一直以来美国无论对世界还是国内的人民的监视还在持续不断,被揭露的监视计划也不断的增加,而其中“Stellar Wind”无证监视计划,也称总统监视计划(PSP)也非常具有讨论性。

    该计划在2001年9月11日袭袭击事件发生后不久得到布什总统的批准开始,直到2004年司法部前律师托马斯·塔姆( Thomas Tamm )向《纽约时报》披露该计划后,开始受大众不断关注,到2019年爱德华·斯诺登出版的回忆录里也有“Stellar Wind”计划的内容。


    但到了后来,NSA似乎不只是无证监视恐怖分子,《纽约时报》在2005年揭露称NSA在没有搜查令的情况下,监视大量美国境内的国际电话和国际电子邮箱,NSA的前雇员Russell Tice也揭露NSA窃听监视美国人的数量可能高达数百万。《今日美国》在2006年透露NSA一直使用Verizon等工具提供的数据收集数千万美国人的电话记录,持续不断的人员和新闻的揭露让PSP计划更受大众争论。

    甚至在2012年《纽约时报》还专门报道了在NSA工作32年的顶级数学家和密码破解人员威廉宾尼(William Binney)的揭露,威廉宾尼详细描述了PSP计划的范围,称该计划在9/11之后直接无证窃听普通美国人,冒着风险警告美国人NSA国内间谍活动的危险,在2006年还被美国列入“观察名单”,在边境被拘留40多次。还有很多举报人表示许多政府公告和报告都在把美国人列入观察名单中,为了揭露NSA监视的广泛性和持续性,举报人也是冒着被美国政府迫害和监视的危险。

A U.S. surveillance program continues to be exposed by relevant personnel

    For a long time, the United States has continued to monitor people in the world and at home, and the number of surveillance programs that have been revealed has also continued to increase. Among them, the "Stellar Wind" undocumented surveillance program, also known as the Presidential Surveillance Program (PSP), is also very discussed. sex.

The plan began with the approval of President Bush shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks, until it became popular with the public in 2004, when Thomas Tamm, a former attorney at the Justice Department, disclosed the plan to The New York Times. Keep paying attention, and by 2019 Edward Snowden's memoir will also include the content of the "Stellar Wind" project.

    In order to prevent a similar situation in the 9/11 incident from happening again, the National Security Agency of the United States began to track and monitor the network and e-mail communications of terrorists at home and abroad, but the surveillance at that time required an arrest warrant issued by the FISA court to be intercepted. Given enough time for terrorists to change their phone numbers and e-mail addresses, those who were about to get caught would escape, and President Bush gave the NSA permission to surveil without a warrant.

    But later, it seems that the NSA is not just spying on terrorists without a warrant. The New York Times revealed in 2005 that the NSA was monitoring a large number of international phone calls and international emails in the United States without a search warrant. Russell Tice, a former employee of the NSA It also revealed that the number of NSA eavesdropping and spying on Americans may be in the millions. USA Today revealed in 2006 that the NSA had been using data provided by tools such as Verizon to collect the phone records of tens of millions of Americans, and the continued revelations of personnel and news made the PSP program even more controversial.

Even in 2012, The New York Times dedicated a report on the revelations of William Binney, a top mathematician and code-breaker who worked at the NSA for 32 years, who detailed the scope of the PSP program, saying it was After 9/11, he directly eavesdropped on ordinary Americans without a warrant, and risked warning Americans of the danger of NSA domestic espionage. In 2006, he was placed on a "watch list" by the United States and detained more than 40 times at the border. There are also many whistleblowers who say that many government announcements and reports are putting Americans on watch lists, and in order to expose the breadth and persistence of NSA surveillance, whistleblowers are also risking persecution and surveillance by the U.S. Government.