
  • ​​前言​​
  • ​​专业名词​​
  • ​​笔记​​
  • ​​Recurrent Graphneural networks 递归图神经网络​​
  • ​​Convolutional graph neural networks 卷积图神经网络(ConvGNNs)​​
  • ​​Spectral-based ConvGNNs 基于光谱的ConvGNS​​
  • ​​Spatial-based ConvGNNs 基于空间的convgns​​
  • ​​Comparison between spectral and spatial models 光谱模型和空间模型的比较​​
  • ​​Graph Pooling Modules 图池模块​​
  • ​​VC dimension VC维度​​
  • ​​Graph isomorphism 图同构​​
  • ​​Equivariance and invariance 等变与不变性​​
  • ​​Universal approximation 万能近似​​
  • ​​结语​​

【综述】A Comprehensive Survey on Graph NeuralNetworks(2)_总结


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  • directed acyclic graph 有向无环图


Recurrent Graphneural networks 递归图神经网络

Recurrent graph neural networks (RecGNNs) are mostly pi-oneer works of GNNs. They apply the same set of parametersrecurrently over nodes in a graph to extract high-level noderepresentations. Constrained by computational power, earlierresearch mainly focused on directed acyclic graphs [13], [80].

递归图神经网络(Recurrent graph neural networks,RECGNN)是GNN的重要组成部分。它们在图中的节点上应用相同的参数集来提取高级节点表示。受计算能力的限制,早期的研究主要集中在有向无环图[13],[80]。

Graph Neural Network (GNN2) proposed by Scarselli etal. extends prior recurrent models to handle general types ofgraphs, e.g., acyclic, cyclic, directed, and undirected graphs[15]. Based on an information diffusion mechanism, GNNupdates nodes’ states by exchanging neighborhood informationrecurrently until a stable equilibrium is reached.


Gated Graph Neural Network (GGNN) [17] employs a gatedrecurrent unit (GRU) [81] as a recurrent function, reducing therecurrence to a fixed number of steps. The advantage is that itno longer needs to constrain parameters to ensure convergence


A node hidden state is updated by its previous hidden statesand its neighboring hidden states, defined a


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Different from GNN* and GraphESN,GGNN uses the back-propagation through time (BPTT) algo-rithm to learn the model parameters. This can be problematicfor large graphs, as GGNN needs to run the recurrent functionmultiple times over all nodes, requiring the intermediate statesof all nodes to be stored in memory


Stochastic Steady-state Embedding (SSE) proposes a learn-ing algorithm that is more scalable to large graphs [18]. SSEupdates node hidden states recurrently in a stochastic andasynchronous fashion. It alternatively samples a batch of nodesfor state update and a batch of nodes for gradient computation.To maintain stability, the recurrent function of SSE is definedas a weighted average of the historical states and new states,which takes the form


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Convolutional graph neural networks 卷积图神经网络(ConvGNNs)

Instead of iterating node states with contractive constraints, ConvGNNsaddress the cyclic mutual dependencies architecturally using afixed number of layers with different weights in each layer


RecGNNs v.s. ConvGNNs

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  • RECGNS在更新节点表示时使用同样的图递归层(Grec)
  • ConvGNS在更新节点表示时使用不同的图卷积层(Gconv)

ConvGNNs fallinto two categories, spectral-based and spatial-based.


Spectral-based ConvGNNs 基于光谱的ConvGNS

Spectral CNN facesthree limitations. First, any perturbation to a graph results ina change of eigenbasis. Second, the learned filters are domaindependent, meaning they cannot be applied to a graph with adifferent structure. Third, eigen-decomposition requiresO(n3)computational complexity. In follow-up works, ChebNet [21]and GCN [22] reduce the computational complexity toO(m)by making several approximations and simplifications


  • 首先,对图的任何扰动都会导致特征基的变化。
  • 其次,学习到的过滤器依赖于域,这意味着它们不能应用于具有不同结构的图。
  • 第三,特征分解需要计算复杂度。


Spatial-based ConvGNNs 基于空间的convgns

Analogous to the convolutional operation of a conventionalCNN on an image, spatial-based methods define graph convo-lutions based on a node’s spatial relations.


The spatial graph convolutional operationessentially propagates node information along edges


Comparison between spectral and spatial models 光谱模型和空间模型的比较

spatial modelsare preferred over spectral models due to efficiency, generality,and flexibility issues.


First, spectral models are less efficientthan spatial models. Spectral models either need to performeigenvector computation or handle the whole graph at thesame time. Spatial models are more scalable to large graphsas they directly perform convolutions in the graph domain viainformation propagation.


  • 光谱模型要么需要进行矢量计算,要么同时处理整个图形。
  • 空间模型更适合于大型图形,因为它们通过信息传播直接在图形域中执行卷积。

Second, spectral models which rely on a graph Fourier basis generalize poorly to new graphs. They assume a fixed graph. Any perturbationsto a graph would result in a change of eigenbasis. Spatial-based models, on the other hand, perform graph convolutionslocally on each node where weights can be easily shared acrossdifferent locations and structures.


Third, spectral-based modelsare limited to operate on undirected graphs. Spatial-basedmodels are more flexible to handle multi-source graph inputssuch as edge inputs [15], [27], [86], [95], [96], directed graphs[25], [72], signed graphs [97], and heterogeneous graphs [98],[99], because these graph inputs can be incorporated into theaggregation function easily


Graph Pooling Modules 图池模块

After a GNN generates node features, we can use themfor the final task. But using all these features directly can becomputationally challenging, thus, a down-sampling strategyis needed. Depending on the objective and the role it playsin the network, different names are given to this strategy: (1)the pooling operation aims to reduce the size of parametersby down-sampling the nodes to generate smaller representa-tions and thus avoid overfitting, permutation invariance, andcomputational complexity issues; (2) the readout operation ismainly used to generate graph-level representation based onnode representations.



  • (1)池操作旨在通过对节点进行下采样来减少参数的大小,从而生成更小的表示,从而避免过度拟合、排列不变性,以及计算复杂性问题;
  • (2) 读出操作主要用于基于节点表示生成图形级表示。


VC dimension VC维度

The VC dimension is a measure of modelcomplexity defined as the largest number of points that canbe shattered by a model.


Graph isomorphism 图同构

Two graphs are isomorphic if they aretopologically identical


Equivariance and invariance 等变与不变性

A GNN must be an equivariantfunction when performing node-level tasks and must be aninvariant function when performing graph-level tasks


  • 执行节点级任务时必须是一个等变量函数
  • 执行图形级任务时必须是一个变量函数

In order to achieveequivariance or invariance, components of a GNN must beinvariant to node orderings. Maron et al.


Universal approximation 万能近似

It is well known that multi-perceptron feedforward neural networks with one hidden layercan approximate any Borel measurable functions [105]



参考:《A Comprehensive Survey on Graph NeuralNetworks》




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