文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)

The World in 2022: why this will be the year of the worker


Lockdowns hit workers hard. In the pandemic’s first year, working hours declined globally by 9%. Some analysts worry that labourers will struggle to secure jobs or find themselves replaced by robots. Yet labour markets have recovered faster than expected, and three factors give further cause for optimism.

The first is the rise of working from home, boosting both happiness and productivity. Second, fears over automation may be exaggerated. Analysis by The Economist shows that jobs supposedly vulnerable to mechanisation are growing as quickly as other sorts. Finally, policymakers have prioritised reducing unemployment ahead of other recovery goals, such as cutting public debt. Workers now have more bargaining power than they have had in years, and employers are finding unattractive jobs hard to fill. After a decade in which bosses mostly had the upper hand, workers will look to ensure that 2022 is their year.

The World in 2022: why this will be the year of the worker


Lockdowns hit workers hard. In the pandemic’s first year, working hours declined globally by 9%. Some analysts worry that labourers will struggle to secure jobs or find themselves replaced by robots. Yet labour markets have recovered faster than expected, and three factors give further cause for optimism.


pandemic 流行病 ;  大流行病 ;  大流行的 ;  普遍的,全世界的 

declined 减少 ;  下降 ;  衰弱 ;  衰退 ;  谢绝 ;  婉言拒绝 ;  变格,使发生词形变化 ;  decline的过去分词和过去式 

globally 全球地 

labourers 体力劳动者,劳工,工人 ;  labourer的复数 

robots 机器人 ;  交通信号灯 ;  robot的复数 

labour markets 劳动力市场 ;  labour market的复数 

recovered 恢复健康 ;  康复 ;  痊愈 ;  复原 ;  恢复常态 ;  全额收回 ;  追回 ;  recover的过去分词和过去式 

optimism 乐观主义 ;  乐观

The first is the rise of working from home, boosting both happiness and productivity. Second, fears over automation may be exaggerated. Analysis by The Economist shows that jobs supposedly vulnerable to mechanisation are growing as quickly as other sorts. Finally, policymakers have prioritised reducing unemployment ahead of other recovery goals, such as cutting public debt. Workers now have more bargaining power than they have had in years, and employers are finding unattractive jobs hard to fill. After a decade in which bosses mostly had the upper hand, workers will look to ensure that 2022 is their year.


boosting 使增长 ;  使兴旺 ;  偷窃 ;  提高;促进;推动;升 ;  boost的现在分词 

fears 害怕 ;  畏惧 ;  惧怕 ;  担心 ;  担忧 ;  恐怕 ;  fear的第三人称单数

exaggerated 夸张的 ;  夸大的 ;  言过其实的 ;  故作姿态的 ;  矫揉造作的 ;  夸张 ;  夸大 ;  言过其实 ;  exaggerate的过去分词和过去式 

supposedly 据推测 ;  据说 ;  据信 ;  据传 

vulnerable 脆弱的 ;  易受…伤害的 

mechanisation 机械化;机理 

sorts 种类 ;  类别 ;  品种 ;  某一种人 ;  分类 ;  排序 ;  整理 ;  把…分类 ;  妥善处理 ;  安排妥当 ;  sort的第三人称单数和复数

ahead of 在…前面 ;  早于 ;  领先 

such as 例如 ;  像 ;  象…这样 ;  诸如…之类 

public debt 公债,国家债务 

bargaining power 讨价还价的能力 

they have 他们有 ;  他们刚点了吃的 ;  他们在家吃早餐 

unattractive 不吸引人的 ;  难看的 ;  不悦目的 ;  不漂亮的 ;  不好的 ;  无趣的 ;  令人反感的 

look to 寄望 ;  指望 ;  依靠 ;  考虑 ;  预想 ;  展望








今天的经济学人全英文早报请看 ->> “The Economist Espresso 20211230” 。