unity 突然没有许可证了 unity要许可证_编程语言

unity 许可证即将到期

unity 突然没有许可证了 unity要许可证_python_02

Well its been a long time coming but we’re finally working on a totally new learning section on the official Unity site. Our existing Support section is very out of date, and we made a conscious decision last year to replace it rather than try and update parts of it. With plenty of experience in education within the company, we have a great bed of talent to create learning materials for free so that you can pick up Unity not only as a migration from other systems but also as a way to learn game development from scratch.

好了很长时间了,但是我们终于在Unity官方站点上的一个全新的学习部分中进行工作。 我们现有的“支持”部分已经过时,我们去年做出了一个明智的决定,即替换它,而不是尝试对其进行更新。 凭借公司内部丰富的教育经验,我们拥有大量的人才来免费创建学习资料,以便您不仅可以从其他系统迁移到Unity,还可以从头开始学习游戏开发,从而学习Unity。

My past Unity tutorial project – http://unity3dstudent.com was an experiment I created during my time teaching BA Interactive Media Production at Bournemouth University. Since then, many people have learned Unity with that site and I’m happy to say the approach of smaller modules of content that work independently was proved valuable. We now plan to take this approach and expand upon it for the official site. This means that soon you will see a new section to replace the ‘Support’ area of the website, that contains an all new tutorial area, as well as the documentation and other support material.

我过去的Unity教程项目– http://unity3dstudent.com是我在伯恩茅斯大学(Bournemouth University)教授文学学士学位交互式媒体制作期间创建的实验。 从那时起,许多人通过该站点学习了Unity,我很高兴地说,事实证明,独立工作的较小内容模块的方法很有价值。 我们现在计划采用这种方法,并将其扩展到官方站点。 这意味着很快您将看到一个新部分来替换网站的“支持”区域,其中包含一个全新的教程区域以及文档和其他支持材料。

(Non-linear learning)

In interactive industries, many of us spend time teaching ourselves software from online resources. The games industry is no exception, and we see millions of fantastic online resources created by our community to help each other learn unity. This is one of the factors which has meant we could take time to create our own resource, safe in the knowledge that the community would help itself in the meantime – and for that we applaud you.

在互动行业中,我们中的许多人都花时间在网上资源上自学软件。 游戏行业也不例外,我们看到社区创造了数百万个奇妙的在线资源,以帮助彼此学习团结。 这是因素之一,这意味着我们可以花一些时间来创建自己的资源,这是安全的,前提是我们知道社区在此期间会有所帮助–为此我们称赞。

Something that I haven’t seen too much application of in interactive software training is the use of non-linear approaches. Simply put – most training materials force you to follow a pre-determined route through your learning material. This echoes the traditional classroom approach of presenting steps for students to follow and is tried and tested. However, the problem inherent in this approach is that as students we are then unable to prioritise what we wish to learn, or get directly to what we need to know, if simply using learning materials as a reference. For example – want to know how to use a trigger zone? you don’t want to spend 20 minutes fast-forwarding through a long video to find that part out.

我还没有看到在交互式软件培训中有太多的应用是使用非线性方法。 简而言之,大多数培训材料都会迫使您遵循预定的学习材料路线。 这与传统的课堂教学方法相呼应,即为学生提供遵循的步骤,并经过尝试和测试。 但是,这种方法固有的问题是,作为学生,如果仅使用学习材料作为参考,我们就无法优先考虑我们想要学习的内容,或者无法直接获得我们需要知道的内容。 例如–想知道如何使用触发区吗? 您不想花20分钟快速浏览一段长视频来找出其中的一部分。

For this reason, content you will see in our new learning area will take a modular approach with short videos or articles that you can dive into whenever you need, let’s take a look at how this works.


(How will it work?)

The learning area will be split into a hierarchy of –


Levels of content will be presented with complexity levels or Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced, but also show custom arrangements of content for Artists, or Architects for example. Eventually we hope to allow users to create their own custom level of content by picking whatever lessons they wish – this will hopefully benefit tutors teaching Unity who wish to create their own syllabus from our content. Each level will have Projects associated with it.

内容级别将以复杂性级别(初学者,中级和高级)呈现,但也会显示针对艺术家或建筑师的自定义内容安排。 最终,我们希望允许用户通过选择他们想要的任何课程来创建自己的自定义内容级别–希望这对有益于希望从我们的内容中创建自己的课程提纲的Unity老师很有帮助。 每个级别都有与之关联的项目。

Topics should be considered as playlists or groups of content on a particular topic, containing lessons and assignments on that topic. A single topic at a particular level should be seen as one Module of content – for example Beginner Physics.

主题应被视为特定主题的播放列表或内容组,其中包含该主题的课程和作业。 特定级别的单个主题应被视为内容的一个模块-例如初学者物理学。

Lessons will be short videos you can watch to understand a concept – kind of like checking the Script Reference in docs works now. They will not require you to follow steps but simply explain. Assignments will take what you can learn from several modules and combine them to make a small part of a game – a mechanic or piecing together an environment for example. Finally, Projects will be the result of several Assignments, that give you the chance to make a small working demo. As you progress through incrementally complex levels of content, you’ll create more detailed examples of gameplay – taking you through a variety of game development scenarios.

课程将是一些简短的视频,您可以观看它们以了解一个概念–就像检查docs中的Script Reference现在可以正常工作一样。 他们不需要您按照步骤操作,只需简单说明即可。 作业将带您从几个模块中学到什么,并将它们组合在一起就可以构成游戏的一小部分,例如机械师或将环境拼凑在一起。 最后,项目将是多个任务的结果,这使您有机会进行小型工作演示。 随着内容的逐步复杂化,您将创建更详细的游戏示例,并带您进入各种游戏开发场景。


unity 突然没有许可证了 unity要许可证_游戏_03

(Community integration)

We’re also hoping to integrate this with your Unity developer network sign on – to allow you to track your progress, resume watching content etc. This may not be in the first iteration but is something we know will benefit users and be working to provide. This tracking also allows us to see what you’re interested in, and provide targeted new learning content when we create it in the future.

我们也希望将其与您的Unity开发人员网络登录集成在一起-以便您跟踪进度,继续观看内容等。这可能不是第一次迭代,但是我们知道这将使用户受益并正在努力提供。 此跟踪还使我们能够查看您感兴趣的内容,并在将来创建时提供有针对性的新学习内容。

(Visual Style)

For the style of these tutorials, we wanted to develop a fairly unique and interesting style that will inspire you to learn our software. Having looked at many current art styles of games, we took a few of our own creative influences and have come up with a style that blends Retro-future art, Hi-tech, and the concept of a research resort – think Lost meets Portal, Thunderbirds, and well.. Unity! We hope you like what we’re coming up with, in the meantime, there’s a sneak peek at the art slice Dave has been working on at the top of this post.

对于这些教程的样式,我们希望开发一种相当独特且有趣的样式,以启发您学习我们的软件。 研究了许多当前的艺术风格之后,我们汲取了一些自己的创造力,并提出了融合复古未来艺术,高科技和研究胜地概念的风格–认为Lost遇见Portal,雷鸟,还有..团结! 我们希望您喜欢我们的想法,与此同时,Dave一直在这篇文章的顶部偷偷看一下艺术切片。


As you’re likely aware, Unity supports C#, Javascript (aka Unityscript) and Boo (a derivative of Python, but rarely used). For this system we will support C# and Javascript – and by support I mean we’ll primarily show C# in our video content but provide a Javascript conversion in the code listing beneath the video on the page. We had a take a decision on what to do in this regard, and felt that recording with both languages would slow us down – if we find that we have time to add this once we’re in production later, we may change tack to having both languages recorded. Leave your thoughts in the comments!

如您所知,Unity支持C#,Javascript(又名Unityscript)和Boo(Python的派生工具,但很少使用)。 对于此系统,我们将支持C#和Javascript-通过支持,我的意思是我们将主要在视频内容中显示C#,但在页面视频下方的代码清单中提供Javascript转换。 我们决定了在这方面的操作,并认为使用两种语言进行录制会减慢我们的速度–如果我们发现稍后有时间在生产中有时间添加此功能,我们可能会改变选择两种语言都记录下来。 在评论中留下您的想法!

(Team Superlearn)

As a fan of action movies, I’ve always secretly wanted to utter the words ‘I’m putting a team together’ and fully expected this to be followed by a montage of myself and several others constructing some kind of battle tank, A-Team style. However, in the case of the team creating Unity tutorials, we’ve kept it a little more low key – and we’ve put together a small team that will be focused over the next few months on getting a set of Unity tutorial content together to help you learn- let’s meet the team –

作为动作片的粉丝,我一直秘密地想说出“我正在组成一个团队”这个词,并完全期望在此之后我自己和几个其他人组成的蒙太奇会构成某种战车A-团队作风。 但是,在团队创建Unity教程的情况下,我们将其保持较低的位置–并且我们组建了一个小团队,该团队将在接下来的几个月中专注于获得一套Unity教程的内容帮助您学习-让我们认识团队–

(Will Goldstone – Project Manager, Presenter)

I am Content manager at Unity, so I create the video material you see on our website, and work with our web team in marketing as they add new cool stuff to the site. I’ll be presenting and recording the tutorials for this system.

我是Unity的内容经理,因此我创建了您在我们的网站上看到的视频材料,并与我们的网络团队合作进行营销工作,因为他们向网站添加了新内容。 我将介绍并记录该系统的教程。

(David Llewelyn – Technical Artist)

Dave joins us as artist for the project, from a background in triple-A console titles that include the Lego series of games.


(James Bouckley – Programmer)

James has been with us for some time in the support department, helping thousands of users with problems in all areas of Unity development – and he also has a degree in maths and theoretical physics – cool!


(Emil ‘AngryAnt’ Johansen – Code Overlord)

If you don’t know Emil, you haven’t used Unity for too long! but never fear, you’ll get to know him. Emil is overseeing the quality of the content we produce and knows everything there is to know about Unity dev.

如果您不了解Emil,那么您已经很长时间没有使用Unity了! 但不要害怕,你会认识他的 。 Emil监督着我们制作的内容的质量,并且了解有关Unity开发人员的所有知识。

(Ethan Vosburgh – Artist extraordinaire)

Ethan is another vet of Unity tech, and has been providing art content to demos and other projects we’ve given you over the past few years, if you’ve seen it, he’s crafted it, and he is joining Emil in overseeing the quality of our content.


(Timeline & Current content)

We’re currently aiming to create the first series of content over the next few months, so watch the blog as well as twitter for more news. In the meantime, the first fruits of Team Superlearn can be seen in the form of the Unity 4.0 Pre-order beta tutorial for Mecanim. Note that this is a very long tutorial (45min) that covers all of the system – we will not be presenting our Learn section tutorials at this length for reasons mentioned in the Non-linear learning section above. Take a look at the video below, and thanks for reading this far! [UPDATED – 23 November 2012]

我们目前的目标是在未来几个月内创建第一批内容,因此,请同时关注博客和Twitter,以获取更多新闻。 同时,可以通过Unity 4.0的形式看到Team Superlearn的最初成果 预购Beta Mecanim教程。 请注意,这是一个很长的教程(45分钟),涵盖了整个系统-由于上面的“非线性学习”部分中提到的原因,我们将不以这种长度展示“学习”部分的教程。 请看下面的视频,感谢您阅读本文! [2012年11月23日更新]


As always if you have any comments or requests for features of this project – please let us know in the comments below!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/08/29/learn-unity-coming-soon/

unity 许可证即将到期