sudo mkdir -R /usr/local/bigdatacase/dataset
cd /usr/local/
sudo chown -R hadoop:hadoop ./bigdatacase
cd bigdatacase
cd ~ //表示进入hadoop用户的目录
cd 下载
unzip user.zip -d /usr/local/bigdatacase/dataset
cd /usr/local/bigdatacase/dataset
head -5 raw_user.csv
cd /usr/local/bigdatacase/dataset
sed -i '1d' raw_user.csv
sed -i '1d' small_user.csv
head -5 raw_user.csv
head -5 small_user.csv
1.2.2 添加字段
1.3 导入HDFS中
1.4 Hive创建数据库
hive> create database dblab;
hive> create database dblab_big;
hive> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dblab.bigdata_user(id INT,uid STRING,item_id STRING,behavior_type INT,item_category STRING,visit_date DATE,province STRING) COMMENT 'Welcome to xmu dblab!' ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION '/bigdatacase/dataset';
2.1 查看表的属性
uid | item_id | behavior_type | item_category | visit_date | province | |
1 | 用户ID | 商品ID | 用户行为 | 商品分类 | 产生时间 | 用户地理位置 |
uid | item_id | behavior_type | item_category | visit_date | province | |
1 | 10001082 | 285259775 | 1 | 4076 | 2014-12-08 | 广东 |
2 | 10001082 | 4368907 | 1 | 5503 | 2014-12-08 | 湖南 |
3 | 10001082 | 285259788 | 4 | 4076 | 2014-12-08 | 北京 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
1 | 浏览 | 收藏 | 加购物车 | 购买 |
2.2 SQL语句
2.2.1 2014-12-11~12号有多少条购买商品的记录
select * from bigdata_user limit 10;
select * from bigdata_user where visit_date >'2014-12-10' limit 10;
//再添加限制 13号之前
select * from bigdata_user where visit_date >'2014-12-10' and visit_date <'2014-12-13' limit 10;
select * from bigdata_user where visit_date >'2014-12-10' and visit_date <'2014-12-13' and behavior_type='4' limit 10;
2.2.2 分析每月1-31号购买情况
select * from bigdata_user limit 10;
select * from bigdata_user limit 10;
select day(visit_date) from bigdata_user limit 10;
select count(*) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4';
select count(distinct uid) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4';
select count(*),day(visit_date) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' group by day(visit_date) limit 10;
select count(distinct uid),day(visit_date) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' group by day(visit_date) limit 10;
create table day_count as select count(*),day(visit_date) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' group by day(visit_date);
create table day_uid as select count(distinct uid),day(visit_date) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' group by day(visit_date);
2.2.3 找到一天购买很多商品的用户
查询某一天在该网站的购买 4项以上商品的用户id
select * from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4'and visit_date='2014-12-12' limit 10;
select uid from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4'and visit_date='2014-12-12' group by uid limit 10;
select uid,count(*) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4'and visit_date='2014-12-12' group by uid limit 10;
select uid,count(*) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4'and visit_date='2014-12-12' group by uid having count(*)>4 limit 10;
select uid,count(*) from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4'and visit_date='2014-12-12' group by uid having count(behavior_type='4')>4 limit 10;
2.2.4 查询商品的购买数量和购买用户的数量,排序购买数量
查询出每个商品的购买次数 和购买人数
select * from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' limit 10;
select item_id,count(1) buy_number from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' group by item_id order by buy_number desc limit 10;
select item_id,count(distinct uid) user_number from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' group by item_id order by user_number desc limit 10;
select item_id,count(1) buy_number,count(distinct uid) user_number from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' group by item_id order by buy_number desc limit 10;
2.2.5 查询广东每日的商品购买率(购买量/浏览量)
select visit_date, count(*) browse_number from bigdata_user where province='广东' and behavior_type='1' group by visit_date order by browse_number desc ;
select visit_date, count(*) buy_number from bigdata_user where province='广东' and behavior_type='4' group by visit_date order by buy_number desc ;
create table browse_user as select visit_date, count(*) browse_number from bigdata_user where province='广东' and behavior_type='1' group by visit_date order by browse_number desc ;
create table buy_user as select visit_date, count(*) buy_number from bigdata_user where province='广东' and behavior_type='4' group by visit_date order by buy_number desc ;
select browse_user.visit_date, browse_number,buy_number,buy_number/browse_number buy_rate from browse_user left join buy_user on browse_user.visit_date=buy_user.visit_date;
select province,count(1) browse_number from bigdata_user where visit_date='2014-12-12' and behavior_type='1' group by province order by browse_number desc;
select province,count(1) buy_number from bigdata_user where visit_date='2014-12-12' and behavior_type='4' group by province order by buy_number desc;
select a.province,a.browse_number,b.buy_number,两个相除 from (表格a) a
left join (表格b) b on a.province=b.province;
select a.province,a.browse_number,b.buy_number,b.buy_number/a.browse_number rate from ( select province,count(1) browse_number from bigdata_user where visit_date='2014-12-12' and behavior_type='1' group by province order by browse_number desc) a left join ( select province,count(1) buy_number from bigdata_user where visit_date='2014-12-12' and behavior_type='4' group by province order by buy_number desc ) b on a.province=b.province;
select count(*) users from bigdata_user where visit_date='2014-12-12' and behavior_type='1';
select count(*) user_number from bigdata_user where visit_date='2014-12-12' and behavior_type='1' and uid=10001082;
select '10001082' uid,a.users,b.user_number,b.user_number/a.users rate from ( select count(*) users from bigdata_user where visit_date='2014-12-12' and behavior_type='1' ) a ,( select count(*) user_number from bigdata_user where visit_date='2014-12-12' and behavior_type='1' and uid=10001082 ) b;
select item_id,count(1) collect from bigdata_user where behavior_type='2' group by item_id order by collect desc limit 20 ;
select province,count(behavior_type) count from bigdata_user where behavior_type='1' group by province;
create table browse_count as select province,count(behavior_type) count from bigdata_user where behavior_type='1' group by province;
select * from browse_count;
select item_id,count(behavior_type) cart_number from bigdata_user where behavior_type='3' group by item_id order by cart_number desc limit 20;
select uid,count(1) br from bigdata_user where behavior_type='1' group by uid;
select uid,count(1) bn from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' group by uid ;
select a.uid,a.br,b.bn,b.bn/a.br rate from ( select uid,count(1) br from bigdata_user where behavior_type='1' group by uid ) a left join (select uid,count(1) bn from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' group by uid ) b on a.uid=b.uid order by rate desc limit 20;
//如果要保存表,前面加上create table user_buy_rate as ..
create table user_buy_rate as 加上最后一个语句
3.1 Hive数据分析结果(如用户购买与浏览比例),从Hive传输到MySQL中
1 在Hive中准备好数据表
use dblab;
create table if not exists user_buy_rate row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' as select a.uid,a.br,b.bn,b.bn/a.br rate from ( select uid,count(1) br from bigdata_user where behavior_type='1' group by uid ) a left join (select uid,count(1) bn from bigdata_user where behavior_type='4' group by uid ) b on a.uid=b.uid order by rate desc ;
2 mysql准备
show databases;
create database if not exists dblab;
create table if not exists `user_buy_rate` (`uid` varchar(100), `br` bigint,`bn` bigint,`rate` double) engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET =utf8;
desc user_buy_rate;
3 sqoop进行传输
sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql:// --username root --password 123456 --table user_buy_rate --export-dir /user/hive/warehouse/dblab.db/user_buy_rate --input-fields-terminated-by '\t'
3.2 Hive数据分析结果(如用户购买与浏览比例),从MySQL传输到Hbase中
1 Hbase准备
hbase> create 'user_buy_rate', { NAME => 'f1', VERSIONS => 5}
2 Sqoop传输
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dblab --username root --password 123456 --table user_buy_rate --hbase-table table user_buy_rate --column-family f1 --hbase-row-key uid --hbase-create-table -m 1
3 Hbase查看
habse> scan 'user_buy_rate',{LIMIT=>10} #只查询前面10行