
第五章第四十五题(统计:计算平均值和标准方差)(Statistics: compute mean and standard deviation)_方差

第五章第四十五题(统计:计算平均值和标准方差)(Statistics: compute mean and standard deviation)_java_02


Enter 10 numbers: 1 2 3 4.5 5.6 6 7 8 9 10

The mean is 5.61

The standard deviation is 2.99794


**5.45(Statistics: compute mean and standard deviation)In business applications, you are often asked to compute the mean and standard deviation of data. The mean is simply the average of the numbers. The standard deviation is a statistic that tells you how tightly all the various data are clustered around the mean in a set of data. For example, what is the average age of the students in a class? How close are the ages? If all the students are the same age, the deviation is 0. Write a program that prompts the user to enter 10 numbers and displays the mean and standard deviations of these numbers using the following formula:

第五章第四十五题(统计:计算平均值和标准方差)(Statistics: compute mean and standard deviation)_方差

第五章第四十五题(统计:计算平均值和标准方差)(Statistics: compute mean and standard deviation)_java_02

Here is a sample run:


Enter 10 numbers: 1 2 3 4.5 5.6 6 7 8 9 10

The mean is 5.61

The standard deviation is 2.99794



import java.util.*;

public class ComputeMeanAndStandardDeviationQuestion45 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double sumOfSquares, sum, tempNumber, averageOfSum, deviation;

sum = sumOfSquares = 0;

Scanner inputScanner = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter 10 numbers: ");
for(int i = 1;i <= 10;i++)
tempNumber = inputScanner.nextDouble();
sumOfSquares += tempNumber * tempNumber;
sum += tempNumber;
averageOfSum = sum / 10;
deviation = Math.sqrt((sumOfSquares - (sum * sum / 10)) / 9);

System.out.printf("The mean is %.2f\n", averageOfSum);
System.out.printf("The standard deviation is %.5f", deviation);



第五章第四十五题(统计:计算平均值和标准方差)(Statistics: compute mean and standard deviation)_方差_05

