uT-Kernel 2.0 Specification

3.1.1     General Data Types

typedef   signed char           B;      /*   signed 8- bit integer */
typedef   signed short          H;      /*   signed 16 - bit integer */
typedef   signed long           W;      /*   signed 32 - bit integer */
typedef   signed long long      D;      /*   signed 64 - bit integer */
typedef   unsigned char        UB ;     /*   unsigned 8- bit integer */
typedef   unsigned short       UH ;     /*   unsigned 16 - bit integer */
typedef   unsigned long        UW ;     /*   unsigned 32 - bit integer */
typedef   unsigned long long   UD ;     /*   unsigned 64 - bit integer */

typedef   char                 VB ;     /*   8 - bit data without an intended type */
typedef   short                VH ;     /*   16 - bit data without an intended type */
typedef   long                 VW ;     /*   32 - bit data without an intended type */
typedef   long long            VD ;     /*   64 - bit data without an intended type */
typedef   void                 * VP ;   /*   pointer to data without an intended type */

typedef   volatile    B        _B ;     /* volatile declaration */
typedef   volatile    H        _H ;
typedef   volatile    W        _W ;
typedef   volatile    D        _D ;
typedef   volatile    UB       _UB ;
typedef   volatile    UH       _UH ;
typedef   volatile    UW       _UW ;
typedef   volatile    UD       _UD ;

typedef signed int             INT ;    /* signed integer of processor bit width */
typedef unsigned int           UINT ;   /* unsigned integer of processor bit width */

typedef INT                    SZ ;     /* Generic SiZe */

typedef INT                    ID ;     /* general ID */
typedef W                      MSEC ;   /* general time ( in milliseconds ) */

typedef void               (* FP ) () ;    /* general function address */
typedef INT                (* FUNCP ) () ; /* general function address */

# define LOCAL             static       /* local symbol definition */
# define EXPORT                         /* global symbol definition */
# define IMPORT            extern       /* global symbol reference */

  * Boolean values
  *      TRUE = 1 is defined , but any value other than 0 is logically TRUE .
  *      Do NOT use as in if ( bool == TRUE )
  *      use as in if ( bool )
typedef UINT             BOOL ;
# define TRUE            1            /* true */
# define FALSE           0            /* false */

  * TRON character codes
typedef UH               TC ;           /* TRON character codes */
# define TNULL           (( TC ) 0)     /* TRON code string termination */

3.1.2     Other Defined Data Types

typedef INT                 FN ;               /*   Function Codes */
typedef INT                 RNO ;              /*   rendezvous number */
typedef UW                  ATR ;              /*   Object / handler attributes */
typedef INT                 ER ;               /*   Error Code */
typedef INT                 PRI ;              /*   Priority */
typedef W                   TMO ;              /*   Timeout specification in milliseconds */
typedef D                   TMO_U ;            /*   Timeout specification in microseconds with 64 - ←
    bit integer */
typedef UW                  RELTIM ;           /* Relative time in milliseconds */
typedef UD                  RELTIM_U ;         /* Relative time in microseconds with 64 - bit          ←
    integer */

typedef struct systim {                        /* System time in milliseconds */
         W      hi ;                           /* High 32 bits */
         UW     lo ;                           /* Low 32 bits */

typedef D                   SYSTIM_U ;         /* System time in microseconds with 64 - bit integer           ←

  * Common constants
# define NULL               0                  /*   Null pointer */
# define TA_NULL            0                  /*   No special attributes indicated */
# define TMO_POL            0                  /*   Polling */
# define TMO_FEVR           ( -1)              /*   Eternal wait */