.Height),  
9.    Result.Width, Result.Height);  
10.  Result.Caption := 'btnv';  
11. end;


1. // ButtonValue 中实现GetValue 和SetValue  
2. function TButtonValue.GetValue: Integer;  
3. begin  
4.  Result := Left;  
5. end;  
7. procedure TButtonValue.SetValue(Value: Integer);  
8. begin  
9.  Left := Value;  
10. end;


1. // 主窗体中测试第二种(按钮的位置)泛型调用 
2. procedure TFormIntfConstraint.btnValueButtonClick(Sender: TObject);  
3. var  
4.  iClass: TInftClass;  
5. begin  
6.  iClass := TInftClass.Create;  
7.  try  
8.    iClass.Set1 (TButtonValue.MakeTButtonValue (self, ScrollBox1));  
9.    iClass.Set2 (TButtonValue.MakeTButtonValue (self, ScrollBox1));  
10.    Log ('Average: ' + IntToStr (iClass.GetAverage));  
11.    Log ('Min: ' + IntToStr (iClass.GetMin));  
12.    iClass.IncreaseByTen;  
13.    Log ('New Average: ' + IntToStr (iClass.GetAverage));  
14.  finally  
15.    iClass.Free;  
16.  end;  
17. end;