android 平板唯一标识符 平板唯一标识码_物联网

ipad uuid

android 平板唯一标识符 平板唯一标识码_usb_02

T. Lesia/ T.Lesia /

Your Mac, iPhone, and iPad all have a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) assigned. These codes are specific to each device and, similar to a serial number, they are used by developers to identify each one individually. Here’s what you need to know.

Mac,iPhone和iPad都分配了通用唯一标识符(UUID)。 这些代码特定于每台设备,类似于序列号,开发人员使用它们来分别标识每一个。 这是您需要知道的。

(What is a UUID?)

A UUID is a string of letters and digits that forms a unique pattern. Your Mac, iPhone, and iPad each have one UUID, and no other device shares it. It’s similar to a serial number in that regard, but whereas serial numbers are used to identify your device by Apple and your cellular carrier, developers usually use the UUID instead.

UUID是由字母和数字组成的字符串,形成唯一的模式。 您的Mac,iPhone和iPad各自具有一个UUID,没有其他设备共享它。 在这方面,它类似于序列号,但是虽然序列号用于由Apple和您的移动运营商识别您的设备,但开发人员通常会改用UUID。

Normally, you wouldn’t need to know (or access) your UUID. But if you’re registering a device as part of the Apple Developer Program so you can install beta software, you’ll need it. App developers might also ask for your device’s UUID so that they can provide builds that will only work on that particular device.

通常,您不需要知道(或访问)您的UUID。 但是,如果要将设备注册为Apple Developer Program的一部分,以便可以安装Beta版软件,则将需要它。 应用程序开发人员可能还会要求您设备的UUID,以便他们提供仅在该特定设备上可用的版本。

(How to Find Your Mac’s UUID)

Click the Apple logo in the menu bar, and then click the “About This Mac” option.


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Click the “System Report” button.


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Note the text beside Hardware UUID.


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You can copy the text directly from the window, if necessary.


(How to Find Your iPhone and iPad’s UUID)

Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer, and then open iTunes. Click the device icon at the top.

将iPhone或iPad连接到计算机,然后打开iTunes。 点击顶部的设备图标。

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Your device’s UUID is hidden by default—click “Serial Number” and it will change to display your UUID.


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You can also copy the UUID directly from within iTunes.


(Other identifiers to Note)

There are some other identifiers that you might come across, as well.


  • Model Identifiers are used to highlight which model a particular device is. These aren’t unique to that device, but rather, the model band that it falls into. For example, an iPhone 7 is known as iPhone9,x, whereas an iPhone XS is iPhone11,x. These numbers are normally only used by Apple, but sometimes they appear in leaks about upcoming devices.
  • Apple and its suppliers use model numbers to identify devices and the market for which they are designed. For example, an iPhone XS sold in the United States is A1920, whereas one sold in Japan is A2098.
  • IMEI numbers, also known as International Mobile Equipment Identify numbers, are used by carriers. They’re unique to any device that connects to the cellular network and are often used to block devices that have been reported as stolen or lost.
    运营商使用IMEI号 (也称为国际移动设备识别号)。 它们是连接到蜂窝网络的任何设备所独有的,通常用于阻止被报告为被盗或丢失的设备


ipad uuid